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EDAD 693 Practicum/Internship Artifact

Standard 5.0

Element 5.4 Candidates understand and can evaluate the potential moral and
legal consequences of decision making in the school.

Activity: Interview with Principal, The Principals Role

Time: 6 hours

Principal's Role Power Point

I interviewed our principal, Jenny Ruppenthal, on her responsibilities and duties as Building Administrator. This is a
PowerPoint I compiled from our conversations and meetings.

Jenny and I spoke mainly about resource allocation and how she makes budgetary decisions each year. She shared
the paper work that she receives from the Central Office detailing the funds that will be allocated to Springfield and
that she starts with last years allocations in mind and makes adjustments from there. We also talked about her role
with the PTA and how that organization supports the school. Our conversations were very insightful and provided
invaluable information about resource allocation.

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