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ARD/IEP Planning and Participation Report

You need to attend at least one ARD meeting of one of your students and answer the

following questions with the help of your cooperating teacher and the school diagnostician

and/or school psychologist.


Which professional is responsible for which part of the ARD preparation (coordinating the

meeting, creating objectives, entering the information for the meeting, sending notices, gathering

information, etc.)? Does the same professional handle all types of ARDs on your campus? If

not, describe who does which kind of ARD. Which administrative professional attends the

ARDs on your campus? How much time is allowed to pass between formal testing for an initial

or 3-year re-evaluation ARD by the diagnostician/school psych. professional and the actual ARD

meeting? Describe the timelines your teacher has to follow for sending information to parents

prior to the ARD.

The professional that is responsible for coordinating the meeting and entering information

during the ARD facilitator for the campus. The SPED and general education teachers are

responsible for creating the the objectives. The SPED teacher is responsible for also sending

notices and gathering information about the students. For initial ARDs the diagnostician is the

one who coordinates the meetings, whereas for an Annual/REED meeting it is the ARD

facilitator that is coordinating the meeting. There is only 45 days that is allowed to pass between

a formal testing before an actual ARD meeting. Information and reminders needs to be sent out

at least 5 days before an ARD or Initial meeting.

ARD Preparation

What is the average time it takes to prepare for an ARD meeting? What does this process look

like for your teacher? What type of data is collected prior to the ARD? Is there usually a meeting

or staffing prior to the ARD a) with professionals to plan; a) with professionals to plan; b) with

parents? If so, who coordinates those meetings? How many notices were required to be sent to

parents? What information besides the notice is given to parents? What professionals give

input into the PLAAFP (present level of academic and functional performance)? What type of

parental involvement does your teacher use when planning for ARD? How does your teacher

decide which goals and objectives to propose at the ARD?

An average time it takes to prepare for an an ARD meeting is about two weeks before the

meeting. This process generally looks like setting up a staffing with the professionals who need

to be in attendance two weeks before the meeting, sending out notices to parents five days before

the ARD, and gathering information about the students. The type of information gathered is any

formal/informal testing done, data points on progress in class activities, and informal interviews

with parents and teachers. There is always a meeting before an ARD, so that the teachers can

discuss and evaluate before jumping into an ARD about the students needs. For notices to parents

they are informed of the meeting and any required documents that need to be filled out. The

general education and SPED teachers help in forming the PLAAFP statement. In regards to

parent involvement, my cooperating teacher makes sure to have a conference call and email sent

out before and after an ARD meeting. The goals and objectives that are designed for the students

is based upon evaluations, data, and informal teacher interviews.

Meeting Comments

Were the procedures/plans explained to the parents adequately? Was the meeting conducted in a

professional manner (include examples)? How were the parents made to feel welcome at the

meeting? Was the outcome appropriate for the student? Did you get to contribute information

during the ARD? If so, reflect on the experience. Is there anything you would have done

differently? Were the parents encouraged to contact school professionals with post-ARD

questions? What is required of a SPED teacher following this ARD?

During the meeting all procedures/plans were explained to the parents very effectively. Little

to no use of jargon were used during the meeting when discussing information with the parents.

They were always making sure to see if the parent had any questions or anything to add from

their experience. The committee made the parents feel welcomed by asking for the parents

input/opinions and letting them know that they valued their input. The overall outcome for the

meeting was very appropriate for the student and parents agreed about the placements the child

needed. For this particular meeting I did not have anything to add because this was an initial

ARD and we have yet to work with this child. Once the meeting was over the ARD facilitator

made sure to let the parents know who to call if any questions arised after the meeting was over.

After the meeting is over it is now the job of the SPED to teacher to send a debriefing of what

occurred and was discussed during the meeting. In addition, the SPED calls and has a conference

to follow up on what was discussed as well.

ARD Date 1/23/17

Type of ARD Initial

Professionals Title Leading the Meeting Ard Facilitator

Professionals in Attendance 4th grade teachers (ELA and Math), SPED Resource teacher,

Dyslexia teacher, and Diagnostician/LLSP.

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