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Lesly Soto

April 29, 2017

Professor Cheng


Final Reflection Environmental community

During this module I was able to learn about the diversity of our ecosystems, current

environmental issues, and conservation efforts. This class also assisted me in developing my own

perspectives on the environment and its issues. I was able to learn about Californias wide range

of different climates. I was astonished to learn about the different ecosystems within California

ranging from Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, coastal plains, valleys, and deserts.

While learning about our many different ecosystems, I also learned about many national parks

and forests I would really love to visit one day.

I have always been briefly aware of the environmental issues occurring in the present day

but this class helped broaden my knowledge on the many serious complications which our

environment is facing. I was able to engage in activities where I learned about environmental

problems like water pollution and the danger of lack of our water supply. One of the most

interesting things was learning about California's drought and progressing success of improving

the drought in 2015. It was also interesting to know that the water grade for Cali was a C.

Although we learned about the issues in our environment, I also learned about the

importance of our carbon footprints and the impact it can have on conservation. My conservation

efforts will consist of managing a healthier carbon footprint by reducing the use of unnecessary/

harmful technology. This course has helped me grow as a person by allowing me to learn about

the environment I live in as well as the impact that my knowledge may have on my future
actions. I have learned to appreciate and care more for the environment because this will

determine how our environment will treat us, its a mutual beneficial relationship. I attained

knowledge of the many organizations that provide care for the environment, this has helped me

be more involved and motivated to maintaining a healthy environment.

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