Software Project Management Plan

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Community Healthcare Scheduling

Software Project Management Plan

Date : 26th April, 2017

Name Student ID

Amarpreet Singh 40013505

Gurvinder Singh 40012931

Ramanjit Dhillon 40010613

Maryam Eftekhari 27734069

Submitted to :
Chun Wang
Version History

Version Author Change Description Date Notes

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Project Summary ...................................................................................................................... 4
2. Project Organization......................................................................................................................... 5
3. Schedule/time management .............................................................................................................. 8
4. Risk Management Plan ..................................................................................................................... 8
5. Supporting process plans.................................................................................................................. 9
6. References .......................................................................................................................................... 9

1. Introduction
In this section, we will provide the background information for the project. It will include
the project deliverables, milestones, risk management, quality assurance plan and so on.
It basically explains the project management goals of the project like how to manage
different tasks during the project so as to complete work on time without any delays.

1.1 Project Summary

1.1.1 Purpose- The main purpose of this document is to ensure that all tasks are performed
well and on time. It will include the structure of all the tasks, like schedule along with
their milestones so as to ensure the delivery of the project when expected. It will also
include other aspects like software quality assurance, risk management, cost and
budget, etc.
In our project, spectrum healthcare agency which provides services to its
customers via its pool of caregivers wants to go online with a scheduling
algorithm that provides best service to the customers while maximizing the
revenue of the agency. We created a system, as required, that will take in account

the bundle of requests and assign them to specialist and the backup nurses.

Scope- The scope of this document is to provide a framework for the

software project management. It is an aspect that should be followed throughout the
project so as to meet the deadlines, starting with analysis and design and till the
time the project is delivered. Scope should not prohibit adding additional content
in the project rather it defines what is necessary to be included and in what form.

2. Project Organization

2.1 External Structure- The external structure of the project will explain how the system
looks and works in a way. It will just display the options like login, submit request,
etc. to the user as well as to the caregiver and doesnt concern about the internal
working of the system.

2.2 Internal Structure- The internal structure of the project will focus on the internal
working of the system. It will explain how the system will respond when a patient
submit a request, how a caregiver will check all the requests in bundles and select an
appropriate one, how a request is allocated to a nurse and so on. It is explained below
in the form of activity diagrams.

2.3 Roles and responsibilities-
Caregiver Caregivers are responsible for providing
nursing services and personal health care to
the patients in their preferred places based on
their health care request.

Agency Agency can login to the system, view all

available nurses and their availability
schedule, view all the requests and all request

Customers They can submit their request online by

mentioning the service they want and the

QA Specialist He is responsible for audits and ensure if the

quality of the system is good and meet the
requirements mentioned.

Software Engineer He is responsible in making the system

(architecture) and will implement the same.

Project Manager Project manager is responsible for making

project plan, use resources in an effective
way, take into account the budget and time
and keep an eye on the progress of the project.

3. Schedule/time management

4. Risk Management Plan

There can be a wide variety of risk involved in a software project. The effects of
risk can be anything from increase in production cost or development of poor quality
software product to not being able to meet the project deadlines. All these ill effects
will be taken care off by this section. SQA will constantly monitor the risk management to
ensure that the procedures provided by it are followed throughout the lifecycle to avoid risk.
For Spectrum Health Care, SQA specialist will review each of the potential risks
involved with the project and will take care of them though a structured approach such
which involves:
1. Identifying the risk
2. Reducing the impact of the risk
3. Reducing the probability or likelihood of the risk
4. Risk monitoring

5. Supporting process plans

5.1 Verification and validation plan- The purpose is to make a plan that validates and verifies
the entire systems development life cycle outputs and the final prototype. The goal of
verifying and validating is to check whether the software product meets the requirements of
the client and to ensure a minimal number of errors in the software.

5.2 User documentation plan- The purpose of this plan is to make an user aware about
the functionality and features of the system. It is made user friendly, using easy
understandable language so that any new user will be able to get an idea about the
working of the system.

5.3 Quality assurance plan- Software quality assurance plan will ensure that standards are
met throughout the lifecycle. It will provide procedures to manage deviations from the
plan and record those deviations in a common repository. Once the deviations are
recorded, necessary actions could be taken. This plan clarifies uniform and minimum
requirements for the software quality assurance activity to take place smoothly.

6. References
1) SRS document
2) SQAP document

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