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BHP Maintenance Improvement Process Maintenance Definitions Policy BHP Document No Version Number Document Author Contributors Approved by Document Owner Issue Date BHP Maintenance Improvement Process 7 Floor, Riverside Centre 123 Eegle Street GPO Box 1389 Brisbane 4001, Austrata MIP-DEF-001 3 J. Vucko Maintenance Evaluation Working Committee T. L. Dugger Group Manager, Maintenance Improvement Process July 31 1997 Telephone (07) 2228 0458, Fax (07) 3226 o4e2 ls BHP Maintenance Improvement, Process BHP Maintenance Improvement Process Maintenance Definitions Policy Contents 1. PURPOSE 7 2. SCOPE 7 3. DEFINITIONS 8 Acceptable condition (BS3811) 8 Acquisition costs (BS381D) 8 Appraisal costs (EOQO) 8 Availability (AS10587) 9 Backlog (MIP) 9 BHP Maintenance Labor Hours (MIP) 9 BHP Maintenance Labor and Staff Hours (MIP) 9 Breakdown (BS3811) 9 Calendar Hours 9 Capital Asset Value (MIP) 10 Certification (EOQC) 10 Classification (OOO) 10 Codification (BS3811) 10 Compliance (EO@Q) 10 Condition Based Maintenance (BS3811) 10 Condition Monitoring (AS1057) 10 ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy Conformance (EOOG) 10 Conformity (E0QQ) 10 Contractor Maintenance Hours (MIP) 10 Corrective Maintenance (AS10S7) un Cost Control (BS3811) uu Costing Methods, Principles and Techniques (BS3811) u Critical Faiture (451057) u Defect (E00) " | Design for Reliability (BS3811) " Diagnosis (BS3811) " Diagnostic (BS3811) R Disposal Costs (BS3811) 2 Disposal Instructions (BS3811) 2 Down Time R Durability (AS10587) 2 Elements of Cost (BS3811) 2 Emergency Maintenance (BS3811) 2 Energy Management (BS3811) 2 Equipment Failure (MIP) 12 Equipment Failure Downtime (MIP) 13 Estimate (BS3811) 13 Examination (BS3811) 13 Failure (481057) 13 Failure Analysis (AS10587) B Failure Cause (AS1057) 3 Failure Mechanism (AS10572) 13 BHP Maintenance Improvement 3 Process | | BHP Maintenance Improvement, Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy Failure Mode (AS1057) Failure Rate (481057) Fault (BS3811) Fault Tree Analysis (AS1057) Feedback (BS3811) Forced Outage (BS3811) Forward Log (MIP) Good-As-New, Bad-As-Old (BS3811) History Record (BS38L1) Inspection (E0QQ) Installation Instructions (BS3811) Tem (EOOO) Life Cycle Costing (BS3811) Life Gyele Cost (AS1057) Lost Time Injury (BHP MINERALS) Maintainability (ASI057) ‘Maintenance (BS3811) Maintenance Cost (MIP) ‘Maintenance Downtime (MIP) Maintenance History (BS3811) Maintenance Instructions (BS3811) Maintenance Management (BS3811) Maintenance Planning (BS3811) Maintenance Policy (BS3811) Maintenance Requirements (EOQO) Maintenance Schedule (BS3811) B 13 14 4 14 4 4 14 4 4 4 1s 15 1s 15 15 16 16 16 7 7 "7 a W 7 7 BHP Maintenance Improvement, Process Maintenance Definitions Policy Major Failure (481057) Major Mobite Equipment (MIP) ‘Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) (AS1057) ‘Mean Time Between Maintenance (481057) ‘Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) (AS81057) Minor Failure (A81087) Modification (BS3811) Operated Hours Operating Instructions (BS3811) Optimisation (BS3811) Outage (BS3811) Overhaul (BS3811) Parts List (BS3811) Period Maintenance Schedule (MIP) Permit to Work (BS3811) Planning (MIP) Planned Maintenance (BS3811) Preventive Maintenance (AS1057) Primary Failure (AS1057) Procurement (BS3811) Quatity Control (Z00Q) Reliability (AS1057) Reliability Data (BS3811) Repair (BS3811) Requirement Specification (BS3811) Restoration (BS3811) 7 a7 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 a 2 21 21 BHP Maintenance Improvement Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy Rework (MIP) Risk (AS1057): Running Costs (BS3811) Running Maintenance (BS3811) Safety (BS3811) Scheduled Maintenance (BS3811) Scheduled Outage (BS3811) Scheduling (MIP) Secondary Failure (AS1057) Serviceability (AS10S7) ‘Shutdown Maintenance (BS3811) ‘Site Maintenance Budget (MIP) Site Maintenance Costs (MIP) Site Total Maintenance Hours ‘Site Total Revenue (MIP) Specification (LOQQ) Storage Life (E000) Survey (BS3811) Technical Manual (BS3811 ‘Terotechnology (BS3811) To Clean (v) (BS3811) To Record (v) (BS3811) To Service (vy) (BS3811) Unplanned Maintenance (BS3811) Useful Life (AS1037) Unit Production (MIP) 24 21 21 24 21 21 2 2a 2 n 2 n 2 23 2B 2B a G B 24 24 24 25 Maintenance Definitions Policy Wear-Out Failure(AS1057) 28 4.0 TIME USAGE MODEL DEFINITIONS 26 Administrative Time (MIP) 26 Avatlable Time (MIP) 26 Down Time (MIP) 26 Down Time (AS1057) 7 Operating Time (AS8402) 2 Production Delays (MIP) 7 Response to Maintenance (MIP) 27 Standby Time (AS10S7) 2 Total Time (MIP) 7 Undetected Failure Time (MIP) 28 TIME USAGE MODEL 29 1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide consistency in all communications regarding the subject of maintenance and its management within the BHP Minerals and Copper Maintenance Improvement Process. 2. SCOPE This policy document applies to all documents within the MIP Maintenance Policies Index. BHP Maintenance Improvernent 7 Process Maintenance Definitions Policy 3. DEFINITIONS The following sources have been used in order of precedence: AS/NZS ISO 8402 Australian Standards AS1057 Australian Standards (1985) BS3811 British Standards (1984) BOQC European Organisation for Quality Control (1981) Although AS1057 was superseded by AS/NZS ISO 8402, the AS1057 definitions have been deemed appropriate for use. All AS1057 definitions will be replaced by the new standards with the next policy document revision, ‘A MIP standard (MIP) has been added where further clarification was required. The source for Lost Time Injury (BHPAC) is the BHP MINERALS SAFETY STANDARDS SAFETY REPORTING DRAFT ‘All terms will be presented in the following manner: Term (Source) Definition. Acceptable condition The condition agreed for each particular usage (BS3811) Acquisition costs The total costs to the material owner of acquiring an item (BS3811) of material and bringing it to the condition where it is capable of performing its intended function. Appraisal costs (EOQC) —_The cost of assessing the achievement of specified quality, BHP Maintenance Improvement 8 Process Maintenance Definitions Policy Seed eg costs of inspection. Availability (AS1057) The ability of an item (under combined aspects of its reliability, maintainability and maintenance support) to perform its required function at a stated instant of time or cover a stated period of time or at a given point in time. NOTES: 1. The term “availability” is also used as an availability characteristic denoting either the probability of performing at a stated instant of time or the probability related to an interval of time. 2. When “availability” is used as a characteristic it has to be associated with the modifiers observed, assessed and predicted, as applicable. 3. The availability of an item does not necessarily imply that it is performing, but that it is in a state to perform. Backlog (MIP) All maintenance work identified to be done, but as yet incomplete, at the time of examination. It is often expressed in terms of estimated man-hours or crew-weeks of work effort, BHP Maintenance Labor Labor hours worked by BHP maintenance employces Hours (MIP) involved in the execution of maintenance work. Supervisors, planners and other support person hours are excluded. Wherever possible, a maintenance employee's time shall be charged to a maintenance work order (in preference to an equipment number or cost centre). Lunch, Safety Meetings and paid Industrial time greater than 30 minutes in duration will be charged to a separate maintenance overhead account. Maintenance training shall be charged to a separate maintenance overhead account, BHP Maintenance Labor —All_ hours worked by BHP maintenance employees and Staff Hours (MIP) involved in all aspects of maintenance work. Supervisors, planners and other support person hours are included. Breakdown (BS3811) Failure resulting in the non-availability of an item. Calendar Hours See Total Time, Time Usage Model, Section 4.0. BHP Maintenance Improvement 9 Process Capital Asset Value (MIP) Certification (EOQC) Classification (EOQC) Codification (BS3811) Compliance (EOQC) Condition Based Maintenance (BS3811) Condition Monitoring (AS10857) Conformance (EOQC) Conformity (EOQC) Contractor Maintenance Hours (MIP) 'BHP Maintenance Improvement Process Maintenance Definitions Policy Capital Asset Value is the original book value of an asset when added to a company’s asset register. Capital Assets are defined to include the following: Fixed Plant Processing equipment, Major Mobile Equipment, Maintenance Facilities, Maintenance special tools and equipment and Maintenance-controlled portions of Supply Inventory (typically excludes fuel, blasting supplies, road construction / repair media). The authoritative act of documenting compliance with requirements. The act of grouping items into classes. The act of systematically sequencing, identifying and presenting items within their class or classes. An affirmative indication or judgement that the supplier of a product or service has met the requirements of the relevant specifications, contract or regulation; also the state of meeting the requirements. The preventive maintenance initiated as a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous monitoring. The practice of making and assessing measurements of physical quantities on operating plant for the purpose of judging its fitness for continuing service. An affirmative indication or judgement that a product or service has met the requirements of the relevant specifications, contract or regulation; also the state of meeting the requirements. The fulfilment by an item or service of specification requirements. All hours that a contractor works on a BHP site on Maintenance activities. This includes all contractor 10 Maintenance Definitions Policy supervision and other labor provided in support of contract maintenance. Contractor Maintenance Hours should be applied at the maintenance work order level, wherever possible. Corrective Maintenance Maintenance carried out after a failure has occurred in (AS1057) order to restore the item to a state in which it can perform its required function. Cost Control (BS3811) The regulation by executive action of the costs of operating an undertaking, particularly where such action is guided by cost accounting Costing Methods, All those methods, principles and techniques used in cost Principles and control. Techniques (BS3811) Critical Failure (AS1057) Failure which is likely to cause injury to persons or significant damage. Defect (EOQC) A departure of a quality characteristic from its intended level or state that occurs with a severity sufficient to cause an associated product or service not to satisfy intended normal, or reasonably foreseeable, usage requirements. Defects will generally be classified by their degree of seriousness such as: Class 1. Very serious: leads directly to severe injury or catastrophic economic loss. Class 2. Serious: leads directly to significant injury or significant economic loss. Class 3. Major: related to major problems with respect to intended normal, or reasonably foreseeable, use. Class 4. Minor: related to minor problems with respect to intended normal, or reasonably foreseeable, use. Design for Reliability The process of task recognition and problem solving to (BS3811) enable an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time. Diagnosis (BS3811) The art or act of deciding from symptoms the nature of a fault. BHP Maintenance Improvement, 1 Process Diagnostic (BS3811) Disposal Costs (BS3811) Disposal Instructions (883811) Down Time Durability (AS1057) Elements of Cost (883811) Emergency Maintenance (BS3811) Energy Management (BS3811) Equipment Failure (MIP) BHP Maintenance Improvement Process Maintenance Definitions Policy Of or assisting diagnosis. The total costs to the material owner of disposing of an item of material when it has failed or is no longer required for any reason. The document that describes in detail the method and precautions to be observed in discarding or otherwise disposing of material when it has failed or is no longer required for any reason. See Down Time, Time Usage Model, Section 4.0. The ability of an item to perform its required function under stated conditions of use and under stated conditions of preventive or corrective maintenance until a limiting state is reached. NOTE: An example of when a limiting state is reached is when an item reaches the end of its useful life, or when for any economic or technological reason it is considered that the item is unsuitable for further use. All those items which are considered individually and which are combined together to form the total cost(s). The maintenance which it is necessary to put in hand immediately to avoid serious consequences. ‘The management of the storage, conversion, distribution and utilisation of energy directed to the economic provision of required services and the elimination of avoidable losses. The termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function. It is signalled by an unscheduled equipment / process stoppage or and unscheduled reduction in processing rate due to equipment performance. Equipment failures will be measured at the Major Mobile Equipment Level for Mobile Equipment and at the Process Section level for fixed plant. 12 Equipment Failure Downtime (MIP) Estimate (BS3811) Examination (BS3811) Failure (AS1057) Failure Analysis (AS10857) Failure Cause (AS1057) Failure Mechanism (AS10857) Failure Mode (AS1057) Failure Rate (AS1057) BHP Maintenance Improvement Process Maintenance Definitions Policy All Maintenance Down Time associated with an Equipment Failure. As a measure of the time required to restore equipment or plant back to production following a failure, it is the total time from the commencement of Maintenance Down Time to its conclusion and restoration of the process back to pre-failure operating conditions. ‘As assessment based on a detailed breakdown of the resources, etc. involved, of the cost expected to arise in respect of a given thing or service. This is usually calculated before the expenditure occurs, or before the true costs are known. A comprehensive inspection supplemented by measurement and physical testing in order to determine the condition of an item. ‘The termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function. The logical, systematic examination of an i diagrams, to identify and analyse the probability, causes, and consequences of real or potential failures. The circumstances or conditions during design, manufacture, storage, distribution or use which have led to failure. The physical, chemical or other process which results in failure. The effect by which a failure is observed. NOTE: for example, an open circuit or short circuit condition, or a gain change. The number of failures of an item per unit measure of life, where life is expressed in cycles, time, kilometres, events, etc, applicable for the item. NOTE: failure rate is to be associated with particular and stated time intervals (or summation of intervals) in the life 13, Maintenance Definitions Policy of the item, and with stated conditions. Fault (BS3811) ‘An unexpected deviation from requirements which would require considered action regarding the degree of acceptability, Fault Tree Analysis The study of the possible sequence of events constituting (AS1057) the failure of a system using the diagrammatic method of algorithms. NOTE: the terms “failure tree analysis” and “incident sequence analysis” are also used. Feedback (BS3811) A written or oral report of the success or failure of an action to achieve is desired result which can be used to influence design, performance and costs. Forced Outage (BS3811) Outage due to the unscheduled putting out of service of an item Forward Log (MIP) All maintenance work scheduled for completion in the fature. It is often expressed in terms of estimated man- hours or crew-weeks of work effort. Good-As-New, Bad-As- Terms used to describe a system after it has been repaired | Old (BS3811) as to whether the repair has restored it to its original condition, or whether it still contains some used or worn parts. History Record (BS3811)__A record of usages, events and actions as appropriate relating to a particular item. Inspection (EOQC) The process of measuring, examining, testing, gauging or otherwise comparing the unit with the applicable requirements. Installation Instructions The document that describes in detail the procedure for (BS3811) installing the product including, if necessary, the procedure for unpacking and preparation prior to installation. 'BHP Maintenance Improvement 14 Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy Item (EOQC) {a) a part, equipment, sub-system or system that can be individually considered and separately examined or tested; or {b) an actual or conventional object on which a set of observations may be made; or (©) defined quantity of material on which a set of observations may be made; or (@) an observed value, either qualitative (attributes) or quantitative (measured). Life Cycle Costing The technique of considering life cycle costs. (BS3811) Life Cycle Cost (AS1057) The total cost to the owner of an item over its full life. It includes the cost of acquisition, operation, support; the costs arising from its failures, and, where applicable, the cost of its disposal. NOTES: Re: Life Cycle Costs 1. The term “total cost of ownership” is also used. 2. For the purpose of this definition, the fraction of the cost of design and development borne by the item’s owner is included in the cost of acquisition. Lost Time Injury (BHP A Lost Time Injury is any work-related injury or illness MINERALS) that results in an emplyee/contractor losing a full shift of work, Maintainability (AS1057) _The ability of an item, under stated conditions of use, to be retained in, or restored to, a state in which it can perform its required function, when maintenance is performed under stated conditions and using prescribed procedures and resources. NOTES: 1. Maintainability may, depending on the particular analysis situation, be stated by one or several maintainability characteristics, such as probability distribution or mean active repair time. 2. The value of maintainability characteristic may differ for different maintenance situations. BHP Maintenance Improvement. 15 Process Maintenance Definitions Policy 3. When the term “maintainability” is used as a maintainability characteristic, it always denotes the intention that active maintenance is carried out within a given period of time. Maintenance (BS3811) The combination of all technical and associated administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Maintenance Cost (MIP) All Maintenance Costs will be reported in the site’s local currency. This will be converted to A$ during the MIP reporting consolidation, using the average exchange rate for the period (from BARS). Maintenance Costs are defined to include Department overhead Salaries and other charges, Internal Labor, Contractor Services and the replacement / repair of the following equipment component types: Items of equipment and processing plant that are part of the physical plant when commissioned or which Maintenance significantly impacts the cost of through purchasing and / or maintaining. Production Costs are defined as consumables that are directly related to Production use, primarily controlled by the Production department and are not physically attached to the equipment. Certain Inclusions and Exclusions are specifically noted: Inclusions: Wear Materials (including bed liners for trucks, liners for crushers and mills and liners for pipes), Ground Engaging Equipment (Buckets, Edges, Bits, Teeth), Wire Rope, Tyres, Rims, Conveyor Belts, Lubricants, Accident Damage Costs, steel for converters and furnaces, copper ladles. Exclusions: Fuel, Electric Power, Capital Costs, Depreciation, grinding media, brick and refractories, Maintenance Downtime See Down Time, Time Usage Model, Section 4.0. BHP Maintenance Improvement 16 Process (MIP) Maintenance History (BS3811) Maintenance Instructions (BS3811) Maintenance Management (BS3811) Maintenance Planning (883811) Maintenance Policy (BS3811) Maintenance Requirements (EOQC) Maintenance Schedule (BS3811) Major Failure (AS1057) Major Mobile Equipment (MIP) Maintenance Definitions Policy A history record which is used for the purpose of maintenance planning. The document that describes in detail the procedure and circumstances for carrying out maintenance. ‘The organisation of maintenance within an agreed policy. Deciding in advance the jobs, methods, materials, tools, machines, labour, time required and timing of maintenance actions. A strategy within which decisions on maintenance are taken. A statement of the nature of the maintenance method, in particular the skill of the personnel involved their facilities and the duration and frequency of maintenance action. A comprehensive list of items and the maintenance required, including the intervals at which maintenance should be performed Failure of an item, other than a critical failure, which is likely to reduce the ability of a more complex item or system to perform its required function. The following Equipment Classes are included: SURFACE © Draglines Drills Shovels Excavators Loaders Dozers Bottom Dump Trucks Rear Dump Trucks UNDERGROUND © Drills © Loaders © Trucks BHP Maintenance Improvement Process: 17, “Fquipment Class Bottom Dump Trucks | CAT | 776B | TKDO341 Bottom Dump Trucks | CAT | 776B_| TKD0342 Maintenance Definitions Policy Data collection for Major Mobile Equipment will be according to the following category hierarchy: Equipment Number, Manufacturer's Model Number, Make, Equipment Class. It will be then summarised by Model for reporting, Example: Bottom Dump Trucks | CAT | 776 Bottom Dump Trucks | CAT [ 784_ | TKDO768 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) (AS1057) Mean Time Between Maintenance (AS1057) Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) (AS1057) Minor Failure (AS1057) Modification (BS3811) BHP Maintenance Improvement Process. For a stated period in the life of an item, or of a population of items, the mean value of the length of time between each item’s consecutive failures, calculated as the ratio of the cumulative time to the total number of failures, under stated conditions. NOTE: it is necessary to state whether the cumulative time is operating or chronological time. The average time interval between maintenance actions (preventive, corrective or both). The average corrective maintenance time of an item or a population of items. NOTE: the term is generally applied to active repair time, Where total corrective maintenance time is meant, this should be stated. Failure of an item, other than a critical failure, which does not reduce the ability of a more complex item or system to perform its required function. An alteration made to a physically existing item usually resulting in an improvement in performance and generally carried out as the result of a design change. 18 ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy Operated Hours See Operating Time, Time Usage Model, Section 4.0. Operating Instructions The document that describes in detail the methods of (BS3811) starting up, shutting down, controlling and monitoring the material under all foreseeable conditions. Optimisation (BS3811) Finding the best procedure, policy or maintenance interval with respect to specified criteria. Outage (BS3811) ‘The state of an item being unable to perform its required function. Overhaul (BS3811) A comprehensive examination and restoration of an item, or a major part thereof, to an acceptable condition. Parts List (BS3811) A definitive list of all items which form the material. Period Maintenance A listing of “Planned” Maintenance Work Orders that are Schedule (MIP) scheduled with Production and agreed to occur within a Maintenance Period. This is done to minimise disruption to Production Schedules and to aid in Maintenance resource scheduling. The duration of the Period is typically one (1) week. Permit to Work (BS3811) A signed document, authorising access to an item, which defines conditions, including safety precautions, under which work may be carried out. This may include a document, signed on completion of maintenance, stating that an item is safe and ready for use. Planning (MIP) Planning is the act of preparing for maintenance work. Job plans and work orders will include information on the following elements: 1. Safety and environmental guidance (derived from risk analysis) - isolation and switching instructions, excavation requirements, hazardous work clearances, hazardous chemicals, personal protective equipment requirements, impact of defeats on trips and safety systems. 2. Pre inspections required. 3. The job method to be used (or reference to an acceptable best practice in a workshop manual) BHP Maintenance Improvement 19 Process. Planned Maintenance (BS3811) Preventive Maintenance (AS10857) Primary Failure (AS1057) Procurement (BS3811) Quality Control (EOQC) Reliability (AS1057) Maintenance Definitions Policy Coordination with other work groups. Communication with external parties. Job duration estimate (and Gantt chart if appropriate). Labour resource required (number and skill type) and cost estimate. Materials required for the job. 9. Special tools eg. jacks, jigs, ovens, etc and their location. Noe 2 10. Facilities/equipment required eg cranes, workshop space, etc and their location. 11. Method of transporting parts, materials, tools and equipment to the job site 12. Listing of appropriate drawing numbers 13. Equipment technical specifications and operating data 14. Post inspection and commissioning and_ testing information. The maintenance organised and carried out with forethought, control and the use of records to a predetermined plan. Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals or other prescribed criteria, intended to reduce the probability of failure or degradation of performance of an item. Failure of an item, not caused either directly or indirectly by the failure of another item. All managerial, technical, contractual, administrative and physical actions by or on behalf of an organisation requiring goods, materials or services in obtaining the requirements, The operational techniques and the activities which sustain a quality of product or service that will satisfy given needs; also the use of such techniques and activities. The ability of an item to perform a required function under BHP Maintenance Improvement, Process 20 ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy stated conditions for a stated period of time or at a given point in time, Quantitatively, reliability is the probability of success, | Reliability Data (BS3811)__Data on characteristics permitting quantitative evaluation of reliability. Repair (BS3811) To restore an item to an acceptable condition by the renewal, replacement or mending of worn, damaged or decayed parts. Requirement A detailed brief of the user's requirements. Specification (BS3811) Restoration (BS3811) Maintenance actions intended to bring back an item to its original appearance or state. Rework (MIP) Maintenance action that is a repeat of a previous, ineffective effort. Risk (AS1057): The combined effect of the probability of occurrence of an undesirable event, and the magnitude of the event. Running Costs (BS3811) The total costs to the material owner of the operation, maintenance and modification of an item of material. Running Maintenance Maintenance which can be carried out whilst the item is in (BS3811) service. Safety (BS3811) The freedom from unacceptable risk of personal harm. Scheduled Maintenance ‘The preventive maintenance carried out to a (BS3811) predetermined interval of item, number of operations, mileage, etc. Scheduled Outage Outage due to the programmed taking out of service of an (BS3811) item. Scheduling (MIP) Best Practice Scheduling considers the following essential elements: 1. Utilise a formal scheduling mechanism that develops a BHP Maintenance Improvement. 21 Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy weekly schedule based on “due date" for routine work | and priority for non-routine work which is revised daily to provide a Daily Work Schedule (DWS). 2. A draft schedule of work for next period is published early enough to enable all stakeholders to give input (maintenance - mech, elect, instrument, etc, production, supply, OEMs) at a weekly scheduling meeting. 3. Weekly schedule of work is documented, published and distributed. Jobs are assigned to the schedule based ona consideration of plant wide priorities. 4, Accurate information on labour availability is provided for scheduling on a weekly basis and is updated daily. 5. Resource availability (parts, tools, labour, etc) is reviewed and only fully resourced jobs will be included in the weekly schedule. i 6. Resource Levelling Techniques will be utilised. 7. A mechanism to facilitate unscheduled events exists which provides maintenance and production personnel with guidelines on how to evaluate unscheduled events to decide upon their priority for action and inclusion into the current schedule. 8. A mechanism for measuring and managing backlog will exist. 9. Work Orders no longer required are purged. Secondary Failure Failure of an item, caused either directly or indirectly by (AS1057) the failure of another item. Serviceability (AS1057) ‘The ability of an item to be inspected and maintained under stated conditions and using prescribed procedures and resources. Shutdown Maintenance Maintenance which can only be carried out when the item (883811) is out of service, Site Maintenance Budget The Budget figure for the total of Maintenance Costs for all (mip) Maintenance Departments at the Reporting Site (Mine, Preparation Plants etc.). Site Maintenance Costs The total of Maintenance Costs for all Maintenance OEE errr ee ny BHP Maintenance Improvement 22 Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy (MIP) Departments at the Reporting Site (Mine, Preparation Plants etc.). Site Total Maintenance The sum of BHP Maintenance Labor and Staff Hours and Hours Contractor Maintenance Hours. Site Total Revenue (MIP) The total Revenue for the site from all revenue streams. Specification (EOQC) The document that describes in detail the requirements with which the product or service has to comply. Storage Life (EOQC) The specified length of time prior to use for which items which are inherently subject to deterioration are deemed to remain fit for use under prescribed conditions. Survey (BS3811) ‘An examination, the written report of which would include a recommendation for action. Technical Manual A publication that communicates appropriately and (883811 effectively specific direction, data and information to cover the subjects of: (a) purpose and planning (what it’s for) (b) operating (how to use it) () technical description (how it works) (d) handling, installation, storage transit (how to prepare it for use) (e) maintenance instructions (how to keep it working) () maintenance schedules (what is done and when) (g) parts list (what it consists of) (h) modification instructions (how to change it) (i) disposal instructions (how to dispose of it) Itis provided for those involved with managing, operating, maintaining and provisioning for all the material. Terotechnology ‘A combination of management, financial, engineering, (BS3811) building and other practices applied to physical assets in pursuit of economic life cycle costs. ‘BHP Maintenance Improvement 23 Process Maintenance Definitions Policy To Clean (v) (BS3811) To reduce contamination to an acceptable level To Record (v) (BS3811) ‘To preserve information ina file. To Service (v) (BS3811) _To replenish the consumables needed to keep an item in operating condition. Unplanned Maintenance The maintenance carried out to no predetermined plan, (BS3811) | Useful Life (AS1057) The period from a stated time during which, under stated conditions, an item has an acceptable failure rate, or until an unrepairable failure occurs. BHP Maintenance Improvement 24 Process Unit Production (MIP) ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy ‘Coal Mining US Tons of Coal mined ‘Coal Mining Aust (including Coal Preparation Plants) Tonnes of clean Coal stockpiled for rail or sale Coal Ship-loadin, Tonnes of Coal loaded ‘Copper Mining, Tonnes (Tons US) of Material Moved Copper Concentrating (Crushing, Grinding, Flotation, Drying and Filtering) Tonnes (Tons US) of Material Throughput ‘Copper Feed & Flash, Hot Metals Tonnes (Tons US) of Material In. (NEC) ‘Copper Oxide Pounds in PLS ‘Copper Refining, Rod Plant Pounds of Copper In (TRC) ‘Copper Electro Winning Pounds of Copper Produced Iron Ore Mining ‘Tonnes of Iron Ore Moved Iron Ore Beneficiation Tonnes of Iron Ore Throughput Iron Ore Rail Road Tonnes of Iron Ore Railed Iron Ore Port Operations (Train Unloader, Ore handler, | Tonnes of Iron Ore Throughput Ship loader) Manganese Mining Tonnes of Material Moved “Manganese Preparation, Stacking, Reclaiming, Tonnes of Manganese Conveying, Ship-loading Throughput ‘Manganese Smelting, Tonnes of Manganese Throughput Titanium Mineral Sands Dredging to Concentrator ~ Wet Tonnes of Material from Dredge Titanium Minerals Sands Processing - Dr Tonnes of Material Processed NFC New Fine Copper TRC = Total Refined Copper PLS = Pregnant Leach Sollution Table 1. Units of Production by Production Process Section Wear-Out Failure whose probability of occurrence increases with Failure(AS1057) time and/or use which occurs as a result of processes Deena nee EEE BHP Maintenance Improvement 25 Process ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy which are characteristic of the population. 4.0 TIME USAGE MODEL DEFINITIONS Administrative Time (MIP) Available Time (MIP) Down Time (MIP) The period of time during which an item has failed and where corrective maintenance actions are pending or prepared but have not yet been initiated. This includes response to Production and delays caused by decision- making. ‘The period of time during which an item is in a condition to perform its required function (Total Time minus Down Time). Maintenance Downtime commences when an item is no longer in a condition to perform its required function. This occurs when: 1. Equipment has failed or 2. Maintenance take equipment down for scheduled maintenance. The equipment operator signals the commencement of Maintenance Downtime to a centralised location or to an appropriate Maintenance Department representative (Equipment Status is Down”). Once the work is complete, Maintenance releases the equipment with notification to Production that Equipment is ” Available”. Once Maintenance have signalled that Equipment is “Available,” Production are required to verify repairs are completed satisfactorily. If repairs are not completed satisfactorily, a new failure will occur, with new downtime recording commencing and the maintenance work being categorised as “Rework” ere not completed satisfactorily, ‘Response to ‘Response to a Production Maintenance Equipment is again “Down — Equipment is Maintenance orks complete. ‘Maintenance Definitions Policy Equipment | and Time ‘Status Figure 2, Up - Down Time Diagram Down Time (AS1057) The period of time during which an item is not in a condition to perform its required function. NOTES: 1. The downtime of an item is made up of active maintenance time and delays due to unavailability of labor, spares, facilities, movement, etc. 2. Unless otherwise stated, down time due to failure of an item is considered to commence at the instant the failure is detected. 3. Unless otherwise stated, down time will include any additional time necessary to reach the same stage in the working program of the time of failure. Operating Time (AS8402) The period of time during which an item performs its required function. See also Time Usage Model. Production Delays (MIP) Lost Production Time due to Production / Process - related problems, Response to The time that it takes Production personnel to verify that Maintenance (MIP) equipment is in an agreed state of capability, measured from the initiation of equipment “Available” signal. Standby Time (AS1057) _The period of time during which an item is needed to be in a condition to perform its required function but is not operated. Total Time (MIP) Total Time equals calendar time (8,760 or 8,784 hours per —————————————— BHP Maintenance Improvement 27 Process. Maintenance Definitions Policy ee piece of equipment per year) Undetected Failure Time The period of time between the instant of failure and its (MIP) recognition. If indeterminable, it will be measured as half way between the time the equipment was last operated or “Available” and the point of failure recognition. 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