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Unusual presentations of child abuse:


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Areport of two cases and the role of imaging

Olubukola Titilayo Abeni Omidiji, Omolola Mojisola Atalabi1,
Ogbeide Ejeordamen Evbuomwan2, Francis Ikechukwu Okwuegbuna3, Olugbenga Oluseyi4

This has largely led to the underreporting of such cases;

making its radiologic features and diagnosis in this
Insufficient attention has been paid to child abuse in environment very challenging.
Nigeria, where corporal punishment is still acceptable
both at home and in the wider public including schools. Common clinical manifestations are diverse and
This is not limited to the parents; these punitive
consist of skeletal, nonskeletal(skin and visceral),
measures can also be undertaken by the extended
family, caregivers, and neighbors. Mild to extreme and head trauma. Skeletal trauma involves fractures
force is allowed particularly when the crime involves of the skull, long bones, and ribs with the classic
tarnishing the family image. We hereby report two metaphyseal lesions; nonskeletal trauma includes
cases of extreme discipline that can be termed as a burns, bruises, and organ lacerations; head trauma
form of child abuse to draw the attention of clinicians includes scalp lacerations, retinal, and intracranial
and radiologists to other possible findings aside from
those already reported in literature.

Key words: Child abuse, computed tomography, We hereby report two cases of extreme discipline
foreign body abscess, intrapulmonary aberrant that can be termed as a form of child abuse to draw
needles, ultrasound the attention of clinicians and radiologists to other
possible findings aside from those already reported
in literature.


Insufficient attention has been paid to child abuse in Case 1

Nigeria,[1] where corporal punishment is still acceptable A 9yearold boy presented at the surgical outpatient
both at home and in the wider public including schools. clinic with a 3month history of progressive right
This is not limited to the parents; these punitive forearm swelling. The swelling was initially painful but
measures can also be undertaken by the extended resolved on recurrent massage with antiinflammatory
family, caregivers, and neighbors. Mild to extreme topical ointment by the mother. There was no change
force is allowed particularly when the crime involves in coloration of overlying skin and no limitation of
tarnishing the family image. movement. There was an antecedent history of mother
hitting the child with a bunch of broomsticks because
Its incidence has been on the rise with both parents he had been very stubborn.
working and leaving their children with caregivers.[1]

Department of Radiation Biology, Radiotherapy, Radiodiagnosis and This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Radiography, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike 3.0
Lagos University Teaching Hospital, 2Department of Radiology, License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
Foremost Diagnostic Centre, 3Department of Radiology, work noncommercially, as long as the author is credited and the
Reddington Hospital, 4Department of Surgery, Lagos University new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Teaching Hospital, Lagos, 1Department of Radiodiagnosis,
University College Hospital, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria For reprints contact:
Address for correspondence:
Dr.Olubukola Titilayo Abeni Omidiji, Department of Radiation Biology,
Cite this article as: Omidiji OT, Atalabi OM, Evbuomwan OE, OkwuegbunaFI,
Radiotherapy, Radiodiagnosis and Radiography, College of Medicine
Oluseyi O. Unusual presentations of child abuse: A report of two cases and
University of Lagos, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria.
the role of imaging. Afr J Paediatr Surg 2016;13:213-6.

2016 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 213
Omidiji, etal.: Unusual presentations of child abuse: A report of two cases and the role of imaging

On examination, he was a healthy looking child, not the needle after a chest radiograph showed the needle
pale, anicteric, acyanosed, and not in respiratory in the subcutaneous region. She was subsequently
distress. Essential findings were in the musculoskeletal referred to the hospital after attempts made at removing
system. Afluctuant swelling was palpated in the the needle proved abortive.
middlethird of the right forearm, ulnar region. The
swelling was nontender, not warm to touch, and The pain was exacerbated by lying on the affected side.
not attached to underlying structures. There was no There was no history of cough, hemoptysis, and fever or
discoloration of the overlying skin. An initial diagnosis dyspnea at rest or during exertion; there was no bleeding
of a lipoma was made[Figure1a]. at the site of the trauma.

Radiograph of the right forearm showed softtissue On examination, she was not pale, anicteric, cyanosed,
swelling with no calcifications insitu[Figure1b]. and no respiratory distress. Scarification marks were
however noted over the body, more pronounced in the
Ultrasound of the swelling showed a cystic mass with trunk. Normal weight and height for age were seen.
linear echogenic structures within on the longitudinal
scans which were seen endon on transverse images Essential findings were in the musculoskeletal system.
with mild posterior acoustic shadowing. The cyst had There was a thin plaster over the right paravertebral
internal echoes insitu. There was marked vascularity region. Mild swelling was seen at the site, with an
at the base of the lesion[Figure2ac]. incision marks over the swelling. The site was mildly
tender with no differential warmth or pointing sign.
An excision of the abscess with the evacuation of the
broomsticks was subsequently carried out[Figure2d]. Chest radiograph revealed a sharp linear metallic
The procedure was well tolerated. Both parents were density structure(the needle) in the chest at the level
counseled against corporal punitive measures on their of the 9thposterior rib extending from the subcutaneous
children. tissues into the adjacent lung[Figure3a and b].

Case 2 Softtissue ultrasound of the affected region was

A 9yearold female pupil referred from a primary essentially normal. No foreign body was seen within
healthcare center on account of back pain and swelling the soft tissues.
of 9days duration. The patient was beaten with a broom
on the back by her older female cousin as a punishment Chest computed tomography also demonstrated the
for an offense. The broom purportedly swiped a metallic linear metallic density structure in the right chest within
object(needle) from the hand of another person the lung fields, with no hydropneumothorax or reactive
standing nearby and drove it into the patients back. pneumonia. Mild pleural thickening was however noted
This was suspected as the metal was nowhere to be
found and patient began complaining of excruciating a b
pain at the affected site. Attempts were made to remove

c d

Figure2:(a) Softtissue ultrasound of the left forearm a longitudinal image

showing spindleshaped echogenic foreign bodies within a welldefined
a b hypoechoic collection.(b) Softtissue ultrasound in transverse plane
Figure1:(a) Photograph of the first childs right forearm showing softtissue shows two foci, seen end on within the hypoechoic collection.(c) Color
swelling in the distal third.(b) Plain radiographs of the forearm. Softtissue Doppler ultrasound of the mass demonstrates the foreign body abscess
swelling is noted adjacent the left ulnar with no calcifications insitu with vascularity at its base.(d) The foreign bodies after excision

214 October-December 2016 / Vol 13 / Issue 4 African Journal of Paediatric Surgery

Omidiji, etal.: Unusual presentations of child abuse: A report of two cases and the role of imaging

at the site. The needle had been displaced further into tissues, causing severe harm. Severe ocular injuries
the lung fields[Figure4]. have been reported in cases of brooms being used
as missiles most frequently in children, resulting in
Since the patient was asymptomatic at the time of blindness.[4]
presentation(no pneumothorax or pleural effusion), the
surgeons hence decided to practice watchful waiting. Skin injuries commonly documented in literature are
Both parents were advised of the need for videoassisted bruises in multiple stages of healing, often in the softer
thoracoscopic surgery. She is presently being followed regions of the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, cheeks, neck,
up at the clinic. and anogenital regions; thermal burns from cigarettes
or heated metal objects and scalding water; bites from
DISCUSSION humans or animals and binding injuries.[5] The injuries
noted in the first case was more of a penetrating type
Child abuse or maltreatment is any act, or failure to because of the assault instrument, resulting in foreign
act, by a parent or other caregiver that results in actual body abscess in the first patient.
or potential harm to a child. It includes all forms of
physical, sexual, and psychological abuse or neglect Visceral injuries are mostly abdominal and constitute
and can occur in a childs home or in the organizations, 2%10% of all abdominal injuries; most common
schools, or communities the child interacts with. are liver and pancreatic lacerations with adrenal
and duodenal hematoma.[6] Chest findings include
Physical abuse is a very difficult diagnosis to consider, pulmonary opacities due to lung contusions with rib
especially in an environment where it is encouraged fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, and rarely
as a punitive measure, leading to the underreporting of vascular injuries.[7] Penetrating lung injury was seen in
such cases.[3] It is a lifethreatening condition resulting the second case resulting in metallic lung impalement
in skeletal, head soft tissue, and skin injuries. The skin or intrapulmonary aberrant needles. Intrapulmonary
injuries are often overlooked because of dark skin color. aberrant needles are very rare in clinical practice
They tend to heal with time and most often do not with its most common cause being the intrathoracic
present to the hospital unless there are complications migration of pins and wires used in the treatment
arising from it, such as in the index cases. The items of upper extremity fractures and dislocations.
used for abusing the children are usually canes, belts, Areported case was due to selfinsertion. [8] There
cables, wires, or whatever may be available in the were no complications from the needle insertion(no
vicinity at the time of the offense. pneumothorax, reactive pneumonia, or effusion) and so
patient is being managed conservatively with followup
A broom is a cleaning tool usually made of stiff fibers at the cardiothoracic surgery clinic until the parents
from various natural and manmade materials. In can get enough funds for videoassisted thoracoscopic
Nigeria, brooms are often made from palm fronds and surgery.[8]
bamboo and are common household items. Due to its
thin sharp tips, they often have the propensity to break
and become embedded in the skin and subcutaneous

a b

c d
Figure4:(a) Axial chest computed tomography, mediastinal window
demonstrates the linear metallic density structure embedded within the right
lung base.(b) Axial chest computed tomography lung window demonstrates
the linear metallic density structure embedded within the right lung base
a b with the entry track shown is noted within the right posterolateral chest
Figure3:(a) Frontal chest radiograph shows a linear metallic opacity wall.(c and d) Axial chest computed tomography mediastinal and lung
overlying the right lung base.(b) Lateral chest radiograph shows the needle windows demonstrate the linear metallic density structure embedded
embedded deep in the soft tissue posteriorly within the right lung base

African Journal of Paediatric Surgery October-December 2016 / Vol 13 / Issue 4 215

Omidiji, etal.: Unusual presentations of child abuse: A report of two cases and the role of imaging

Skeletal injuries are often fractures of the long bones and Financial support and sponsorship
are quite common with the prevalence of 11%55% in Nil.
children presenting with nonaccidental injuries, although
a study in South Africa documented skull fractures as Conflicts of interest
being the most common in their setting.[3] Other fracture There are no conflicts of interest.
types include rib fractures and metaphyseal corner
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