Mineosuar Transcription

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Transcription of The Mine-O-Saur: Read on 2/21/17

blue font indicates focus student

Time: 0:01-12:16

1.Ellie: Ok friends today we are going to read a book called The Mine-O-Saur. This book
2.is going to teach us about the importance of sharing. Now from listening to the title of
3.this book and from looking at the cover of this book, I notice dinosaurs. I am going to
4.predict that this book is about dinosaurs. Can somebody else share something they
5.notice or predict?
6.DS: He is being rude. He is hogging those toys!
7.Ellie: You are right, I notice that too.
8.AS: His face looks mean.
9.Ellie: Great observation. Can somebody tell me what sharing means?
10.JA: Sharing means you let other people use your stuff and you don't be a hog.
11.Ellie: I agree, you let other people use things and you don't keep them all to yourself.
12.Lets start reading friends. One morning, before Mrs. Raptor rang the bell, the
13.dinosaurs were playing in the school yard. All of the sudden, they heard a roar:
14.MINE! MINE! MINE! Oh no, muttered Stegosaurus. Here comes the
15. Mine-O-Saur. He snatched the jump rope and the ball. He threw the cars against
16.the wall. And then he roared to one and all, MINE! MINE! MINE! Iguanodon said,
17.Thats not fair. Triceratops said, You should share. But the Mine-O-Saur yelled, I
18.dont care! They're MINE! MINE! MINE!
19.JA: He is being a bucket dipper.
20.PE: Yeah, he looks funny in that picture.
21.Ellie:Right then, the bell rang. The Mine-O-Saur hugged the toys and sighed, All
22.mine. Youre late, Mrs. raptor said when the Mine-O-Saur finally came to class.
23.Now youll have to paint your project during snack time. By the time the
24.Mine-O-Saur finished, snack time was in full swing. The Mine-O-Saur rushed on
25.ahead. He snatched the scones and strudel bread. He bit the butter tarts and said,
26.Theyre MINE! MINE! MINE! Wow. How does Mine-O-Saur look in the picture? And
27.what about his poor friends?
28.AR: He looks scary and his friends look scared of him.
29.CL: It looks like he knocked over the table too.
30.JA: Wow that is so rude.
31.Ellie: Good observations. Lets see what happens next. Thats our food yelled
32.Apatosaur. No its not! cried Mine-O-Saur. And soon there was a tug-of-war as he
33.wailed, MINE! The rest of the class can go outside for recess, Mrs. Raptor said.
34.You will stay here until you clean up this mess. The Mine-O-Saur scowled and bit
35.into a scone. At least the foods all mine, he grumbled. But the feast wasnt as
36.much fun when it was made for one. So all the friends get to go outside and he has
37.to stay inside and clean-up. He wasn't following the rules and had to miss out of the
38.outside fun. At recess, the Mine-O-Saur saw the other dinos having fun building a
39.tower. His arms were flailing all around. The tower tumbled to the ground. He
40.grabbed a bunch of blocks and frowned. Theyre MINE! MINE! MINE! Oh my! DO
41.how would you feel if someone did this to your tower?
42.DO: I would be mad and angry if someone did that to me. His friends look sad.
43.JA: No one is going to want to be around him if he keeps that up.
44.Ellie: I agree. Thats not very nice! How could you? yelled Iguanodon. Its wrecked
45.now! said Pteranodon. The Mine-O-Saur said, Oh, come on, these blocks are
46.MINE! The dines rolled their eyes. Finally, Triceratops said, lets go guys. Who can
47.tell me, why are the other dinos leaving?
48.DS: They dont want to be around him cause he is doing mean stuff and not sharing.
49.Ellie: I dont need them anyway, said the Mine-O-Saur. Ill build a better tower all
50.by myself. Look at the this! he shouted. The biggest tower ever! But their was no
51.dino around to hear.
52.KR: That is a good tower. Its so big.
53.Ellie: At the other end of the yard, the rest of the dinos were laughing and playing.
54.They didn't seem to miss the Mine-O-Saur at all. The Mine-O-Saur began to shake.
55.Theres nothing left for me to take! No toys at all, for goodness sake. And they don't
56.care! The Mine-O-Saur wanted to laugh and play too. So he gathered up all the stuf
57.that was his and headed toward the dinos. The Mine-O-Saur asked, What some
58.snacks? The other dinos turned their backs. Ive brought some blocks for us to
59.stack. Come on lets share! How is the Mine-O-Saur changing on this page? DO?
60.DO: He is trying to be nice and share.
61.PE: But they are mad at him.
62.Ellie: Exactly. He was very rude to his friends and now they want nothing to do with
63.him. The Mine-O-Saur tried saying, Please! Ive brought some toys- Ill give you
64.these! The dinos stared down at their knees. They just didn't care. Okay then, said
65.the Mine-O-Saur. He put down the stuf. You guys should play. Look at this picture,
66.how does the Mine-O-Saur look? Why?
67.JA: He looks sad because no one wants to play with him.
68.CL: But he left his toys! He is trying to be nice!
69.Ellie: I think the Mine-O-Saur realized that he wasn't being very nice. The dinos
70.looked at each other. Isnt this YOUR stuf? asked Stegosaurus. The Mine-O-Saur
71.shook his head. I shouldn't have taken it. The Mine-O-Saur was still walking when
72.he heard the dinos shout, wait! They said, We want to play with you! Mine-O-Saur
73.said, you really do? The dinos nodded. Yes its true. If youll share, its fine. Wow I
74.think the Mine-O-Saur is pretty happy. Can you tell from the picture?
75.DO: Yes! Look at his arms!
76.Ellie: He looks so happy to have his friends back. The Mine-O-Saur yelled, Its a
77.deal! I have the thing I want, he squealed. You don't know how this makes me
78.feel-My friends! You're MINE! MINE! MINE! What do you notice about that last
79.sentence I just read?
80.EW: He used to say Mine! Mine! Mine! to be mean but he said Mine! Mine! Mine! to
81.be nice now.
82.JA: He learned to be a nice friend. Im glad.

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