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Joints Location Bones involved Type of movements Classification Ligaments

Manubriosternal joint Thoracic region 1. Manubrium Small amount of angular fibrocartilaginous

2. body of the sternum movement during respiration
Xiphisternal joint Opposite the body of 1. Body of the sternum cartilaginous
T9 2. xiphoid process
Joints of the heads of the ribs Thoracic region * 1st,10th-12th ribs & their * 1 synovial joint
corresponding vertebral body
* 2nd-9th ribs to their * Synovial joint on the
corresponding vertebral body body of their
corresponding vertebra &
that of the vertebra above

Joints of the tubercles of the Thoracic region 1. Tubercle of the rib Synovial joint
ribs 2. transverse process of the
corresponding vertebra
Costochondral joints Thoracic region ??? No movement! cartilaginous
Lumbosacral joint Pelvis L5 & base of the sacrum
Sacroiliac joint Pelvis 1. Sacrum Synovial * posterior & interosseous sacroiliac ligaments
2. ilium bones - support the sacrum between the 2 iliac bones
* rotatory movement is prevented * anterior sacroiliac ligament is thin
by ------------------- ---------------------- * sacrotuberous & sacrospinous ligaments
* small but limited amount of * iliolumbar ligament - connects the tip of transverse
movement process of L5 to the iliac crest
Sternoclavicular joint Pectoral girdle 1. Manubrium sterni * Forward & backward movement Synovial * strong sternoclavicular ligaments
2. sternal end of clavicle of clavicle in the medial double-plane joint * costoclavicular ligament (accessory)
3. 1st costal cartilage compartment - runs from the junction of the 1st rib with the 5th costal
* Elevation & depression of the cartilage to the inferior surface of the sternal end of the
clavicle in the lateral clavicle
Acromiaclavicular joint Pectoral girdle 1. Acromion of scapula Gliding movement `when scapula Synovial plane joint * superior & inferior acromioclavicular ligaments -
2. lateral end of the clavicle rotates or when the clavicle is reinforce the capsule
elevated or depressed * coracoclavicular ligament (accessory)
- extends from the coracoid process to the undersurface of
the clavicle
- suspend the weight of scapula & upper limb from
Shoulder joint Pectoral girdle 1. rounded head of humerus Flexion, extension, Synovial * glenohumeral ligaments
2. shallow, pear-shaped glenoid Adduction, abduction, ball-&-socket - 3 weak bands of fibrous tissue that strengthen the front
cavity of scapula Lateral & medial rotation, of the capsule
Circumduction * transverse humeral ligament
- bridges the gap between the 2 tuberosities
* coracohumeral ligament
- strengthen the capsule above & stretches from the root
of the coracoid process to the greater tuberosity of the
* coracoacromial ligament (accessory)
- protect the superior aspect of the joint
Elbow joint Upper limb 1. Trochlea & capitulum of Flexion, extension Synovial hinge joint * lateral ligament - triangular
humerus - attached by its apex to the lateral epicondyle of the
2. trochlear notch of ulna humerus & by the base to the upper margin of the anular
3. head of radius ligament
* medial ligament
- triangular & consists of 3 strong bands
Proximal radioulnar joint Upper limb 1. Circumference of the head of Pronation & supination of forearmSynovial pivot joint * anular ligament
(superior) radius - attached to the anterior & posterior margins of the radial
2. radial notch of ulna notch on the ulna
- forms a collar around the head of the radius
- continuous above with the capsule of elbow joint
- not attached to the radius
Distal radioulnar joint Upper limb 1. Rounded head of ulna Pronation & supination Synovial pivot joint * weak anterior & posterior ligaments
(inferior) 2. ulnar notch of radius - strengthen the capsule
Wrist joint Upper limb 1. Distal end of radius Flexion, extension, Synovial ellipsoid joint * anterior & posterior ligaments
(radiocarpal joint) 2. Articular disc above Adduction, abduction, - strengthen the capsule
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral Circumduction * medial ligament - attached to the styloid process of ulna
bone (ROTATION IS IMPOSSIBLE) & to the triquetral bone
* lateral ligament - attached to the styloid process of
radius & to the scaphoid bone
Intercarpal joints Hand - between individual bones of Small amount of gliding Synovial plane joint * strong anterior, posterior & interosseous ligaments
distal row of the carpus
Midcarpal joint - between the proximal & distal
rows of carpal bones
carpometacarpal joint Thumb 1. Trapezium Small amount of gliding, Synovial * anterior, posterior & interosseous ligaments
2. Saddle-shaped base of the 1st Flexion, extension, Saddle-shaped joint
metacarpal bone Adduction, abduction,
Rotation (opposition)
Metacarpophalangeal joints Hand & fingers 1. Heads of the metacarpal Small amount of gliding, Synovial condyloid joint * anterior, posterior & interosseous ligaments
bones Flexion, extension, * palmar ligaments
2. Bases of the proximal Adduction, abduction - strong & contain some fibrocartilage
phalanges - filmly attached to the phalanx but less so to the
metacarpal bone
* deep transverse metacarpal ligaments
- hold the heads of the metacarpal bones together
* collateral ligaments - cord-like bands present on each
side of the joints
- taut when flexed & lax when extend
Interphalangeal joints Fingers Synovial hinge joints
Hip joint Pelvis 1. Hemispherical head of the Flexion, extension, Synovial * iliofemoral ligament
femur Adduction, abduction, Ball-&-socket joint - strong, inverted Y-shaped
2. Cup-shaped acetabular of the Lateral & medial rotation, - prevents overextension during standing
hip bone Circumduction * pubofemoral ligament - triangular
- limits extension & abduction
* ischiofemoral ligament - spiral-shaped
- limits extension
* transverse acetabular ligament
- bridges the acetabular notch
- converts the notch into a tunnel through which the blood
vessels & nerves enter the joint
* ligament of the head of the femur
- flat & triangular
Knee joint Lower limb 1. a. Rounded condyles of the (some degree of rotatory is * Synovial joint of hinge EXTRACAPSULAR
femur - above possible) --------------------- variety (femur & tibia) * Ligamentum patellae
b. Condyles of the tibia & Flexion, extension * synovial joint of the * lateral collateral ligament
their cartilaginous menisci Medial & lateral rotation plane gliding variety * medial collateral ligament - flat band
- below (femur & patella) * oblique popliteal ligament - tendinous expansion
2. a. Lower end of the femur - strengthens the posterior aspect of the capsule
b. patella - in front INTRACAPSULAR
* cruciate ligaments - main bond between the femur &
tibia throughout the joints range of movement
anterior cruciate -- prevents posterior displacement of the
femur on the tibia
-- prevents the tibia from being pulled anteriorly
Posterior cruciate -- prevents anterior displacement of the
femur on the tibia
-- prevents the tibia from being pulled posteriorly
Menisci -- C-shaped sheets of fibrocartilage
-- deepen the articular surfaces of the tibial condyles to
receive the convex femoral condyles
-- serve as cushions between the 2 bones
Proximal tibiofibular joint Lower limb 1. Lateral condyle of tibia Small amount of gliding during Synovial plane gliding * anterior & posterior ligaments
(superior) 2. Head of fibula movements at the ankle joint joint - strengthen the capsule
* interosseous membrane - connects the shafts of tibia &
fibula together; greatly strengthens the joint
Distal tibiofibular joint Lower limb 1. Fibular notch at the lower end Small amount of movement Fibrous joint * interosseous ligament - strong, thick band of fibrous
(inferior) of tibia during movements at the ankle tissue
2. Lower end of fibula joint * anterior & posterior ligaments
* inferior transverse ligaments
Ankle joint Lower limb 1. Lower end of tibia Dorsiflexion Synovial hinge joint * medial or deltoid ligament
2. The 2 malleoli Plantar flexion * lateral ligament - weaker & consists of 3 bands
3. Body of the talus * anterior talofibular ligament
* calcaneofibular ligament
* posterior talofibular ligament
Subtalar joint Tarsals 1. Inferior surface of the body Gliding Synovial plane joint * medial & lateral (talocalcaneal) ligaments
of Talus Rotatory movement - strengthen the capule
2. Facet on the middle of the Eversion & inversion * interosseous (talocalcaneal) ligament - strong & main
upper surface of Calcaneum bond of union the 2 bones

Talocalcaneonavicular joint Tarsals 1. Rounded head of the talus Gliding Synovial joint * plantar calcaneonavicular ligament -
2. Upper surface of the Rotatory movement
sustentaculum tali Eversion & inversion
3. Posterior concave surface of

Calcaneocuboid joint Tarsals 1. Anterior end of he calcaneum Eversion & inversion Synovial plane joint * bifurcated ligament
2. Posterior surface of the * long plantar ligament
cuboid * short plantar ligament

Cuneonavicular joint Tarsals 1. (3) cuneiform bones Synovial joint of gliding * dorsal & plantar ligaments
2. Navicular bone variety
Cuboideonavicular Tarsals 1. Cuboid Fibrous joint * dorsal, plantar & interosseous ligaments
2. Navicular
Intercuneiform & Tarsals Synovial plane joint * dorsal, plantar & interosseous ligaments
cuneocuboid joints
Tarsometatarsal & big toe Synovial plane joint * dorsal, plantar & interosseous ligaments
intermetatarsal joints
Metatarsophalangeal & foot Adduction, abduction * deep transverse ligaments
interphalangeal joints
Temporomandibular joint Head & neck 1. Articular tubercle Depression, elevation, Synovial joint * lateral temporomandibular ligament
2. Anterior portion of the Protrusion, retraction, - strengthens the lateral aspect of the capsule
mandibular fossa of the Rotation (Lateral chewing) - limits the movement of mandible in a posterior direction
temporal bone - above of the mandible & protects external auditory meatus
3. Head (condyloid process) of * sphenomandibular ligament - thin band
the mandible - below - lies on medial side of the joint
- represents the remains of the 1st pharyngeal arch
* stylomandibular ligament
* articular disc - oval plate of fibrocartilage
- divides the joint into upper & lower cavities
Atlanto-occipital joint Head & neck 1. Facets on the superior surface Flexion, extension Synovial joint * anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
of the lateral masses of atlas Lateral flexion * posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
2. Occipital condyles (no rotation!)

Atlanto-axial joint Head & neck 1. Upper surface of atlas Extensive rotation of the atlas & 3 Synovial joints * apical ligament
2. Axis thus of the head on the axis * alar ligaments
* cruciate ligament
* membrana tectoria
Joints of the vertebral column Vertebral column Mobile vertebrae - Cartilaginous joints
below the axis except atlas & axis between the bodies
- synovial joints between
the articular processes

Joints between 2 vertebral Upper & lower bodies of Fibrocartilaginous joint * anterior & posterior longitudinal ligaments
bodies adjacent vertebrae
Joints between 2 vertebral Superior & inferior articular Synovial joints * supraspinous ligament
arches processes of adjacent vertebrae - between tips of adjacent spines
* interspinous ligament - connects adjacent spines
* intertransverse ligaments
- between adjacent transverse process
* Ligamentum flavum
- connects the laminae of adjacent vertebrae

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