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Tyler Lawwill

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1104

January 31, 2017

WP #2

One event that helped shape my literacy narrative was doing the summer work for my

honors English class in 9th grade. My teachers name was Mrs. Love and she was very helpful in

making the switch from middle school to high school level reading and writing. She told us what

to expect in the next four years of our life and what we needed to do to be successful. Going into

high school I didnt know what to expect when it came to how hard the classes were going to be

and she helped us prepare.

One of the ways that she did this was with the summer reading project. In middle school

when we read a book we were never thought to dive into the reading and try to understand the

underlying meaning what the author was trying to tell us. When we would read a novel, our

teachers just made sure that we understood the plot. So, when I looked at what we were supposed

to do for the project and it talked about symbolism and what the author is trying to tell us, I was

a little nervous. We were supposed to read the novel and find examples of symbolism. Then we

had to explain what it was symbolizing and the importance that it had to the novel. Knowing

what I had to do made me read the two books a lot more careful and slower. Doing this helped

me understand a lot more of the novel that I wouldnt have if it werent for this project. Before I

was just scraping the surface of the books that I read. Now after learning that there are hidden

meanings in books, it makes it like a puzzle you have to put all of the pieces together to see the
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complete picture. It makes reading a lot more fun when it feels like a challenge. Mrs. Loves

project contributed in a big way to my literacy narrative by teaching me to look deeper into what

the author is telling us.

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