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JD1501 Final Portfolio

Name: Refiloe Chirwa

Student No: 59688580
Group: SLD1501-16-S1-85T

Consider how you see your future. Do you picture yourself working in the justice
system one day? Give a reason for your answer. Reflect on your learning
experiences in this module and how these have influenced your answer. Identify
the highlights of your journey through this module.

Yes I do see myself working in the Justice System in the future that is one of the
reasons I decided to pursue a career in law by taking this course althought it wont be
easy and it seems that I would have to put in a lot of work and give of myself to
achieve this is, but it would be a small price to pay then when many people lives are
changed based on the help and decisions that we as the justice system take in changed
the live of South Africans. I would really consider work at the National Prosecution
Authority as a prosecutor which involves the

A prosecutor guides the police to collect the right evidence, presents this in court,
and argues cases.

The prosecutor decides to prosecute or not.

He or she also makes sure that victims and witnesses are treated fairly.

Unless the prosecutor proves guilt beyond reasonable doubt, the accused will
be acquitted.

The prosecutor may divert cases to rehabilitate, especially juvenile first offenders.

The prosecutor helps the court to make a just verdict and impose a fair sentence.

I want to be part of the people who want see justice begin served and living in a
country where we up hold the truth and law and be a progressive county. Other
thing that makes me want to work for the NPA is their vision and mission which is
NPA VISION Justice in our society so that people can live in freedom and security.

This module has given me a brief and yet clear understanding of the different levels
in the Criminal Justice System, it gave me a clear picture of how they are so
interrelated, interdependent and interacting components of the justice system to
achieve good service to the South African people and that justice is served. I also
learnt that law is applicable to us in our everyday life and our behaviour has a great
impact on our justice system. Considering that the people are the ones that make up
the justice system from the SAPS, NPA etc. To the correctional servers and all those
people working there have an influence in our justice system and fairness we also as
the society have a role to play in this system.
I would say my greatest highlight of this module was our first is our unit it is where I
got to understand how the law is and how its so much part of our daily life and how
u cannot separate the two, the reason why there are court cases and legal battle
everyone wants to believe in fairness and that justice is served but if that were the
case there would be no justice system.
What influences me on a personal level
I would say that my family, my morals ,the way I grew up and my beliefs as
Christian all these things I have mentioned influence me on very
personal level in everything I do I consider all these factors . I could say it is
the core of my character.

How do I make decisions when I deal with ethical issues?
As I mentioned in my previous statement about what influences me I would say all
those things would determine the way I make decisions. We would first have to
consider what is ethical and unethical this may mean different things to different
people and someone might not actually agree with me. But for me when making
decision dealing with ethical issues it would be determined by the truth and what is
right, I can make an example by if someone steals at work would I report the matter
or turn a blind eye to the issue? Well for me I would talk to the person if I feel safe
with person (some people are dangerous thats why you must first be sure before
approaching them) and tell the person to do the right thing if not I would report the
issue to the relevant people who would address the issue on a higher level.
I believe by make the right ethical decision I would be contributing in making our
society far more better and people will see that there people out there that still
believe In the truth and its possible to be ethical after we lead by example.

How has doing this module helped me to take an ethical stance in personal life?
This module has made me realize that there is a fine line between being ethical and
lawfully correct, what I might consider to be right, may not be viewed in the same
manner in the justice system as lawful because the law is impartial if the law says
that a certain action will result in me going to jail it does not matter if I was trying to
do an ethical thing I will go to jail. Ethics are based on ones beliefs and moral
standards. So I think going forward I would have to consider some of the decision I
make very carefully as I would one day like to work in the justice system and start
applying some of the things Ive learnt in my personal life, without compromising my
beliefs because the law does not define me and who I am. Another thing to consider
is the law is also base on the current times that we live in and by the people who
govern the country its always evolving so does that mean one would have to
continuously change what they believe is right based on the law its a very difficult
choice one has to make my ethics or the law?. This is what I have learnt from this
module as for me my ethics are who I am.

In the course of this module you have been expected to reflect on the ethos of the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, uBuntu and the messages of
Lady Justice. Keep these issues in mind and imagine that you are already
working in the justice system.
How do you think the three elements mentioned above (the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, uBuntu and the messages of Lady Justice) should
influence your personal code of ethics and conduct as a functionary in the
justice system?
Getting a clear understand of the following three elements:
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa - The Constitution
protects everyone, irrespective of their differences. It incorporates certain
values human dignity, for example, along with the achievement of equality,
the advancement of human rights and freedom, non-racialism and non-sexism.
This idea of fairness is thus more than just a personal conviction it is also
found in and protected by the Constitution. The Constitution embodies the
interconnectedness of humanity, and the need to live according to certain
values and principles.
Ubuntu - UBuntu is a concept that is firmly entrenched in our legal system.
The spirit of fairness, respect, etcetera, as highlighted above, is clearly
illustrated in the Preamble to the Constitution.
The messages of Lady Justice - Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing
a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be
meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of money, wealth,
power, or identity; blind justice and impartiality. In the other pictures she is
portrayed in a different race and the background in all the pictures represents
the different sections in the justice systems and it heights the importances of
equality through (THE SCALES)which represent that Lady Justice carefully
weighs the claims of each side. They are referred as the scales of justice
When I read and look at all these three elements the most important thing that
is emphasized is we are equal and all the these other factor dont matter under
the justice system ,your race , money, power etc. dont matter the main thing
is that equality ,fairness and most importantly that justice is severed. So as a
person who will be working in the justice system you should represent all
these element as they embody the justice system, they have great deal of
influence in how I will be conducting my work. I would say its a set of
working standards that one would have to be mindful of when addressing
people and cases.

Think of a role model whom you believe embodies the qualities that are vital to
being ethical. This does not have to be a famous person. Say who this person
is and why you look up to him/her for ethical guidance.
For me it would have to be Thuli Madonsel she has shown herself to be a great
example of what it means to be ethical and didnt shy away from the truth, she
leads by example she respects her work. I think for anyone thats wants to join
the justice system it encourages one to want to do better and not fear but be
fair and embody the justice system by our actions.
Discuss your views on the importance of ethics in the workplace. How will ethics
influence your own role in the justice system? Include ideas on the qualities that you
would like to see in yourself.
Ethics are a fundamental for any working person, it shows ones level of commitment
to their job their values and beliefs. Ethics help measure the standard of the quality of
work done I say that because people who are ethical will do the right things like
getting to work on time ,doing what is required of them all the all the time whereas
people who dont will never go an extra mile and dont mind compromising their
values for self-gain. For me being truthful and not compromising even when under
pressure I would stick to what I believe is right so that justice may be served, always
maintain integrity is one of the qualities of someone with ethics thats how I would
like to see myself one when I do decide to work in the justice system.

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