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3250 Assignment 1

Reflective Writing 1

Hassan Ayach

Perhaps the strongest conclusion that can be made is the least surprising. Simply put, the greater the student
involvement or engagement in academic work or in academic experience of collage, the grater his or her level of
knowledge acquisition and general cognitive development A decade later, Russ Edgerton (1997 P32)

What defines student engagement ? one definition Student engagement includes skills engagement, participation
engagement, emotional engagement, and performance engagement. (The effects of high impact learning experiences on
student engagement Richard L. Miller..Robert F. Rycek..Krista Fritson. )


Why did I choose this idea and how do I identify with it?

I Identify with this quote by Russ Edgerton in a strong way from facts and personal experiences. I feel that as an
educator this quote is very self explanatory to anyone just by reading it with out elaboration. Anyone who ever had to learn
a topic that they are not interested in learning but were required to and with a teacher who lacks efforts to encourage
promote their learners involvement can identify in a strong way. Its natural for the mind to hesitate and restrain from
wanting to absorb the material of the topic of lack of interest. Even more so not wanting to be involved in the process of
learning. Attention is an important factor when trying to acquire the knowledge about almost anything because without the
attention of the learner not much is retained in memory. Memory plays a key roll in the learning, the foundation of learning
and retaining information to the point where understanding it and being able to explain the concepts of the topic. With
student engagement and involvement in academic work comes a better effort to attention and as a result more information
can be retained and memorized. Learning and memory are closely related concepts. Learning is the acquisition of skill
and knowledge, while memory is the expression of you've acquired American Phycology Association. Learning and
Memory article. , In order to to gain and retain knowledge and be able to understand it.
Attention is required, and attention is requires involvement and engagement by students makes a great deal of a
difference when it comes to knowledge acquisition and cognitive development.


What does it mean to me?

The quote Ive selected has many meanings and depending on the view of the observer it can be seen from many
different angles. From my personal experience when any of my learners showed more interest and involvement towards
the many electrical topics covered in the electrical foundations course they did well in the class and seemed to be able
understand the course much better then those who were not interested or distracted. The students that did not show that
type of attitude towards the course seemed to just make the passing grade and nothing more. Repetition helps and both
types of students mentioned will do it, unfortunately repetition alone is not enough to get a solid understanding, students
have to Deliberate practice and with repetition. "Deliberate practice (DP) occurs when an individual intentionally repeats
an activity in order to improve performance. The claim of the DP framework is that such behavior is necessary to achieve
high levels of expert performance." (Campitelli & Gobet, 2011, p. 280)."Deliberate practice consists of activities purposely
designed to improve performance." (Gobet & Campitelli, 2007, p. 160). From my personal learning experiences when I
was engaged and applying myself I learned more about a topic and understood it.When I was learning material that I did
not have much interest in, it would take almost twice as long for me to absorb the information also my test mark was not as
good as I wanted it to be. The concept of student involvements contribution to the acquisition of knowledge when it comes
to learning and cognitive development is very evident to me and I know that to me it makes perfect sense as adding
numbers and getting an answer that is expected, it is expected that engagement plus envelopment equals higher level of
knowledge acquisition and cognitive development.


How can the new enhanced interpretation apply to my professional practice?

My interpretation of the selected statement applies to my professional practice in a big way. My goal as an educator
is to share and distribute the required knowledge needed to to carry out specific electrical practices at a certain skill level
as well as the electrical theory required to grasp the concepts needed to understand the characteristics of electricity in
order to troubleshoot electrical issues in the field. This requires a good deal of attention, engagement and involvement
from my students, the passing grade is 70% so the level of knowledge acquisition must be present. I as the educator need
to figure out effective ways to make the learning environment suitable enough for my students, so that they feel a string
need and desire to be engaged and involved in their learning in a positive and effective way. The responsibility is not only
the learners as much as the teachers there are many things I can do to motivate this, and many resources for me to tap
into.There is no agreement in the research literature as to what motivates learners to engage, but the dominant view is
that students engage when they act as their own learning agents working to achieve goals meaningful to them. 10 Ways
to Promote Student Engagement Maryellen Weimer, PhD. In closing I will try harder to facilitate and motivate my students
class room engagement efforts in order to achieve not only their success in the class but in my success as an educator.

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