Feed Intake and Growth of Cattle Fed Liquid Brewer's Yeast

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Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2Wl .

Received I4 July 1978, accepted 2 Oct.. 1978.

GruEvB, D. G. 19'19. Feed intake and srowth of cattle fed liquid brewer's
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

yeast. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 59: 89-94.

Liquid brewer's yeast containing l0-147a dry matter and 40-50Vo crude protein (DM
basis) was fed as the protein supplement to six pens of four Holstein-Friesian heifer
calves by three methods in a double latin square design. Treatments were additions of
liquid brewer's yeast to a corn silage-based ration: A, separate free choice feeding; B,
top-dressed on basal ration; or C, mixed with basal ration. Periods were 21 days in
duration. Dry matter intake was satisfactory on all treatments but was greater when
yeast was fed free choice (A) or mixed (C) than top-dressed (B). Free choice yeast
feeding resulted in high intakes of the product and compensatory reduction of basal
ration intake. Dry matter and protein content of yeast varied somewhat between
shipments from the brewery. In a second trial, four pens of four Hereford steer calves
each were fed corn silage and high moisture corn alone or supplemented with liquid
brewer's yeast or soybean meal for a 98-day period. Supplemented diets were
consumed in higher amounts and resulted in more rapid gains than in controls. There
was no difference between yeast- and soybean-supplemented rations.
For personal use only.

De la levure de brasserie liquide, dosant de l0 d, 14Va de matidre sdche (MS) et de 40 ir

507o de prot6ines brutes (en Vo de la MS), a 6t6 servie comme compl6ment prot6ique h
six parquets de quatre g6nisses Holstein-Friesian. L'exp6rience, dispos6e en carre
latin double, comportait trois modes d'adjonction de la levure une ration d base
d'ensilage de mais: (a) en distribution libre, s6par6e, (b) vers6e sur la ration de base et
(c) m6lang6e h la ration de base. Chaque traitement d'alimentation a dur6 2l jours.
L'ingestion de MS a 6t6 satisfaisante dans tous les traitements, quoiqu'elle ait 6t6 plus
forte quand la levure 6tait servie a part en libre service ou m0l6e d la ration que
simplement vers6e par-dessus. La distribution libre de la levure a donn6 lieu h une plus
abondante ingestion du compl6ment mais, en revanche, i une r6duction de la
consommation de la ration de base. Les teneurs en MS et en prot6ines de la levure
variaient quelque peu selon les envois de la brasserie. Dans un second essai, quatre
parquets de quatre veaux miles castr6s ont regu pendant 98 jours de l'ensilage de mais
et du mais grain humide, sans compl6ment ou avec compl6ment de levure liquide ou
de tourteau de soja. Les veaux ont consomm6 davantage des r6gimes compl6ment6s et
ont grossi plus vite que les t6moins, mais il n'y a pas eu de diff6rence significative
enhe les deux types de compl6ment utilis6s.

Surplus yeast produced during brewing for digestible (cattle) protein (dry matter basis)
beer has traditionally been artificially dried according to the National Academy of
and utilized in the feed manufacturing Sciences (1969). As produced in the
industry or disposed of as a waste. Increased brewery, the surplus yeast is a liquid
energy costs of drying and environmental containing lo-l4%o dry matter. Few studies
concerns have led to a search for alternate have been conducted on feeding liquid
uses of this product. Brewer's dried yeast brewer's yeast to ruminants and most have
contains about 47 .9Vo crude and 44.lvo been concerned with feeding small quan-
Csn. J. Anim. Sci.59:89-9 (Mar. 1979) tities, generally in the dried form. However,

Linton (19'77) found that yeast slurry was at 1963). A commercial mineral vitamin premix
least equal to a 32Vo crude protein (AA Co-op Cattle Mineral, United Cooperatives
supplement for feeder cattle and that when of Ontario, Mississauga. Guaranteed analysis:
added to a low protein corn silage-based calcitm, 147o phosphorts, 4Va
17.5Va salt, l47o
ration, gains and feed efficiency were magnesium, 0.27a zinc, O.25Vo iron, O.O3Vo
improved significantly. It is estimated that iodine, 0.027o copper, 0.187o manganese,
about 27,500 tonnes of liquid brewer's yeast
0.00047o cobalt, 88,100 IU vitamin A/kg,
29,700 IU vitamin D/kg) and water were
are produced annually in Canada and are provided free choice. Animals were weighed on 2
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

potentially available as a livestock feed. consecutive days at the beginning and end of
Consequently, studies were initiated firstly experiment and once between each period. The
to determine acceptability of liquid brewer's experiment was preceded and followed by a
yeast (LBY) fed by different methods to 2l-day control ration period with soybean meal as
cattle and secondly to evaluate the product as the supplemental protein source.
a protein supplement for growing cattle. Raw yeast slurry was obtained from a local
brewer (Molson's Brewery (Ontario) Limited,
Barrie Plant) at 2- to 3-wk intervals, stored in a
used bulk milk tank equipped with agitator and
Trial 1
just prior to feeding.
Twenty-four Holstein-Friesian heifer removed as required
Samples of LBY were taken thrice weekly for
averaging 9.5 mo of age were blocked into light
analysis of dry matter, crude protein, ammonia
and heavy groups (averaging 230 kg and 277 kg,
nitrogen (AOAC 1975), nitrogen precipitable in a
respectively) and randomly assigned to a pen of
cold 5Vc TCA solution and nitrogen soluble in 0. I
four animals within blocks. Experimental design
N HCl. Feed intake and body weight data for the
was a double 3 x 3 latin square with the two
For personal use only.

experimental periods were submitted to analysis

weight groups as blocks, pens within block as
rows and 2 I -day periods as columns. Treatments
of variance (Federer 1955, p. 148) with
individual treatment means compared by Tukey's
consisted of feeding LBY by three different
ro procedure (Steel and Torrie 1960, p. 1 10).
methods: (a) free choice (separate from basal
ration); (b) top-dressed on basal ration in
sufficient quantities to balance protein require- Trial 2
ments according to the National Academy of A 98-day feeding trial was conducted using 48
Sciences National Research Council (NAS- Hereford steer calves housed in l2 pens and fed
NRC 1971);- and (c) mixed in a complete ration in rations based on corn silage and high moisture
the same amounts as in (b). Rations (Table l) corn supplemented with LBY, soybean meal or
were fed twice daily to ad libitum intake with no supplementation (negative control) (Table 2).
refusals measured daily and diets sampled weekly Feeding was daily to ad libitum intake. Body
for analysis of dry matter, crude protein weights and feed refusals were measured at 14
(Association of Official Analytical Chemists days and at 28-day intervals thereafter. Feed
(AOAC 1975) and acid detergent fiber (Van Soest samples taken in each time interval were analyzed

Table I . Composition of diets (rial 1)

Diets Control Basal Basal * LBY
Ingredients, Vo as fed
Whole plant corn silage 90.00 91.14 83.72
High moisture ear corn 8.7 5 8.86 8. l4
Soybean meal (.49Vo) 1.25
Liquid brewer's yeast 8.14
Chemical analysis
Dry matter (Vo) 30.85 35.48 33. 50
Crude protein (7o of DM) 1l:34 r 0.00 10.73
Acid detergent fiber (7o of DM) 29.97 24.32 24.t9

Table 2. Composition of diets (trial 2)

Diets Negative control LBY Soybean meal

Ingredients, Vo DM basis
Whole plant corn silage 68.2 69.2
High moisture shelled corn 25.0 22.o 22.O
LBY 9.0
Soybean meal (49Vo\ 8.0
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

hemixl .8 .8 .8
Chemical analysis
Dry matler (.Vo) 42.21 34.21 43.82
Crude protein (7o) 9.56 t3.o2 13.24
ME (calculated) Mcal/kg 2.70 2.'70 2.72

tComprising 257o dicalcium phosphate, 37.57o limestone and 37 .5Vc trace mineral salt

Table 3. Composition of liquid brewer's yeast by load (trial l)

Component Total SD

Sample n o o 3 zo
Dry matter (Va) 10.75 t3.43 13.o2 12.39 12.65 1.20
Crude protein
For personal use only.

(7o as fed) 4.63 6.92 5.97 5.39 5.9'7 14

Crude protein
(7o DM) 43.16 51.41 45.88 43.48 46.99 4.20
TCA Nti 35.48 43.59 42.O2 3 8.59 40.91 5.40
Soluble N'l$ il.82 9.40 l 0.69 I 1.63 I 0.57 .25
Ammonia Nf .25 .36 .34 .33 - J-l .05

tExpressed as percent of total N.

{Precipitable in cold SVo TCA solution.
$Soluble in .l N HCI solution

for dry matter and crude protein (AOAC 1975). sed on an "as fed" basis. Among loads, this
Data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Steel nutrient had a rather high coefficient of
and Torrie 1960) using single degree offreedom variation approaching 2OVo. Of equal
contrasts for detecting treatment differences and importance is the variation within loads of
appropriate reduction of error degrees of freedom material over storage time. In this trial LBY
when covariates were used. A comparison of two was stored in an insulated tank located in an
growth-promoting implants was superimposed on
uninsulated building during winter months.
ration treatments but since no interaction between
teatment factors was detected, effects of implant
Thus, storage temperature was cold (near
are not discussed. freezing) and little change in composition
was expected. An example of changes in
storage is in Fig. I where it is evident that
RESULTS crude protein content of LBY remained
Trial I relatively constant within a particular load
Analysis of samples of LBY from individual for up to2 I days.
loads (Table 3) revealed some variation Dry matter intake data collected over the
especially for dry matter and crude protein last 7 days of each period were analyzed
content. The most significant chemical value (Table 4). Total dry matter intake was higher
for practical application of yeast as a liquid when animals were fed LBY free choice or
protein supplement is crude protein expres- mixed in a complete diet than when the

z Animals fed rations supplemented with
56 either LBY or soybean meal to increase
crude protein content from 9.5Vo to about
uJ 13% consumed more feed dry matter, gained
weight faster and had higher gains adjusted
o for dry matter intake than those on negative
a2 control rations (Table 5). However, there
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

were no differences in any of these

parameters between the LBY- and soybean
meal- supplemented animals.
Fig. 1.
Variation in crude protein content of
LBY (as fed) among loads and due to length of
s torage. Trial I
Results of analysis of yeast indicated
variation between loads of yeast delivered
supplement was top-dressed. However, from the brewery. For feeding as a protein
when expressed per unit body weight, these supplement, the most significant nutrient
differences were not significant (P < .05). value is crude protein expressed on a "wet"
While not analyzed statistically, experimen- basis. This ranged widely from 4.63 to
tal values were similar to those in the control 6.92Vo. Either a minimum protein guarantee
period as well as those suggested by or standardization of the product to a
For personal use only.

NAS-NRC (19'71) for animals of similar uniform protein level would be required for
weight and age (300 kg and 11 mo at accurate ration formulation. Under the
midpoint, respectively). Intake of LBY was storage conditions in this trial little change
higher when fed free choice than by either of occurred in nutrient composition of LBY
the other methods, resulting in reduced over time up to 2l days. However, the
intake of basal ration by animals on this storage tank was located in an uninsulated,
treatment. Average intake of free choice unheated building and the trial was
LBY amounted to 8.4 kg of liquid per head conducted in winter when ambient tempera-
per day (l2.7%o dry matter). No digestive tures were near OoC. Thus, little microbial
upsets or health problems were observed activity would be expected and further
when consumption of substantial amounts of studies at warmer temperatures are war-
LBY occurred. ranted.

Table 4. Average daily dry matter intake and weight gain ofheifers fed liquid brewer's yeast (trial l)

DM intake
Per 100 kg Avg daily
Treatment Yeast Total body weight gain

Experimental kg
Free choice 6.88 a l.O6 a 7.94 a 2.58 a .89 a
Top dressed '7.1'7 ab .23 b 7.40 b 2.46 a .93 a
Mixed 7.69 b .z-t D t-vza 2.63 a l.U) a
Standard error .13 .06 .ll .06 .09
Controlf 7.49 2.50 I .0E
'fNot included in statistical analysis.
a,b Means followed by the same letter are not different (P<.05).

Table 5. Performance of cattle fed liquid brewer's yeast or soybean meal as a protein supplement (trial 2)

Negative Soybean
Parameter control LBY meal

Initial weight L)J 23s
Final weight 316 368 37'7
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

Average daily gainf .85 a 1.35b t.34 b .UJ

Dry matter intake/day 5.71a 6.51 b 6.96 b .16
Adjusted daily gain$ .89 a 1.33 b 1.32 b .04

tStandard error of ration mean.

*Adjusted by covariance for initial weight.
$Adjusted by covariance for initial weight and dry matter intake (efficiency).
a,b Means followed by the same letter are not different (P<.05).

Total feed dry matter intake of rations deficient for animals up to at least 389 kg
containing LBY was similar to or higher than liveweight. NAS-NRC (1976) suggests
the 7.5 kg dry feed suggested by NAS-NRC levels of 10.4-l2.1Vo crude protein for
for 53-wk-old dairy heifers weighing 300 kg finishing steer calves of this weight range
and also to those of Grieve et al. (1976) for gaining over I kg per day. LBY was equal to
12- to lS-mo-old heifers fed comparable soybean meal in supporting growth, feed
For personal use only.

diets. Differences in intake due to method of intake and efficiency when rations were
feeding are difficult to explain but indicate supplemented to 13Eo crude protein. This
that blending LBY with other feeds is supports the findings of Linton (19'77) that
preferable to top-dressing. Feeding LBY LBY is a satisfactory source of supplemental
free choice resulted in luxury consumption protein in corn silage-based rations for
(over four times controlled amounts) and a feeder steers.
corresponding reduction of basal feed On the basis of the results presented here,
intake. These results indicate that LBY is a liquid brewer's yeast when fed to growing
highly palatable feed ingredient for growing cattle in amounts necessary to balance
dairy heifers but for maximum intake protein of corn silage rations resulted in
without luxury consumption, blending with highly palatable feeds and performance
other ration ingredients is desirable. Appar- equal to that of soybean meal-supplemented
ently, feeding raw yeast had no significant animals. Problems requiring further investi-
impact on the digestive processes since no gation are the variation in protein content of
digestive upsets were observed even when yeast as obtained from breweries and storage
large amounts of LBY were consumed on a characteristics of the product during warm
free choice basis. Average daily gains weather.
although based on short term results were
excellent for animals of this age (NAS-NRC
1971; Grieve et al. 1916). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The author acknowledges the use of facilities and
Trial2 staff supported by the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food and financial assistance of
The response in daily gain, feed intake and the National Research Council of Canada (PRAI)
gain adjusted for intake to supplemental and Molson's Brewery (Ontario) Limited,
protein sources was anticipated since others Toronto. Arrangements for delivery of yeast by
(Mowatt et al. 1971) have shown diets Agripro Feeds Ltd., Nobleton is also gratefully
containing 9.6Vo crude protein to be acknowledsed.

ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL United States-Canadian tables of feed composi-

CHEMISTS. 1975. Official methods of analysis, tion. 2nd rev. NAS Publ. 1684. NAS,
12th ed. AOAC, Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.
design theory and application. The Macmillan NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 1971.
Company, New York, N.Y. Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. No.
GRIEVE, D. G., STONE, J. B., MACLEOD, G. 3. Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. 4th rev.
K. and CURTIS, R. A. 1976. All silage forage ed. NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C.
programs for dairy cattle. l. Heifer performance NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by on 09/22/16

from birth to eighteen months of age. J. Dairy NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 19'76.
Sci.59: 912-918. Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. No.
LINTON, J. H. 1977. Nutritional evaluation of 4. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle, 5th rev.
brewery by-products. Review of nutrition papers ed. NAS-NRC, Washington, D.C.
from Brewers Feed Conference. Feedstuffs 51: 8 . STEEL, ROBERT G. D. and TORRIE, JAMES
MOWATT, D. N., SMITH, O. B., McKNIGHT, H. 1960. Principles and procedures of statistics.
D. R., MACLEOD, c. K. and SNODDEN, P. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.. New York. N.Y.
M. 1977. Supplemental protein needs of VAN SOEST, P. J. 1963. The use of detergents
finishing steers fed corn silage. Can. J. Anim. in the analysis of fibrous feeds. IL A rapid
Sci. 57: 465-4'13. method for the determination of fiber and lignin.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1969. J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem. 46: 829-835.
For personal use only.

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