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The IEP Case study required me to demonstrate an understanding of the individualized

decision-making process through the initiation of the IEP process, collaborative planning with
individuals with exceptionalities, families, professional colleagues, and personnel from other
agencies as appropriate, in order to develop an IEP document. This assignment is designed to
address CEC standard 3 (Curricular Content Knowledge), CEC standard 6 (Professional
Learning and Ethical Practice) and CEC standard 7 (Collaboration).

When completing this assignment, I demonstrated knowledge of curricular content

(CEC standard 3). This knowledge was demonstrated during the completion of Part II Section
B (Instructional and Testing Accommodations), Section C (IEP Goals and Objectives) and
Section D (Supplementary Aids and Services, Program Modifications, and Supports). When
completing section B I had to include appropriate instruction and testing accommodations based
on the students needs. Within part C I had to align academic goals with Maryland College and
Career Readiness Standards (MCCRS). Then, when completing part D, I had to ensure that all
supplementary aids, services, program modifications, and supports (from IEP) were aligned with
the needs and impact of the students disability.

The IEP Case Study also required me to demonstrate knowledge of professional

learning and ethical practices (CEC standard 6). I also had to demonstrate collaboration
with colleagues during this assignment as well (CEC standard 7.) I demonstrated knowledge
of learning and ethical practices as well as showed collaboration when completing Part III
(reflection) of this assignment. Within Part III I had to address the events that occurred during
the meeting and the decisions that were made, which would involve everyone in the team to
collaborate in order to effectively make decisions (CEC standard 7). I also had to address the
extent to which required procedures were followed in accordance with IDEA, specifically related
to prior written notices, procedural safeguards, timelines and IEP development (CEC standard 6).
The entire process of completing the IEP Case Study required me to demonstrate collaboration
because I had to work closely with my mentor in order to gather information and data that would
allow me to create the IEP with her guidance and support.

After completing this IEP, the student would begin to receive services that will help him
be more successful in school. It was interesting being on both sides of this process for a change.
Not only did I have to identify the area of concern for this student, but I had to collaborate with
the team in order to change the students IEP. I had to be sure that I followed ethical practices
when making these changes. I also had to ensure the changes that were made would help the
student show progress and be successful in multiple areas of the curriculum.

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