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Scoring Rubric IEP Case Study

Towson University
College of Education
Department of Special Education
Student Case Study and IEP Development Project
Refer to the attached instruction sheet for a specific explanation of requirements for this assessment. Responses to components and
requirements should be completed in narrative format.

Candidate: Kristen Garlock Date: April 25, 2017

5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Requirements Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Exceptional Improvement

Part I. Background Information

Includes a Includes a Includes an Includes an
Includes a complete,
concise summary of complete, complete, incomplete incomplete 5
I. A. Student Background the students concise summary concise summary summary of the summary of the
background, which of the students of the students students students
Based on a review of the records, addresses each of the background, background, background, which background, with
components listed, which addresses which addresses addresses some of main factors
information from team members, with exceptional skill
each of the each of the the components missing.
and informal observations, provide in synthesis.
components components. listed.
background information about the 1. reason for referral.
Completed listed, with skill
case study student. Include in synthesis.
information about the reason for 2.Pre-referral
the referral, any pre-referral strategies
strategies, timeline for
identification, category of the 3. timeline of
disability, dates and types of process Completed
services, relevant family and
medical history, learning
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
characteristics, and other relevant 4. category of
factors based on the needs of the Completed
5. date and services
of initial IEP.
6. Any relevant
InTASC 1,2 family or medical
history Completed

7. Summary of
students learning
and behavioral
including cultural,
linguistic and

Includes a Includes a Includes an Includes an

1. Includes a
thorough description thorough description of incomplete incomplete 5
I. B. IEP Process of the IEP process description of the IEP process description of the description of the
and Completed the IEP process and preparation IEP process or IEP process or
Based on the interviews and and preparation for the annual preparation for the preparation for the
2. preparation for for the annual review, and annual review, and annual review, but
review of pertinent documents, the annual review,
review, and demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates some
provide a description of the IEP and Completed
demonstrates knowledge of knowledge of some misconceptions of
process used at the case study knowledge of the some of the of the pertinent the pertinent IDEA
3. demonstrates
school, including scheduling exceptional requirements.
procedures, the roles of team knowledge of the
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
members, collaboration with pertinent IDEA pertinent IDEA pertinent IDEA IDEA
requirements requirements. requirements. requirements.
parents/guardians, and team Completed
members responsibilities in
preparing for the annual review. 4. coordination with
parents and team
Discuss how this process aligns members.
with the IDEA requirements. Completed

5 The process of
providing written
CEC 1 notice. Completed

InTASC 1, 2 6. The role of each

service provider and
his responsibilities
in preparation for
the team.

7. Discuss the IEP

process as related to
IDEA 2004.

Part II. Content of the IEP

Includes Includes one Includes one Inadequate
Includes detailed
PLAAFP (IEP) and multiple source for one or source for one or assessment 5
II. A. Present Levels of information about measures of the more of the more of the information to
1. the multiple students present students present students present support students
Academic Achievement and measures used to levels used to levels levels statements, present levels
Performance (PLAAFP) develop the students develop the statements. with an incomplete statements, with an
present levels
students present Information is relationship to incomplete
Each PLAAFP statement contains statements.
levels provided in grade level relationship to grade
a narrative of current assessment Completed
statements. relation to grade standards. Sections level standards.
data from multiple assessment 2. Information is Information is level standards of the PLAAFP are Sections of the
provided in relation provided in as well as PLAAFP are either
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
sources and reflects the students to grade level relation to grade information either incomplete incomplete or
standards as well as level standards regarding or lacking in detail. lacking in detail.
current performance in relation to Completed as well as strengths, needs,
grade level standards as well as information family input, and
information related to the 3. information regarding impact of the
regarding strengths,
students strengths, needs, family needs, family input,
strengths, needs, disability. The
input, and impact of the disability family input, and language is
and impact of the
impact of the written in
in language that is understandable disability.
disability. The parent-friendly
to parents or family members. Completed
language is terms.
4. The language is written in
written in parent- parent-friendly
friendly terms. terms.
CEC 1 Completed
InTASC 1, 2

Includes Includes Includes Instructional and

1. Includes
appropriate appropriate appropriate instructional and testing 5
II. B. Instructional and instructional and instructional and instructional and testing accommodations are
testing testing testing accommodations, not included or are
Testing Accommodations accommodations accommodations accommodations without a inappropriate based
based on the based on the based on the description of why on the needs of the
The instructional and testing students needs
students needs students needs, they were selected student without an
accommodations listed in the IEP (IEP) and
and a statement but no or how they will be accompanying
are accompanied by statements Completed
that briefly description of implemented. description related
which clearly describe why the 2. a concise describes why why they were to their selection or
selected accommodations are statement that the selected or how use.
describes why the accommodations
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
needed and how they are to be accommodations were selected or they will be
were selected and how they will be implemented.
implemented to enable the student Completed implemented.
to access instruction and
assessment. 3. how they will be


Includes Most goals and Some goals and Goals and objectives
1. SMART goals and objectives meet objectives do not do not meet the 5
II. C. IEP Goals and objectives from SMART IEP the SMART meet the SMART SMART criteria and
(IEP) in all areas goals and criteria and there criteria and there do not incorporate
Objectives which Completed objectives in are some goals are some which the principles of
most areas which and objectives incorporate the UDL. Academic
IEP goals and objectives are 2. incorporate the incorporate the that incorporate principles of UDL. goals are not aligned
SMART (specific, measurable, principles of UDL principles of the principles of Academic goals are with the MCCRS
achievable, relevant to the needs of and Completed UDL and are UDL. Academic not aligned with and written at the
the student, and time-bound) and closely aligned goals use the MCCRS and instructional level,
3. are aligned with
incorporate the principles of the PLAAFP. language from written at the rather than
Completed the MCCRS, but instructional level,
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 pointYour
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
Universal Design for Learning with the alignment to the rather than chronological grade
4. Academic goals PLAAFP. standards may chronological level.
(UDL). Academic goals are aligned are aligned with the be unclear. grade level.
with the grade level Maryland MCCRS standards. Academic goals
College and Career Ready Completed are aligned with
Standards (MCCRS). All goals and the MCCRS
objectives are aligned with the
assessment data and present levels
statements included in the
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement

All Supplementary Some of the The supplementary

1. All supplementary
aids, services, supplementary aids, services, supplementary aids, services, 5
II. D. Supplementary Aids program aids, services, program aids, services, program
modifications, and program modifications, program modifications, and
and Services, Program supports (from IEP) modifications, and supports are modifications, and supports are
Modifications, and Supports are aligned with the and supports are aligned with the supports are incomplete based on
needs and impact of
aligned with the needs and aligned with the the needs and
The supplementary aids and the students
needs and impact of the needs and impact impact of the
services, program modifications, disability.
Completed impact of the students of the students students disability.
and supports are clearly aligned to students disability. There disability. Information to
the students needs and impact of 2. An explicit disability. An is minimal Information to describe how these
rationale is provided adequate information to describe how these supports will be
the disability, as outlined in the
to describe how rationale is describe how supports will be delivered and why
PLAAFP. The circumstances and these supports will provided to these supports delivered and why they are essential for
manner in which these supports be delivered and describe how will be delivered they are essential the student is either
will be provided are clearly Completed these supports and why they are for the student is missing or
described, allowing for clear will be delivered essential for the either missing or incomplete.
3. why they are and why they are student. incomplete.
implementation of the IEP. essential for the essential for the
student. Completed

5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement

Part III. Reflection

Reflective Reflective Reflective narrative Reflective narrative
Reflective narrative
to address the events narrative reveals narrative reveals reveals little reveals a lack of 5
Include a reflective narrative to that occurred knowledge of the general information of the knowledge of
1. during the required knowledge of the required required procedures
address the events that occurred meeting. Completed procedures and required procedures and and collaborative
during the meeting, including understanding of procedures and collaborative styles styles as well as
decisions that were made. Address 2. decisions that
collaborative collaborative as well as weak weak skill in self-
were made.
the extent to which required Completed
practices as well practices as well skill in self- reflection.
procedures were followed in strong skill in as adequate skill reflection.
3. Address the extent self-reflection. in self-reflection.
accordance with IDEA, specifically
to which required
related to prior written notice, procedures were
procedural safeguards, timelines, followed in
and IEP development. Discuss the accordance with
IDEA, specifically
decision-making process, related to prior
collaborative practices, and written notice,
5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point Your
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
critique your role in the process timelines, and IEP
(maximum of 2 pages). Completed

4. decision making
process. Completed
CEC 6, 7
5. collaborative
InTASC 9, 10 practices.

6. Your roll in the

process Completed

Part IV. Professionalism

5 points 2 points
4 points 3 points 1 point
Components and Distinguished/ Basic/Needs
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory score
Requirements Improvement
The IEP is well The IEP is well Multiple sections Multiple sections in
The assignment is submitted on
The IEP is submitted
on time and written and written and in the IEP are the IEP are written 5
exceptionally written includes only one includes several written in ways in ways that makes
the due date, free of grammatical and free of grammatical or grammatical or that makes the the content difficult
or typographical errors and grammatical or typographical typographical content difficult to to understand and
typographical errors.
writing is of a high professional Completed
error. errors. understand and/or there are errors
quality. Information throughout there are errors throughout the
throughout the document.
the IEP is free of educational document.
jargon and acronyms are defined.


Total Score /40

Rating /5

Key Points/Score

36 40 = 5

32 35 = 4

28 31 = 3

24 27 = 2

0 -23 = 1

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