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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 1.0

Element 1.2 Candidates understand and can collect and use data to identify
school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and implement plans to
achieve school goals.

Activity: 1H. Choose a current issue or problem area in your school improvement plan. Identify
steps to address the issue or revise the current plan with a small group of concerned parties and
reach a consensus for developing a plan of action. Include the plan, the steps used to address the
problem, an assessment of the outcome and areas for needed improvement in your portfolio.

Time: 2 hours

SIT Agenda and Notes - Cell Phone Policy

The SIT Team discussed the need for a Cell phone policy at our April meeting by discussing the issue, questions we
have, needs, and goals. We were then tasked with going back to our teams and asking for feedback to draft a policy
at the next meeting.

At the start of the school year the Central Office enacted a policy that teachers were no longer able to confiscate a
students cell phone if it were causing an issue in class (or for any other reason), as it is their personal property. This
led to some confusion amongst staff about where to draw the line, and cell phone use during class has gotten out of
hand. Students know that teachers cannot take the phones and feel entitled to be use them whenever they please, and
teachers feel they are a hindrance to learning. The SIT team is currently working on drafting a cell phone policy to
enact for the 2017-2018 school year to help with this issue. Working with the feedback from each team, we should
be able to create an effective policy at our next meeting.

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