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Sheet 2

For the following examples, design the control circuit using ladder diagram:

1- The induction motors of three compressors are started in each case with an automatic star delta switch.
The change-over of star on delta automatically occurs after 5 seconds. For the avoidance of possible
damages, if one of the contactors is defective, the contactors give a feedback about the actual switch
state. An overload relay protects the engine against thermal overloading.

2- For starting slip-ring induction motors 3 resistor groups in the rotor circuit are used. When the start
push button is pressed the main contactor Q 1 is energized, and then the three rotor resistors
contactors Q2 to Q4 are energized with a delay of 5 seconds between them in order to short-circuit
successively the suitable resistor groups R1 to R3. With activity of the stop button the engine is switched off

3- In a production line, boxes are carried to two manufacturing stations on a roll conveyor. After pressing
the start button S1, The control scheme allows 12 boxes to be distributed to station 1. Then the
distribution should be transferred to station 2 after a delay of 2s from counting the last box. Pressing the
stop button S0 stop both the conveyor and the cylinder.
4- In a great baker's the baking property on a conveyor belt is shown in fig. In a 3-figure 7-segment display
the speed should be indicated in cm / sec. The pulses from the encoder S2 are counted to determine the
speed value. A clock with the frequency 0.1 hertz and pulse break ratio 1:1 gives the time basis. During
the pulse time of the cycle generator the rotary impulses are counted. The counted impulses are
indicated after the end of the counting in each case in a BCD format. One pulse is corresponding to 0.1
cm. Thus if the number of pulses is 150 then the speed should be:

The counting process is started and the display is activated after activating the start selector S1.

5- It is required to check whether the speed lies in a certain range. If this is the case, the green registration
lamp H1 is on. If the speed lies beyond the range, the red registration lamp H2 is on. If the speed to more
than three successive measuring periods remains beyond the range, an alarm siren AL is activated, in
addition. This can be deleted only by the QUIT input. For the speed measurement, impulses from an
inductive proximity switch S1 are counted. One rotation generates an impulse. The measurement is
controlled with a cycle generator. The cycle generator delivers six seconds a "1" signal and one second a
"0" signal. During the "1" signal the measurement is accomplished. The speed of the tape is right if the
number of the impulses within the measuring time (6s) lies between 50 and 60.
6- The workpiece is inserted by hand and is recognized by sensor S2. The process starts with pressing button
S1. First the workpiece is pressed by the pneumatic cylinder which is moved forward by an impulse valve
and at the same time the drilling engine M1 is switched on. After a waiting period of 5 seconds from
starting the drilling engine the drilling spindle is lowered using contactor Q2v. During the drilling a
coolant is supplied and the photoelectric barrier is used to ensure that the drill is not broken. The feed of
the drill is ended if the lower endpoint is recognized by sensor S5. Afterwards contactor Q2r is switched
on, until sensor S4 indicates the achievement of the upper endpoint. Then the drilling engine is switched
off. If the drill is broken (LI=1) or the safety barrier (S3=0) is opened the drilling engine M1 and the
coolant supply as well as the drill feed are switched off. Pressing the reset button while the drill engine is
off allows M2 and 1A to return to their initial positions.

7- At the end of a canned food tins filling equipment, the tins entire filling are examined. In addition the tins
on a conveyor belt are carried successively with a small space by a gamma-ray source. The receiver of the
sensor announces the signal status "1" if an insufficient filling of the tin is. Nevertheless, the
measurement is only executed if a tin presses the bottom contact S1 (signal status "1" with activity). In
order to reject a not correctly filled tin the electric-pneumatic valve must be activated 1Y1 two seconds
after the measurement.
It should be noted that a maximum of four tins can be between the sensor and the ejector and that several
tins can be not completely filled.
8- Lighting systems serve for the security of dangerous
narrow places or building sites. With switch S1 the run
light is switched on (The 5 lamps should be flashing). The
position of the switch S2 determines the frequency of
the run light. If S2 delivers "0" signal, the frequency = 2
hertz. With "1" signal the frequency = 0.5 hertz.

9- At the end of a conveyor belt four cardboards are grouped and moved to another conveyor for the
packing process. Sensor Ll1 indicates that a cardboard is passing to the packing conveyor. After the fourth
cardboard 1A is moved forward to prevent further cardboards from passing to the packing side. 2s after Ll1
indicates the fourth cardboard and with the condition that 1A at the rear end 2A start to move forward. When
reaching its front end, 2A move backward to the rear end. After 2A reaches the rear end, 1A move backward and
the process is repeated until stop button is pressed.

10- The entrance and exit in a car park with 12 parking slots is released by barriers. 7 segments indicate
whether still parking slots are free in the car park and an entrance is possible. A key-operated switch S1
is on to allow the barriers operation.
Entrance: If the sensor at the entrance I1 is on, 1- 12 slots are empty, and the key-operated switch S2 is
pressed, the entrance barrier (barrier 1) opens. For opening the barrier an engine M1 is forward for 5
seconds. If the sensor at the entrance I1 is off, barrier 1 closes again. In this caseM1 is backward for 5
seconds. The mechanics of the barrier contain built-in limit switches which control the disconnection
of the drive motor in each case with the achievement of the end positions. If a driving vehicle interrupts
the photoelectric barrier LI1, this one decrement the counter used for the number of the free places.
Exit: If a car is at the exit photoelectric barrier I2 the barrier 2 opens. This Opening and fastenings of the
barrier 2 occurs through the engine M2 with the control similar to barrier 1. The photoelectric barrier LI2
in the exit gives an increment signal to the counter.
11- In order to determine a set point two push buttons and a BCD display on a panel are used. When
pressing S1, the set value is raised. Continuing pressing (more than 2s) on S1 allow the set value to
be raised by 4 per second. When pressing S2, the set value is decremented. Continuing pressing on
S2 (more than 2s) allow the set value to be decremented by 4 per second. The adjustable figure
range of the set value should lie between 0 and 999. The adjustment and the current set value can
be observed in the 3-figure digit display. With simultaneous operation of S1 and S2 the set value
stops. In order to increase or decrease the set point S0 must be in the on position.

12- A program construct is to be sketched which indicates in which range an upright value lies in. To the
display five registration lamps H1 to H5 are used. Four borders GR_1 to GR_4 can be given in the
13- At the beginning of the assembly line of a certain production line, boxes are pushed, provided with a
bar code and then transferred to a roller conveyor to another part of the operation. With the key-
operated switch S1 on the on position, the execution is started. If all cylinders are in their initial
position rear end), sensor B1 recognizes the existence of a box from the stack and the photoelectric
barrier LI indicates free passageway, then cylinder 1 A pushes the box until sensor 1S2 indicates
reaching the stop limit. Then cylinder 2A is moved downward and remains two seconds in the front
end position at 2S2. At this time, the bar code is printed and afterwards cylinder 2A is moved
upward. If the sensor 2S2 indicates that cylinder 2A has reached the rear end position, engine M is
switched on and the box is carried to the diagonal roller race. If the photoelectric barrier recognizes
that the box gas left, the limit stop with cylinder 3A is moved forward again. Then the control
execution is repeated constantly, until with the key-operated switch S1 is switched off again. If a
disturbance appears during the operation, the sequential diagram can be brought with the RESET in
the initial position.
14- In a reaction container two different chemical source substances are brought together, heated up to
a given temperature and stirred afterwards still a certain time. After activity of the switch S1,
providing that the container is empty and the valve Y3 is closed, the preliminary heat valve Y1 is
opened, until the level sensor S3 is ("1"). Then the valve Y2 is opened. Until the level sensor S4 is
("1"), the valve closes Y2 again and the heater H switches on. If the temperature sensor S5 ("1")
indicates the achievement of the given temperature, the heater H is switched off and the mixing
time of ten seconds is started. At the end of the mixing time the valve Y3 opens. If the level sensor S2
indicated that the container is empty, the valve Y3 is closed again and the sequence of operation can
be repeated.
15- In a device a pipe is crimped in two working operations. The array of four double-acting cylinders of
the galvanization system is shown in figure. If all cylinders are in the initial position and a pipe lies in
the device (S2= "1") the system can be started by pressing the button S1. Cylinder 1 A move forward
and presses on the pipe in the device. Then cylinder 2A with the limit stop drives. Then cylinder 3A is
moved downward and remains three seconds in the front end position. After cylinder 3A has moved
upward to the rear end position, cylinder 4A is moved forward until it reaches the front end position.
Then cylinder 3A drives out again and now remains 5 seconds in the front end position. If cylinder 3A
has moved upward to the rear end position, cylinders 4A and cylinders 1A likewise move again to
their initial positions. After withdrawal of the crimped pipe, the cylinder 2A moves to its initial
position and the treatment process can be repeated with the next pipe.
16- With a charging system on a conveyer belt which is driven by motor M1. The material is brought
from a silo using the drive motor M2 and is charged in a carriage. The carriage stands on scales which
indicates using sensor S3 if the carriage is completely filled. The process is triggered by pressing the
start button S1, provided that the carriage stands at the correct position (S2). The conveyer belt
must run first, before M2 is operating. If the sensor S3 announces in the scales that the carriage is
filled, or the limit switch S2 indicates that the carriage is not any more in the final position of the
system, or the stop button is pressed, M2 is switched off immediately. However, the conveyor belt
goes on another 5 sec to flush the charge completely. Then another filling process can be initiated by
pressing the start button
17- The metal sheet to be bent is inserted by hand and then the system is initiated from the connecting
panel. The cylinder 1 drives out and holds on the metal sheet. The cylinder 2 bends the metal sheet
at first around 90 before cylinder 3 completes the final form.
No of Carriage

Automatic ON

One Shot Start

Emergency stop 2A
18- For the system shown in fig. implement a control program that detects the position of a bottle via a limit
switch, waits 0.5 seconds, and then fills the bottle until a photosensor detects a filled condition. After the
bottle is filled, the control program will wait 0.7 seconds before moving to the next bottle. After filling 6
bottles the system wait for a ready signal from the packaging process (not shown in figure) to continue
the operation. The program will include start and stop circuits for the outfeed motor and the start of the

19- Modify the system in (1) such that it can be controlled manually. The system in this case should include:
a. Manual/automatic selector.
b. Forward, reverse, jog and stop for M1.
c. Start, stop and jog for the valve.

20- Figure shows the process of a batching application. Two ingredients, A and B, will be mixed in the reactor
tank. The reactor tank must be empty (indicated by the normally closed liquid level switch LLS and at a
temperature of 100C before ingredient A can be added. The mixer motor must be off to avoid liquid
precipitation, and the finished product tank should be in a set position, which the limit switch detects.
Once the reactor tank reaches an initial temperature of 100C, the controller will add ingredient A by
opening solenoid valve 1 (SOL1) until 100 gallons of ingredient A have been poured into the tank. LLS1,
which is normally open, detects the quantity of ingredient A in the tank. This switch closes when
ingredient A reaches the proper level. At this point, the controller will add ingredient B by opening SOL2.
LLS2 detects the quantity of ingredient B, which should be 400 gallons. The temperature should be at
100C 10% during the Add Ingredients step. If the temperature drops, the PLC will turn ON the heater
automatically while the process continues.
When the reactor tank contains both ingredients, the controller will raise the temperature to 300C 10%
and turn ON the mixer for 20 minutes. The PLC will control the temperature automatically at predefined
set points during the process.
SOL3 will activate the drain valve when the mixing is completed. This operation will reset the process
until another finished product tank is placed in position, and the cycle starts again. The system should
incorporate pilot light indicators to alert the operator to the status of the batching process. It also should
include 7 segment display to indicate the number of completed batches. The system should also include
start stop push buttons.
This application must be capable of reading analog signals from the process. In this case, the voltage
comes from a temperature transducer (010 volts), which has a range of 0 to 500C (50C/volt). The
analog module has 12 bits resolution.

21- A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) provides position feedback for the moving mechanism of
a machine. Figure 11-55 illustrates a block diagram of an LVDT application. The LVDT has a range of 10
inches from its null position; therefore, the effective total range is 20 inches from a zero reference. The
LVDT provides a 10 VDC signal and is connected to an analog input module, which transforms the 10 to
+10 VDC voltage swing into counts ranging from 4095 to +4095. When the start push button starts the
machine, the moving piece must move to the virtual starting position (V.P.) defined by the set of 4-digit
TWS. The TWS settings range from 00.00 to 20.00; the decimal point will be implemented in the
controller. When the machine finishes its cycle, the moving piece must return to the virtual position. The
machine cycle may end at either side of the virtual starting position.
a) Start button is pressed
b) Ensure that initial position is at 0 inches. If not the slide should return to 0 inches.
c) Once at 0 inches, then go to V.P. Read TWS and convert to counts.
d) After V.P. is read, start machine cycle until slide reaches the required position.
e) A pilot lamp should be flashing for 10s after reaching the required position.
f) Go back to V.P. after end of flashing. Read TWS and convert to counts. Repeat (d-f)
g) If stop is pushed, stop all machine activity.
h) If reset is pushed, stop activity and go back to 0" position.
i) The slider running time is indicated on 7segment diplay.

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