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Parent Conference Report Form

Parent Conference Report: Parent-teacher conferences are an important part of your responsibility as

an educator. For student, parent, and teacher alike, the conference can be frightening, especially if the

childs attitude and/or behavior in class is not acceptable or if other less-than-good news must be

communicated. Preparing for a successful conference includes setting goals, having specific and factual

information about the students progress available, making sure to schedule adequate time to meet the

goals while honoring the parents time constraints, and making a plan to follow-up with the parents. An

effective conference includes a review and discussion about the students accomplishments, records,

challenges, and concerns and fosters collaboration by giving the parents the opportunity to share their

views regarding the issue at hand.

Tips for conducting and concluding a conference:

o Establish rapport; treat the parent with respect.
o State something positive, specific, and unique about their child to communicate your genuine care.
o Discuss the issues factually; be specific; avoid the use of jargon a parent might not understand.
o Be a good listener; be prepared; assure parents you are not judging them.
o Develop a plan to resolve the issues (cooperation is essential).
o Conclude on a positive note, thank the parents for their time, and encourage further communication.

Student's Initials: A.A. Date: 2/17/17 Age: 11 Grade: 4th grade Gender: Female

Purpose of Conference: To discuss student progress and current assignments

Description of Conference: The conference covered the lesson topics over nouns and verbs, word

families, and consonant blends. We discussed how A.A. was doing on her each area and any concerns

that I saw and/or the mom saw in regards to the lesson topics. I also asked about anything else the mom

felt would be something to go over with A.A., and if there was anything at home she has done that may be

helpful in classroom.

Roles of the Professionals in Attendance (e.g. counselor, school psychologist, etc.):

Student Teacher- Coordinator of meeting

Parent- To provide any other information that may be helpful to help their child in the classroom and at


Answer the following questions and comment as applicable:

Was the goal of the conference met?

Yes, we were able to discuss A.As progress and deliberate on how to address any areas where she

was struggling.

How were the parents made to feel comfortable?

I made sure to ask for their opinions and what they have seen at home. I made sure to always ask if

they had any questions or if they had a concern throughout the meeting. My goal was to make sure they

knew I valued their opinions and expertise on their child.

Were the parents/guardians opinions respected and incorporated? How?

Yes, I made sure to ask questions and ask for their opinions throughout the meeting. I felt that this was

so important because ultimately the parents know their child and their needs the best.

Was the student in attendance? If so, how was he/shes opinions incorporated?

No, the student was not in attendance during this meeting.

How did the teacher diffuse/acknowledge negative comments?

Luckily there was no negative comments during the meeting. However, if there were any negative

comments I would just listen to their concerns and try to come up with a plan together to help alleviate

any problems that they felt was happening. I feel that this will allow the parents to feel heard and that their

opinions do matter to me.

What did you learn that will help you have successful conferences with your future students?):

I learned that it is always important to begin any meeting with the positives first and then move to any

concerns. I also learned that it is especially important to try and come up with a plan to help any problems

the parents may see together. This allows for open communication and for the parents to feel involved in

their child's learning. In addition, I think that it is crucial to always ask for their opinions or if they have

questions throughout the conference so they feel valued. Overall, I was reminded of how important it is for

the parents to know they are the experts on their children and that their opinions do matter to the teacher.
Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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