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Nama : Muhammad Budi Hendrawan Sutopo

NRP : 0515140138

Solid Waste Management and Waste Civil and criminal fines

Minimization Permitting fees
There is an overw helming number of success
Insurance costs
stories that illustrate the benefits of pollution
Process outages and disruptions
prevention strategies. Many examples for a
There are case studies that testify to the fact
variety of industry categories are summarized
that P2 benefits result in:
in earlier publications devoted to this subject
Enhanced public image consumers more
(Cheremisinoff, N. P., Handbook of Pollution
favorably view businesses that adopt and
Prevention Practices, 2001, and
practice P2 strategies, and the marketing of
Cheremisinoff, N. P. and A. Bendavid-Val,
these practices can assist in increasing a
Green Profits: The Managers Handbook for
companys profits.
ISO 14CK)1 and Pollution Prevention, 2001).
Increased productivity and efficiency - P2
These case studies show distinct financial
assessments have proven helpful in identifying
advantages to companies by identifying
opportunities that decrease raw materials use,
reductions not only in pollution and the costs
eliminate unnecessary operations, increase
associated with pollution/waste management,
throughput, reduce off-spec product
but through reduced raw material
generation, and improve yields.
consumption, energy savings, reductions in
Reduced regulatory burden - improving
treatment and disposal of wastes, and
environmental performance and achieving
reductions in labor associated with
performance goals that exceed compliance
environmental management. Many P2 and
have been demonstrated in many P2 programs,
waste minimization strategies, such as
which in turn reduce the costs of compliance,
substituting toxic materials with safer
Decreased liability - handling hazardous and
alternatives, do not require process changes,
toxic materials brings along with it high
and as such are simple and cost very little to
liabilities should an accident such as a fire or
implement. The areas in which P2 have proven
explosion, or a major spill occur.
effective include the elimination and reduction
Improved environmental health and safety
of impacts from:
P2 practices can be applied to all forms of
Treatment, disposal, and associated labor
pollution media. Reduction in pollution
minimizes worker exposure and conserves
Wildlife and habitat damage
resources and landfill space.
Property devaluation
The costs for environmental management are
Remediation costs
multilayered or tiered, and in some categories management facilities that often have
depends on the likelihood of future events that operating lifetimes of several decades.
are difficult to predict with confidence. The use of literature reported data for local
However, clearly the risks of encountering planning is likely to lead to inaccurate
future and intangible costs can be minimized estimates of local MSW quantities and
and possibly eliminated by choosing composition and could result in costly
preventive strategies over control-based ones. mistakes in purchasing equipment and sizing
The application of LCC tools, described later, facilities. Local waste characterizations, on the
provide the means of selecting cost-effective other hand, are based on actual waste stream
waste management strategies. studies conducted at landfills, WTE facilities,
materials recovery facilities (MRFs), or
36 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AND transfer stations. Properly conducted studies
WASTE MINIMIZATION can provide information about the amount of
to-energy (WTE) technologies, the need for specific products and materials generated by
reliable data about what is in the waste stream each sector (i.e., residential, commercial, or
becomes paramount to the waste management industrial), the amount of waste recycled,
programs success. Each of these technologies seasonal variations in the waste stream, and
addresses discrete segments of the waste differences between urban, suburban, and rural
stream. These data assist municipalities in: areas. Waste characterization studies often
Determining the best management methods include the following elements:
for different materials An approach to sample collection that
Planning recycling and composting programs ensures representative sampling
by identifying the amounts of recyclables and Four-season sorts of a least one week each
organic materials generated by residential, Multiple waste categories (e.g., about 25),
commercial, and possibly industrial sectors with added detail on recyc lab les
Sizing of WTE facilities based on the amount Waste quantities by generation source
of wastes remaining in the waste stream after An estimation of the heat value of waste if
recycling and composting WTE is being considered
Estimating waste transportation and A survey of businesses, haulers, and brokers
separation costs using local estimates of total to quantify commercial recycling activities and
municipal waste volume and weight disposal practices
Waste characterization studies provide A waste characterization can also include
baseline data for municipalities to measure sample sorts of restaurant, hotel, office, and
their progress toward specific waste manufacturer waste to determine waste
management goals. In addition, projections of generation and characterization by sector, and
the size and composition of the future MSW curbside sorts to establish baseline data for
stream helps communities plan MSW production. When LCC tools are applied, more
cost-effective management practices that serve as paint, solvent-based cleaners, oils, batteries,
communities for many decades can be chosen. and pesticides. These items contain hazardous
These investments must be supplemented and chemicals. Such discarded items are referred
focus heavily on reducing waste at the source to as household hazardous waste (HHW).
and recycling. Reducing garbage output is Municipal waste management systems that
becoming a major environmental priority in rely exclusively on landfills have little need to
the United States. Many local governments characterize the types and quantities of
now require recycling and waste reduction by material disposed, unless the waste streams
residents and businesses as the cornerstone of comprise significant quantities of hazardous
an effective solid waste program. in this wastes. As communities rely more on source
chapter we examine the problem of MSW reduction, recycling, composting, and waste.
along with the alternative strategies and
technologies that are displacing landfilling and
incineration. tracking source reduction programs, household
hazardous wastes, and program effectiveness.
Identifying generation rates and management
THE COMPOSITION OF MUNICIPAL methods for commercial waste is particularly
WASTE important. On average, commercial waste
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is commonly accounts for 40% of the municipal waste
known as trash or garbage. It comprises stream in North America, but percentages vary
everyday items, such as product packaging, by community. As an example, there are some
grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles, rural areas that generate almost no commercial
food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, waste. Construction and demolition debris is
batteries, and other consumer-related product sometimes a major portion of the waste stream
forms. The composition of MSW depends on a and a good source of recyclable materials.
number of factors such as the lifestyles of the Construction and demolition debris can be
population, their relative standards of living, included in commercial waste estimates or
general consumer patterns, and the level of broken out separately. The composition of
technological advancement of a particular commercial and industrial waste is
country. In the United States the average significantly different from that of residential
composition (before recycling) is widely waste. Residential waste includes high
reported to be as shown in Table 1: volumes of paper, glass, food, and yard waste,
Table 1. Typical Composition of MSW whereas commercial and industrial waste
Reported in the United States. includes high volumes of paper, metals, and
wood. The primary waste generators in the
A portion of household wastes are hazardous. commercial sector tend to be hotels,
Households often discard common items such restaurants, shopping centers, and hospitals.
Waste characterization studies need to be In contrast, in 1960, the U.S. estimated MSW
updated periodically to account for changes in generation figure per capita was 2.7 lbs (1.22
population density, industrial Concentration, kg).
and community affluence. To anticipate The trends shown in Fig. 1 indicate an
changes in the size and composition of the alarming rate of increase in less than a
MSW stream and to make decisions generation. This raises concerns for the
concerning its management, local officials overconsumption of nonrenewable resources,
generally make projections of the future MSW and the ability to effectively manage these
stream based on the impact of at least two waste volumes.
factors: Changes in MSW generation can be attributed
(a) demographics; and (b) recycling, to demographics and can be broken down into
composting, and source reduction programs. two basic factors:
Although consumer behavior and product Changes in population
composition also are important factors Changes in per-capita generation
affecting MSW generation and composition, Population growth or decline due to changes in
the impact of these factors is difficult to the birth rate, death rate, or migration
predict and can have an ambiguous overall significantly affect the generation of
affect. Some general trends are, however, residential, commercial, and industrial MSW.
evident. The percentage of paper and plastics Although national average populations in
in the waste stream is expected to continue technologically advanced countries are
increasing. Also, glass and steel containers are expected to continue to increase, regions and
likely to continue to be replaced by lighter localities can expect to see much more
materials, such as aluminum and plastic. dynamic changes due to migration and other
Changes in local industry and commerce will factors. Note also that industrial solid waste
also affect the size and composition of the patterns are also dynamic and change as
commercial and industrial waste streams. demographic shifts in society take place. This
also leads to the need for more complex and
well-thought-out waste management strategies.
The volumes generated per capita also depend
Per-capita generation depends on at least three
on similar if not the same factors that influence
major factors: socioeconomic status, the
composition. In the United States the
degree of urbanization, and household size.
combined MSW from residents, businesses,
The effect of socioeconomic status on MSW
and institutions exceeded 230 million tons
generation is uncertain. As societies become
(1999 data reported by the EPA Web site:
more affluent on average, they have purchased This figure represents about
more of all goods, which has increased waste
4.6 lbs (2.09 kg) of waste per person per day.
generation. Rural areas often have lower per-
capita generation rates than urban areas for at recovery can be viewed as an attractive
least some components of the waste stream alternative to landfilling in many situations.
(e.g., fewer newspapers because they are The construction of energy from waste
printed weekly rather than daily and are more facilities is very controversial and has evoked
often burned as fuel). a great deal of public criticism and objections,
In the chapters to follow we will examine largely because of air pollution. Since there is
alternative strategies for waste management at a greater prevalence for toxic and hazardous
both the municipal and industrial levels. Bear materials in industrial waste streams, the
in mind that consumer patterns also need to successful application to managing industry
change as resources become more scarce. solid waste problems has been at a lower level,
Recycling, composting, and source reduction but still substantial.
initiatives have altered the MSW stream that is There are three basic methods relied upon to
sent to WTE facilities and landfills. Since convert solid waste into useful energy such as
these programs reduce the portion of certain electricity and heat. In the case of MSW, all
materials in the waste stream, the proportion of three methods produce energy from the
the remaining, untargeted components must organic portion of the waste. The organic
necessarily increase. matter would eventually be converted to
methane and carbon dioxide by natural
processes. Methane is the main constituent of
natural gas, and hence these technology
Incineration is the combustion of waste in a
options simply capitalize on what would
controlled manner in order to destroy it or
happen naturally. Since methane formation
transform it into less hazardous, less bulky, or
from the decomposition of the organic waste
more controllable constituents. Incineration
components of MSW occurs naturally, energy
may be used to dispose of a wide range of
from waste can be viewed in part as not
waste streams including MSW, commercial,
contributing to greenhouse gases. Determining
clinical, and certain types of industrial
the specific technology that is most
waste. Incineration is generally the second
appropriate for a given region depends on a
most frequently selected method of waste
number of factors, including the local methods
management after landfill for MSW. MSW
of collecting, processing, and disposing of
comprises residential and commercial refuse
MSW, and local environmental regulations.
and makes up the largest source of waste in
industrialized countries. Disposal is a major
The benefits associated with incineration
concern in many parts of the world simply
technologies include:
because landfill space is becoming scarce.
A reduction in the volume and weight of
Although there are significant environmental
waste, especially of bulky solids with a high
trade-offs, incineration of MSW with energy
combustible content. The reduction can be up
to 90% of the volume and 75 % of the weight lead, arsenic, zinc, chromium, copper, nickel,
of materials that would otherwise go to etc.
landfill. Acidic and corrosive gases such as hydrogen
Destruction of some wastes and chloride, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide,
detoxification of others to render them more and nitrogen oxides
suitable for final disposal, e.g. combustible Products of incomplete combustion such as
carcinogens, pathologically contaminated carbon monoxide, dioxins, furans, and
materials, toxic organic compounds, or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
biologically active materials that could affect Contaminated wastewater
sewage treatment works. Contaminated ash
Destruction of the organic component of Strong advocates of this technology argue that
biodegradable waste that, when landfilled, air emission standards are strict and that these
directly generates landfill gas (LFG). technologies are inherently safe. However, we
Recovery of energy from organic wastes with must always bear in mind that there are still
sufficient organic value. many unknowns about the long-term health
Replacement of fossil fuel for energy risks of numerous air emissions.
generation with beneficial consequences in the Other issues and concerns regarding the use of
greenhouse effect. incineration as a waste treatment method are
The disadvantages of incineration technologies as follows:
largely lie with environmental trade-offs from Because of the high capital inVestment
transforming solid waste to air pollution. There requirements, incineration generally entails
is genuine concern over the environmental and much higher costs and longer payback periods
public health implications of incineration, than final disposal to landfill.
particularly due to heavy metals and dioxins in There is a lack of flexibility in the choice of
incinerator emissions to the atmosphere. This waste disposal options once incineration is
concern led to the adoption of legislation chosen. Because of the high capital cost, the
controlling the incineration process in most incinerator must be tied to long-term waste
industrialized countries. The ongoing costs for disposal contracts.
controls increase the life cycle costs The incinerator is designed on the basis of a
significantly. Although modern incinerators certain calorific value for the waste. Removal
comply with existing air emissions legislation, of materials such as paper and plastics for
there is still public concern that the levels recycling and resource recovery reduce the
emitted pose long-term health risks. The overall calorific value of the waste and
emissions of most environmental concern from consequently affect incinerator performance.
mass burn incinerators for MSW are: The incineration process still produces a
Particulate matter solid waste residue that requires management
Heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, and final disposal.
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