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Bridgewater College Teacher Education Program Lesson Plan

Name: Sammantha Hall

Subject/Grade Lesson Title: Food Webs/ Unit: Living Systems Date or Lesson #: 4/25/17
Level: Science/ 4th Food Chains (Tuesday)

Virginia SOL/National Standard:

4.5 The student will investigate and understand how plants and animals, including humans, in an
ecosystem interact with one another and with the nonliving components in the ecosystem. Key
concepts include
a) plant and animal adaptations;
b) organization of populations, communities, and ecosystems and how they interrelate;
c) flow of energy through food webs;
d) habitats and niches;
e) changes in an organisms niche at various stages in its life cycle; and
f) influences of human activity on ecosystems.

Students will illustrate the food webs in a local area.

Measurable Lesson Objective(s): SWBAT investigate the flow of energy through food webs in an ecosystem.

Materials/Technologies/Resources Needed:
1. Food Chain video- BrainPop Jr.
2. Food Chain Note Page- one per student
3. The Food Chain worksheet- one per student
4. One pencil per student
5. Food Chain Cup Activity

Assessment (Formative and/or Summative): Students will correctly order food chains to demonstrate an
understanding of the flow of energy through food webs.

Anticipatory Set (Hook & Agenda): Today we are going to learn about what animals eat and the flow of
energy that it creates. Can anyone tell me what a lion might eat? And what might the zebra eat? And what
does the grass need to live?

Teacher will: Let students Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

answer each question. Share their ideas. Time:
2 minutes

Access /Review Prior Knowledge: Who can tell me what plant eaters are called? Plant and meat eaters?
Meat eaters?

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Let students answer each Share ideas. Time: 2
question. minutes
Teaching Process & Modeling (Content is presented, accessed or built)
Guided Practice & Checking for Understanding
Independent Practice

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Teaching Process and Teaching Process and Time:
Modeling: Modeling:
1. Watch BrainPop Jr. 1. Watch video.
video all the way 2. Re-watch video.
through. Complete notes 40 minutes
2. Watch again. Stop along with
and complete notes. teacher.
Guided Practice Guided Practice
1. Complete The Food 1. Complete
Chain worksheet. worksheet along
with teacher.

Closure: In just a minute I am going to give each table group a set of cups. You must order your cups to
complete your food chain. Your carnivore will be at the top, and your sun at the bottom. When you think that
you have them in the correct order raise your hand. Once everyone has solved theirs, we will pass them.

Teacher will: Pass out Students will: Work with Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated
cups. Lets students solve table group to correctly Time:
them. When each group order each food chain. 15 minutes
has finished, pass them.
Let students solve all 5 if
there is time.

Declarative Summary Statement: Today we learned how to investigate the flow of energy through food webs
in an ecosystem.

Activity If Extra Time Remains or Technology Fails:

Teacher will: Students will: Accommodations/Differentiation: Anticipated

Verbally go over material. Listen. Time:
Same amount
Give students more time to Complete Cup Activity. of time
complete Food Chain Cup

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