TPiBS Exam 2012 - Solutions

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Solutions to TPiBS exam 2012


Main features:
Skewed velocity profile with fast flow moving from the centre of the tube
towards the outside of the bend.
Secondary motion with a pair of counter-rotating vortices
(5 marks)
(i) For very low Womersley numbers (close to zero), the velocity profiles are
quasi-steady. As Womersley number increases, the velocity profiles
characterised by the annular effect (i.e. M and W shaped profiles) become
more prominent. For very high Womersley numbers, velocity profiles are
almost flat.
(ii) In pulsatile flow, the phase of velocity is behind the pressure gradient and
this phase lag varies with the radial position. Near the tube wall where the
inertia is low, the temporal variation of u is in phase with that of the p gradient,
but near the centre where inertia is high, the phase lag is obvious for large
Womersley parameter.
(5 marks)

1176 2 70
R 0.008 12.6
60 0.0035
(4 marks)
To create similar flow behaviour, the following need to be satisfied:
Model Re al
ReModel ReRe al

Model RModel Re al 1 Re al
Re al RRe al Model 2 Model
Re al
Re al
Model 0.25Re al

From the Reynolds number, we have

ReModel ReRe al
U Model DModel URe al DRe al

Model Re al
U Model D
Re al Model 2 0.25 0.5
URe al DModel Re al
QModel UModel 1 1
0.5 0.125
QRe al URe al DRe al 2 8

(11 marks)

Applying Darcys law in the inner layer:
u1 K1
Combined with the mass balance, we also have
d 2 p1
dx 2
Solution for p1 is
p1 a1x a2
Boundary condition is: p1=po at x=0. So that a2=po

p1 po a1x
u1 K1 K1a1
Applying Darcys law in the outer layer:
u2 K 2
Combined with the mass balance, we also have
d 2 p2
dx 2
Solution for p2 is
p2 a3 x a4
Boundary condition is: p2=0 at x=2h. So that a4=-2ha3
p2 a3 x 2ha3 a3 (2h x )
u2 K 2 K 2a3

At the interface, u1=u2, hence K1a1=K2a2, so a1=a3(K2/K1).

We also assume that at the interface p1=p2, so p1=po+a1h=p2=-a3h
So, a1+a3=- po/h
Solving the two equations containing a1 and a3, we have
(K1 K 2 )h
K 2 po
(K1 K 2 )h
K 2 po
p1 po x
(K1 K 2 )h
p2 (2h x )
(K1 K 2 )h

K1K 2 po
u1 u2 K1a1
(K1 K 2 )h
(25 marks)

Calculate the Peclet number first.
UL 2 108 0.5 103
Pe 0.0083
Dij 1.2 10 9

The Peclet number is low suggesting that the transport is dominated by

diffusion, so that convection can be neglected. The transport equation can be
simplified as (for steady state):
1 Ci
Dij r 0
r r r
1 d dCi
Or r 0
r dr dr
(5 marks)
The equation to be solved is
1 d dCi
r 0
r dr dr
After integration, we have
Ci A ln r B
Where A and B need to be determined by the boundary conditions, which are:
At r = Rb, Ci = Cb; at r = Ro, Ci = Co
Applying the above boundary conditions, we can obtain
Cb Co
lnRb / Ro
B Co A ln Ro
Co Cb
Ci Co lnr / Ro
lnRb / Ro
(12 marks)
Assumptions involved in the Krogh cylinder model include the following:
The capillaries are arranged in an ordered array that can be represented
by a central capillary surrounded by a cylinder of tissue.

Axial diffusion in blood and tissue is negligible (i.e. only radial diffusion
is considered).
Oxygen uptake in tissue is represented by zero-order kinetics, and the
uptake rate is uniform throughout the tissue.
Oxygen release in plasma occurs uniformly, and the discrete nature of
red blood cells is neglected.
The mass transfer resistance offered by the cell-free fluid layer and
endothelium is neglected.
(8 marks)
Flow separation may occur along the outer wall of branching vessels due to
local adverse pressure gradient as a result of changes in flow direction and
increased total area after branching.
Effects on shear stress: shear stress along the outer wall is low and changes
direction. Wall shear stress drops to zero at the separation point, it remains
negative until reattachment occurs where wall shear stress passes zero again
before rising gradually as the flow re-develops downstream of the bifurcation.
Shear stress on the inner wall (i.e. the divider side) is usually high owing to flow
being skewed towards this side.
(6 marks)
Essential information includes geometry and necessary boundary conditions as
listed below:
Inlet: instantaneous velocity profile or flow waveform
Outlet: flow division between the two branches
Wall: no-slip condition or prescribed wall motion
Laminar flow if the peak Reynolds number is less than 800. This is
usually satisfied under normal conditions. In patients with severe carotid
stenosis, local peak Reynolds number may exceed 800 in which case,
transition from laminar to turbulent flow may occur during part of the

Newtonian fluid. This is a reasonably and widely accepted assumption
for blood flow in large arteries since the shear rate is usually greater than
100 s-1.
Rigid wall. Accounting for wall compliance would require the set of
equations governing the deformation of arterial wall to be solved, which
need to be coupled with the Navier-Stokes equations governing the flow,
hence more computationally intensive. Moreover, the effect of wall
compliance on flow patterns in the carotid arteries is regarded as
(9 marks)

(c) Assuming there is no heat loss, the energy balance can be written as:
qcellNcellV m
Cp (Tout Tin )

So, the cooling water flow rate can be determined as

Cp (Tout Tin )
The heat balance can also be written as
qcellNcellV h(Tb Tw ater )A

In order to estimate the surface area of the heat exchanger, A, we need to

estimate the convective heat transfer coefficient h and the mean cooling
water temperature. The heat transfer coefficient can be calculated using a
suitable correlation based on the Re and Pr, whereas the mean cooling water
temperature can be estimated from the given Tin and Tout.
(10 marks)

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