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Peer Evaluation Form

Name: Class: Date:

Write the names of your group members in the numbered boxes. Then, assign yourself a value
for each listed attribute. Finally, do the same for each of your group members and total all of the
values. (Your Peer Evaluation Grade will be the average/mean of all of your scores; both the
score you assigned yourself and your peer evaluation scores)

Values: 5=Superior 4=Above Average 3=Average 2=Below Average 1=Weak

Attribute Myself 1. 2. 3.

Participated in the group's

discussion(s) both during class and
outside of class (include emails; text;
phone; in-person; in and outside of
class; observations, etc. ); was

Stayed on task; Helped keep the group

on task; completed work or their
assigned portion of work on time

Contributed useful ideas; and,

respectful of others ideas; was a
positive, contributing member of the

How much or amount of work

completed by self/peer

Quality of completed work; worked

carefully, following guidelines of
assignments and assigned portion of
group work


Additional Comments:

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