Assessment For Unit 1

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Assessment for Unit 1: Rhetorical Analysis

20% Research Analysis (2)

10% Rhetorical Analysis
10% Drafts (1)showing
significant changes from
draft 1 to final draft
10% Peer Review
40% Paper
10% Project Reflection
100% Total

To receive full credit for the paper it must meet the basic
assignment expectations; it should:
Analyze one scholarly and one popular source on the
same subject
Make an argument, setting up a claim to focus the
entire analysis. This claim might be a main takeaway
from the two pieces, such as a key difference between
Emphasize rhetorical choices in each source, looking
not just at what is being said but also how and to what
Develop the argument throughout the paper, using
relevant examples from each text for support
Use summary minimallyonly when needed to make a
specific point
Show the connections between ideas, within and across
Be consistent in tone and style
Balance your voice with those in each source

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