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Career Pathway Organizer

Circle one: Grade 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Begin your career planning by responding to the statements below. Since your career goals may change over time, you should revisit and update
this form each year. This document is a tool to help you identify career and educational goals. It will not guarantee employment in a specific job and
allows you to change your mind as you learn about various career fields and jobs. After you complete this form, go on to the Academic Pathway
Plan to map your courses from grades 8-12.

After high school, I plan to:

8) What other career goals(s) and educational plans
4) What do you plan to do after high school to
Work full time have you considered as a second choice?
reach your goal(s)?
Work part time and attend school As a second choice, a childcare worker is still a
To reach my goals I plan to attend Bowling Green
Attend a two- or four-year postsecondary possibility for me as it is related to the education field
State University and major in inclusive early
institution full time and working with children.
childhood education.
Attend technical school full time
Enter the military as a career 5) What activities and skill training will you need to
1) What is your career goal(s)? learn outside of school to reach your career
My career goals are to become an elementary school goal(s)? Approval of Student Success Plan:
teacher.__________________________ Activities and skill training I will need to learn
outside of school to reach my career goals are _Emily Smiddy________ ____ _______4/16/17_
2) What interests, skills and knowledge support your classroom management skills as well as the ability Student Signature Date
career goals? to collaborate with other professionals.
The knowledge needed is an understanding in
customer and personal service psychology and 6) What degree, certification, licensure or _D Smiddy _________________________4/16/17_
education and training. Skills that are required are the specialized training will you need for your chosen Parent/Guardian Signature Date
ability to monitor, actively listen use critical thinking career?
skills, social perceptiveness as well as personal I will need to obtain a bachelors degree in
service. Comprehension skills are also necessary inclusive early childhood education and receive a _Counselor_________________________4/16/17__
along with a social personality. licensure as well. If I plan to get any Teacher/Counselor Signature Date
endorsements, that will require additional
3) What courses do you plan to take in high school to schooling.
reach your goal(s)?
I plan to take the core high school courses because 7) Has your career goal(s) changed since last
as an elementary school teacher I will be required to year?
know how to teach all subjects and be responsible for Since last year, my career goals have changed.
learning the content for each area. After using the Ohio Means Jobs Backpack one of
the careers suggested was a childcare worker,
which was something I wanted to do last year. After
thinking about it more, I have decided to become
an elementary school teacher, which is similar but

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

Model Student Success Plan | November 2014

requires more schooling.

Academic Pathway Plan

Begin your course planning by identifying your chosen career cluster. You should review your courses annually and make changes and updates as
needed. This form will help you decide on the most appropriate educational options to help you reach your career pathway goals. You should use
your schools course catalog to determine which courses are offered by your school and career-technical center. Be sure to talk with your
parent/guardian and teacher/school counselor to help you make final decisions.
Career Pathway Goal:
English Other Other
Language Mathematics Science Social Studies Health/P.E. Career Tech Requirement/ Requirement/
Arts Elective Elective
Algebra I Spanish I

9 English I Geometry Life Science History I Band Choir

10 English II Algebra II Biology History II Band Choir
11 English III Pre-Calculus Chemistry I Western Choir Spanish II
12 AP English Calculus Chemistry II AP Government Choir Spanish III

Year 1
1st Semester
Math 2130 EDTL 2300 EIEC 1110 EIEC 2110 EIEC 2100 EIEC 2120

Year 1
2nd Semester
EIEC 2140 EIEC 2150 Biology 1010 GSW 1120 PSYC 1010

Year 2
1st Semester
EDFI 3010 EIEC 2220 EIEC 2230 EIEC 2240 EIEC 3100

Year 2
2nd Semester
EIEC 3110 EIEC 3120 EIEC 3130 EIEC 3140 EIEC 3140

Programs, experiences and activities to support my academic and career goals:

In high school, I joined the Teacher Academy, which will help prepare me for a career as a teacher and provide real world externship opportunities. I

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

Model Student Success Plan | November 2014

plan to join an educational learning community in college in order to build a support system for myself which will impact both my academic and
career goals.

Additional interventions or assistance I need to for my future success:

I am on a 504 plan, so connecting and registering with the Office of Accessibility at BGSU will help me be successful in college.

Assessment Record
A record of the assessments that you have taken is an important tool to use to guide you on your career path. Record the results of tests and
assessments that you have taken in the appropriate areas. Identify the date taken, assessment tool and your results with appropriate comments.

Achievement Assessments Career Interests Career Skills and Values Other

College and Career Ready Exams Date_3/27/17_____ Date_3/27/17_____ Date______
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
ACT/SAT ACT 28 ToolCareer Profile assessment Tool_____________________
Tool Career Cluster Inventory_
________________________ _________________________ _____
WorkKeys/ASVAB____________ Results Law and Public Safety Results_Social_____________ Results__________________
______________________ ______ ______
Comments_____________________ Comments_______________ Comments________________ Comments_______________
______ _____ ______

End-of-Course Exams Date______ Date______ Date______

____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Tool_____________________ Tool______________________ Tool_____________________
ELA __A______________________ _____ ____ _____
Results__________________ Results___________________ Results__________________
ELA __A______________________ ______ _____ ______
Comments_______________ Comments________________ Comments_______________
Math__A______________________ ______ _____ ______

Date______ Date______ Date______
Science _A____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Tool_____________________ Tool______________________ Tool_____________________
Science _A____________________ _____ ____ _____
Results__________________ Results___________________ Results__________________
Social Studies_A_______________ ______ _____ ______
Comments_______________ Comments________________ Comments_______________
______ _____ ______

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

Model Student Success Plan | November 2014


Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

Model Student Success Plan | November 2014

Career-Ready Skills
Listed below is an example of the skills necessary for workplace success. Use this worksheet to describe your abilities to perform skills. As you
demonstrate specific skills, write a brief description in the appropriate space. Note: your school may have additional skill requirements for career
readiness. Check with your teachers and school counselors before completing this worksheet.

Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans and uses resources and time effectively.

In high school, we have to use time management in order to complete tasks in the time allotted. We are taught to use our resources in English
courses when completing research papers and throughout the process we are taught to identify, organize, and plan our resources effectively.

Interpersonal: Works as a team member, teaches others, serves customers, leads, negotiates and works successfully with people from diverse

In school, we often are given group work that helps us improve our ability to work as a team with others. We learn interpersonal skills that improve
our interactions as a team member, our leadership skills, or negotiating abilities, and the ability to work successfully with people from diverse
backgrounds. The serving customers component is evident in the clubs I am a part of. We listen to input and make changes as needed for fellow
students in student council and prom committee.

Information: Acquires and uses information and data, organizes and maintains files, interprets and communicates, and uses computers to process

In the teacher academy, information will be collected and utilized in a variety of ways. We collect data on students and their needs and organize the
data in order to interpret their needs, which will then be communicated to teachers. Because computers are such an integrated part of the
classroom, we will learn how to process information with the use of technology.

Systems: Understands complex interrelationships, monitors and corrects performance and improves systems.

In student council, we are given the opportunity to practice improving our understanding of complex interrelationships and improve systems. What
may have been unsuccessful the previous year, we will correct it in order to improve the school system.

Technology: Works with a variety of technologies and applies them to specific tasks.

In the Teacher Academy, we are given the opportunity to work with a variety of technologies and apply them to various educational tasks. We learn
to work with Microsoft, the Smartboard, etc. in order to prepare ourselves to have classrooms that are integrated with technology.
Career Exploration Activities
Use this activity to record experiences that relate to your career goal or to identify those experiences you would
like to have. As you write a brief description in the appropriate space, indicate whether it is a goal or an actual
experience. You may include longer reports of your actual experiences separately in your Student Success

Exploration: Research, Workplace Visit with Interview, Job Shadowing, etc.

Actual Experience: I have had the opportunity, through an externship with the Teacher Academy, to complete
externships at the elementary, middle, and high school level. This has provided me the opportunity to
experience numerous job placements, interview multiple teachers, and research, while job shadowing
different career possibilities.

Career Mentorship

Goal: My goal is to find a professor at BGSU who will act as a mentor and build a relationship with them.

Actual Experience: I have built a professional career mentorship with a third grade teacher I completed an
externship with at the Teacher Academy.


Goal: My goal is to experience multiple internships at BGSU in classrooms.

Actual Experience: I have completed externships through the Teacher Academy at each school level.

Community Service and Service Learning

Actual Experience: Through the organizations I am a part of in high school, we have engaged in many
community service projects and opportunities.

Goal: My goal is to continue community service by joining at least one group in college that actively
participates in community service and service learning.

Work Experience (paid or unpaid)

Actual Experience: I have worked at Coney Island for the past two summers and plan to continue working
there in the future to gain more experience. I have unpaid experience completing externships in the schools.

Goal: My goal is to get a part-time job in college.

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

Planning Checklist
Use this checklist to help ensure that you have gained the knowledge, information and skills necessary to
develop and maintain your education plans and career goals. When you demonstrate specific skills, you will
check the box next to them. Keep this form in your Student Success Plan so that you can update your skills
each year. Provide comments, as appropriate, to document your understanding.

I have updated (and changed, if needed) my Student Success Plan (6); (7); (8); (9 ); (10 ); (11
); (12 ).


I know and can describe my interests and work traits.


I know and can describe my academic strengths.


I know how to locate and use career information resources.


I understand Ohios 16 career clusters.


I can describe the educational options available to me.


I know the high school graduation requirements.


I know the educational requirements to reach my chosen career goal.


I understand labor market trends for my chosen career goals.


I have discussed my current educational plans and career goals with my parent/guardian and

I can locate and identify local job opportunities.

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014


I can identify nontraditional career options.


I know how to navigate and complete applications.


I have discussed my plans for after high school with my parent/guardian and counselor/teacher.

I have taken action on my plans for after high school.

Comments: I have applied to BGSU.

Model Student Success Plan | December 2014

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