Learning Segment Plan Template Fall 2016 Edtpa

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Art Learning Segment Plan Template


Teacher Name Meg Itoh

Learning Clay Board Illuminating Daily Routine

Segment Title
Central Focus The lesson would begin with students being challenged by the idea of a routine. Students would
(Visual Art have to reflect on things they do daily that make them who they are, what makes them different
Concepts) from other people, and what they prioritize. Next, the class would be introduced to the new material
of a clayboard, which is very durable and can be used with almost any material while also being
carved into. Next, the class would experiment with different materials on smaller clayboards before
they start their finished piece. They must include hybridity and use multiple materials and processes
in their final clayboard. Through critique and peer discussion, students would identify how their
clayboard reflects an element from their daily routine.

Focus of X Create Visual Art X Present Visual Art Respond to Visual Art

Component(s) Interpreting art (analyzing art-making approaches, theories, art forms, genres, etc., used to convey meaning)
of Learning X Developing works of art/design (using techniques, methods of experimentation, or investigation)
Segment: X Relating art to context (personal, social, cultural, or historical perspectives)
aking personal choices (of content, methods, or styles)
Art Form X 2 -D: X 3-D: 4-D: Other:
Grade Level Various grades between 10th-12th graders
Class Name Drawing and Painting II
Class Size 12 students
Time _60 minutes__Minutes 3-4_Days/week _9-10__# Total Lessons (or Days)

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Class The class is made up of various sophomores, juniors, and a few seniors. They are students that have
Demographics had the prerequisites of Art Foundations and then Drawing and Painting I. If they are heavily
inclined in their talents, the teacher and the guidance counselor let the specific student(s) skip the
prerequisite(s). In this class, there are 2 sophomores, 8 juniors, 2 seniors. There are a total of 12
students. There is only one male in the classroom. The majority of the students are of Asian descent.
There are a handful of Caucasian students, and a few students that are of two or more races. There
are also two Russian females. None of the students are considered ESL, have a 504 plan, or are
eligible for special educational services or processes. The classrooms atmosphere is positive and
calm. There are very few teaching interruptions, with an average of 2 in the class per day. The
disturbances typically include two girls chatting over the teacher or giving more attention to their
phone than to engaging in the class.

Big Idea and Understandings

Big Idea Routine
Essential What objects do we see every day?
Questions What steps and objects are shared in everyones daily routines?
What are some objects/steps in your daily routine that is different from those of the average person
and make you unique?
How do culture and geography affect routine?
Where do we see art in our daily living habits?
What is the relationship between things that we do every day that make us who we are?

Enduring Everyone has a certain routine and set of tasks that must be accomplished daily. Whether it involves
Understanding procedures that come with being human, or tasks that depend on the job and the purpose a person
may have. Our routine says a lot about who we are, yet it is what receives the least amount of
thought. We all tend to be on auto pilot mode when achieving routine tasks, when they are very
important in determining what is important to us and where we are investing in life. Within each
routine are personal and mundane basic tasks. The key to success and happiness in life is to always
be in the moment. It is important to focus on what were doing in our routines, in the present,
instead of thinking about the past or the future. This is of interest in the schools, because students
can think about what things they can add to their routine that work towards their success.

Key Questions 1) How can we use scratch tools to create certain effects and texture on the clay board?
2) How many and what materials would work well with the clay board?
3) How does artist Sunga Park use ink in different ways to get organic shapes and detail?
4) How can you capture routine on your clayboard?

Learning Objectives
Objective Lesson # (when it will
be taught)
1. The student will (be able to) examine texture by creating an artwork on a clayboard. #1-5
2. The student will (be able to) use and identify hybridity by using at least 3 different
materials/processes in their artwork. #2-5
3. The student will (be able to) demonstrate an understanding of contrast with their use of a #1-5
scratch tool in their final artwork.
4. The student will (be able to) show an understanding of routine based on the object/scene #1-5
they chose to create.

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Standards Objective
New Jersey 1.3.12.D.2
Visual Art Culturally and historically diverse art media, art mediums, techniques,
Standards and styles impact originality and interpretation of the artistic statement #1-5
Produce an original body of artwork in one or more art mediums
that demonstrates mastery of visual literacy, methods, techniques,
and cultural understanding.
Students are using a clayboard and a wide range of varying
The arts reflect cultural mores and personal aesthetics throughout the
ages. #1
Analyze the social, historical, and political impact of artists on
culture and the impact of culture on the arts.
The students will create an artwork that reflect their personal
routine, personal aesthetic, and their personal culture. Through
discussion, we discuss how culture and history affect peoples
routine. #5
Artwork may be both utilitarian and non-utilitarian. Relative merits
of works of art can be assessed through analysis of form, function,
craftsmanship, and originality
Analyze the form, function, craftsmanship, and originality of
representative works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
The students will participate in a critique discussing the other #2-5
students work as a whole class.
Recognizing the elements of art and principles of design in artworks
of known and emerging artists, as well as peers, is an initial step
toward visual literacy
Indicator: Identify elements of art and principles of design in
specific works of art and explain how they are used
When creating their art, they will be focusing on contrast,
texture, and value. They will be use hybridity in many ways,
considering the elements and principles of design.
National Visual VA:Cr2.1.6a
Art Standards Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in #1-5
making works of art and design.
Interdisciplinar 2.1.12 A. Personal Health 2. Investigate the impact of health choices and behaviors on #1
y Connections personal, family, and community wellness.
(Non-Art NJ #1
Standards) 2.4.4 A. Relationships 4. Discuss how culture and tradition influence personal and
family development
21st Century Creativity and Innovation #1-5
Skills Demonstrating originality and inventiveness in work.

Global Awareness

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Learning from and working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse #1-5
cultures, religions and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in
personal, work and community contexts.

Materials and Artist
Teacher Clay board 5 X 7
Instructional Black or Color Inks
Materials Fine Steel Wool (works as eraser)
Scratch tools (for highlights)
Nature (to achieve certain stamps, textures, patterns etc)
Sea Salt for Texture
Sharpies (all colors)
Paint brushes
Watercolor inks
Handout (shows quotes explaining Why the Big Idea, Possible Use of materials, Objectives)
Rubric (Shows them how they will be graded)
Posters around room that show all elements and principles of design
Pictures of Sunga Parks work

5 x 7
Watercolor Inks, Black ink, Sharpie, and Graphite
Through Routine, something that makes me unique is how I have to feed my chinchilla twice a

Student Clay board 5 X 7

Materials Sketchbook paper/printer paper (to plot out ideas)
Black or Color Inks

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Fine Steel Wool (works as eraser)
Scratch tools (for highlights)
Nature (to achieve certain stamps, textures, patterns etc)
Sea Salt for Texture
Sharpies (all colors)
Paint brushes
Watercolor inks
Clay (for 3D)
Key Artist and Sunga Park

A vegetable seller at a market in Bangalore w18 x h24 cm
Watercolor ink
It is about capturing a portrait of a stranger in a dream-like way yet with extreme detail.

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Oxford, UK
w18 x h24 cm
Watercolor ink and pen
Capturing architecture in a dreamy way, with a large emphasis on negative space which gives it
its dream-like quality along with movement. There is emphasis with the detail on how it is only
chosen to be in certain areas.

Vocabulary and Language Acquisition

Vocabulary Texture: is used to describe either the way a three-dimensional work actually feels when touched,
or the visual "feel" of a two-dimensional work.
This smooth rock has no texture whatsoever, unlike a branch!

Value: The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is the
darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray.
Wow, there is so much value on this apple when the sunlight is hitting it from only one side.

Hybridity: Using multiplicity of media and/or a blending of sources and materials to investigate a
Wow, Rebekah! You are using so many different types of mediums; you are using hybridity very

ADL (Activities of Daily Living): Activities of daily living (ADL) are routine activities that
people tend do everyday without needing assistance. There are six basic ADLs: eating, bathing,
dressing, toileting, transferring (walking) and continence.
Brushing my teeth is a part of my ADL.

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Contrast: is a principle of art. When defining it, art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite
elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a piece so
as to create visual interest, excitement, and drama.
The black and white stripes on the zebra bring it a lot of contrast!

Language Analyze-
Function Compare/Contrast-
(Choose only Critique-
one) Describe-
X Question-

X Question- Students will be able to question what they do daily and what makes them unique or
what they do daily that is shared with everyone. They will question how geography and culture
affect what adds to or subtracts from their daily routine. Trash they use on a daily basis can be
recycled or repurposed, so that they can reduce pollution in the environment. Hopefully they will
inquire how they are submerged in a community that is similar to them and/or they are made
unique by the things that are not so average in their daily routines.
Language When discussing routine, students should be able to use and understand the words: texture,
Demands contrast, value, Hybridity, ADL (Activities of Daily Living).
They should be able to use these during 1 on 1 conferences with the teacher. During the
conferences they should be able to discuss what ADL they would like to capture and why.
They should also be able to orally discuss their composition using those elements and
On the last day of the lesson, the students will have a critique of their artworks. When
discussing their work and their follow peers, they should be able to include all of the
They will also be graded on their effective use of value, texture, and contrast in their final
piece. They are also graded on how well they captured their selected ADL.
Language Students will have to have two conferences with the teacher. The students will have their first
Learning Task conference discussing their finalized ADLs and possibly how to capture them. The teacher will
brainstorm and finalize the idea of the student. If the teacher approves of the students idea, they
get their final clay board to work with. They are then told to trace the clayboard shape into their
sketchbooks 1-5 times. They will map out their possible compositions. The second conference with
the teacher is the teacher picking the final composition with the student. The teacher will discuss
with the student how they can focus on the objectives they are being graded on. They will also
have an opportunity to further vocalize and express their feelings about their ADL at the end of the
lesson, during the critique.
Language On the first day of the lesson, they will be given a handout with all the core necessary information
Supports they should have. It includes quotes regarding the big idea, objectives, list of possible materials.
They are also given a rubric of what they will be graded on. The intro to the lesson is very
discussion based. The teacher will ask questions regarding routine and ADLs. During the demo,
the teacher will go through the varying possible materials. The teacher will put a large emphasis on
how to achieve texture and contrast with the clayboard, especially with the scratch tools. Value
will then be focused on when to use the pigmented watercolor inks. The teacher will discuss how
to achieve certain values by watering down certain inks. During the conferences, the student has an
opportunity to ask questions about how to use and apply the vocabulary words if they are having

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Considerations (for Effective Instruction)

Students Prior Students will be expected to have prior knowledge of watercolor ink.
Knowledge and Students will be expected to know how to properly use paintbrushes, scratch tools, and
Conceptions graphite.
Students will be expected to know how to properly respect, use, and clean up all varying
Students will be expected to store their artwork in a safe place to dry.
Since it is a Drawing and Painting II class, they have many prerequisite classes they need
to take in order to be in that class.
Building on Personal Assets:
Student Assets The artwork they are making is very personal, for the are capturing something in their personal
ADL. Students are focusing on something they make sure they do every single day, at least once.
They are capturing their daily experience and interest. It will show what they prioritize and work
towards to in the grand scheme of things. Each routine reflects traditions, family backgrounds and
practices that students bring to the learning environment.

Cultural Assets:
Culture has a huge effect on what people do on a daily basis. What society says is important and
unimportant plays a crucial toll on what we do every day to be accepted by the people around us.
The government, geography, and culture all play a role in what we work towards every day.
Students can emphasize their culture, traditions, and worldviews with this project while learning
about their peers.

Community Assets:
Since we are all human, there are many tasks we do daily that focus on hygiene. This is usually
shared within a community due to using the same water source and stores. Each community offers
different sports, events, practices, and resources that may be very crucial to certain students lives.
For example, if that community is well known for having a successful soccer team, it may be in a
students daily schedule to practice soccer with his/her team.

Common Errors Not much thought is given to things we prioritize daily, and is something we just mundanely go
or through to get done. However, what we do prioritize daily makes us who we are. It shows us what
Misconceptions we love, what we work towards, and symbolizes our morals and priorities. These things should be
given lots of thought and be carefully planned out.
Student Choice Students have the opportunity to choose what in their personal lives they would like to make their
artwork around. They are given a long list of varying materials to use and they have to choose and
use 3 listed materials (but they are not restricted to them).
Higher Order What is in your routine that is shared with /different from other people? How does culture
Thinking affect this?
Questions Where do we see art in our daily living routines?
Can you explain why routine is what makes you who you are and is very important?
How can you use a clayboard and use it to its full potential? How can you apply your
knowledge of contrast, texture, and value to create unique and creative artworks?
Grouping Students will be divided into random groups with social interaction kept in mind. They are still
Strategies working individually, but are sat with people they are seen to work best with. If students are
successfully working and not distracting each other, they will be able to stay in their groups. If
certain students start having problems or become too distracted by the social aspect of their group,
they will either be moved to a different group or separated until they start working successfully..
Learning Tasks X Lecture

Art Learning Segment Plan Template

X Critique
X Discussion
X Demonstration
X Sketch
X Artmaking
X Experiment
X Reflection
X Individual Instruction
Other (describe):
Appropriatenes Individual Instruction: Since this assignment is so personal, student share two conferences with the teacher
s of Learning about what part of their routine they would like to capture. The second conference is about how, and for
Tasks approving sketches. According to Piaget, students in high school are at The Formal Operational Stage. Students are
now able to use logic and understand abstract ideas. At this point, students become capable of seeing multiple
potential solutions to problems and think more scientifically about the world around them. They are able to
come up with many ideas and compositions that the teacher will help them finalize.

Demonstration: The clayboard is capable of being used with a widely varying list of materials. A
demonstration is needed because not many students are familiar with working with one. Also, they will need
a demonstration to see the number of possibilities that can be used with it. It is also important because,
according to Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences, some children are visual-spatial learners, so they
need to be shown the artmaking process. He also states that others are verbal-linguistic learners, so they need
to hear the steps in the artmaking process.

Accommodations (to support learners)
Students with There are no students with any IEP or 504 in class. However, is this lesson plan is used again and
IEP or 504s there are students who are deaf or have autism the following may be applied:

Students will all be given a set of written instructions and expectations for the
project to refer back to throughout the project. However, if a student who is deaf
or hard of hearing needs additional instructions or help, the teacher will then give
the student the additional information either typed or handwritten.
Students who are hard of hearing will be seated more towards the teacher in the
classroom to hopefully aid them in hearing what they need to hear in class.
Students who are deaf can complete a written critique at the end of the project
instead of critiquing the pieces aloud with the class.


Students who are diagnosed with autism will be given more attention either by
the teacher or by in-class aids when available
Students will have an adjusted rubric in which they will not be graded as harshly
if requirements are not fully met.


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

If the student is more artistically inclined, they can be graded more harshly and
accommodations can be made to that personal students strengths and
Students plans are expected to be less or more detailed according to their
personal ability.
Adaptations and There will be a demonstration of the techniques necessary to help visual learners and to get
Accommodations used to the new material(s).
Letting students demonstrate on mini clayboards hands-on for bodily kinesthetic learners.
Students will be given a set of written directions and expectations on a handout to refer to if
The artmaking activity will be broken down into steps, so that it does not seem too
There will be a book of different ways to work with ink to provide visual examples for the
students to refer to. The artist will also hopefully provide inspiration.
Students with a shorter attention span will go through requeuing, where they will be
reminded of what to do next.
Students who require more assistance will be checked on to see if they are on task and doing
well more frequently than the rest of the class.
Students who are done with the project or section can help students who are further behind
catch up.
Enrichment and There will be a demonstration of the techniques necessary, to help visual learners.
Extensions There will be books of various ink artists, so that if they feel uninspired they can browse
There will be printouts of the the artists works scattered on various tables.
The teacher will go around the room to help students achieve to their best of their abilities.
The teacher will ask thought provoking questions regarding routine.
The teacher will start of each class with a discussion. The main discussion will take place on
the first day of the lesson, during the introduction.
Activity for Students are very inclined in the Drawing and Painting II class. They are all required to have
Early Finishers a sketchbook and to have 3 hours worth of journaling and working on outside art projects. If
they finish early, they can work on these in class or begin a new one to add to their set hours.
Students who finish early can help students who are further behind in the lesson.
If a student does not want to help other students they can also access the art rooms library
and read about other artists and art history.

Assessment (Objective Driven)
Lesson # Objective Title and Description of Assessment Evaluation Criteria: Describe how this assessment
# strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the
objectives/concepts being taught. Describe how you will
provide feedback to students on this assessment.
Pre-Assess #1 #1 Discussion: The teacher will give Through discussion, the teacher will be able
ment an introduction to routine and ask to see the students familiarity, background
thought-provoking questions to the knowledge, and new knowledge of the
students. They will be introduced material clayboard and of routine and how it
to clayboard which is a more applies to them personally.
unfamiliar material.
Formative #1 #2 Demonstration: The teacher will The students will have to pick 3 of the
provide a handout with a long list processes and materials that the teacher
of possible materials the students provided on the list. They are not limited to
can use on a clayboard. The the list. If they come up with their own ideas


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

teacher will try to do as many on for new materials, they can get it approved
the list as possible during the by the teacher to experiment with and use it
demonstration, so students know in their final piece.
how to use it on the clayboard.
Formative #1-2 #3 Experimentation: The students are The teacher can see where the student lies on
given two miniature clay boards the scale with comfortability and strength
that are 4 x 4. They are given all with the materials they chose to use on their
the possible materials on the list clayboard. The teacher will be going around
the teacher provided. They are the room during experimentation processes
given the first and second day to and give advice, challenges to students, as
experiment with the materials. well as feedback.
Summative #5 #4 Rubric for Artwork: The rubric The students are told and given the rubric
will be given to the students. This before they are graded. The teacher and the
will show them how the teacher student now have set objectives that are clear
will be grading them from their for assessment. This demonstrates and helps
artwork and process. distinguish if a student has met all the
objectives well.

Objective/Criteria Exemplary (A) Good (B) Satisfactory (C) Needs Improvement

(Paste objectives. You (or point system- (or 9 points) (or 8 points) (or 7 points or below)
may divide an objective
10 points)
into different rows)
1. The student will The student used tools provided The student made a strong Student made an effort to The student shows no
examine TEXTURE very exceedingly well. There is effort to use scratch tools create texture in their evidence of using scratch
by creating a work a lot of texture and detail shown. provided to carve into their artwork. It is shown, but tools in their work.
on clayboard, by The artist clearly shows a lot of clayboard. There is texture could have been taken
using scratch tools time dedicated to using full shown and it works well much further. Student
provided by the potential of clayboard by towards the success of the shows minimal
classroom. carving into it in various ways artwork. understanding of how to
that benefits to the success of use scratch tools to create
the artwork. texture in their clayboard.

2. The student will The student accomplished The student used 3 The student used 3 The student did not meet
use and identify hybridity very well by either processes/materials. The materials/processes but the minimal criteria by
HYBRIDITY by using more than 3 materials they chose work could have taken it using at least 3
including at least 3 processes/materials but also uses successfully towards the further. processes/materials.
different media in them well. The work shows finished artwork. The student
their artwork. confidence in using different shows a clear understanding
materials/processes and these of how to use materials to
work successfully towards the fullest potential.
finished artwork.
3. The student will The student uses the clayboard The student shows an The student used contrast The student did not
demonstrate an well and has a strong use of understanding and a and value in their include contrast and
understanding of contrast and value. There is a successful use of contrast and artwork, but could have value into their artwork,
CONTRAST and successful use of darks, lights, value in their work. There is taken it further. It is very minimally done, if
VALUE with scratch and mid tone shades in the a good use of darks, lights, recognizable but not at all.
tools in the sketch finished artwork. The student and midtones in the artwork. achieved to its fullest
and final artwork. used value and contrast to their Negative space was also kept potential.
fullest potential. in mind.

4. The student The student was working very The student was mostly The student could have The student did not show
participated in hard in class. The student also always working in class. shown more effort and a strong enough
critique. The student participated constantly During the class critique, the engagement during the engagement during the
was focused during throughout the critique. student participated at least 4 class. The student art-making process. The
class time and was times. participated at least once student did not
engaged during during the critique. participate during the
directions. critique.


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

5. The student shows The student went above and The student captured an The student captured The student did not
an understanding of beyond at successfully capturing element from their personal something from their capture something from
routine from their something from the daily routine into an artwork very routine, but could have their routine well
artwork. They routine. It is achieved very well. It is easy to understand done so better. The enough. Shows a large
successfully captured successfully; it does not from looking at it and lets artwork is still successful, need of improvement.
an element from necessarily need an explanation viewers understanding the but shows a need of
their daily living to understand. artist more upon viewing. improvement.
Total Points or Grade:

Teacher Comments:

References and Sources

Lesson #1: First Day
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Lesson Summary Introduction to Routine and Demonstration. Students also begin experimentation with
Lesson Beginning/Introduction (15 minutes) Instructional
-Welcome students as they come in
-Begin introduction of routine: Discussion
Script guideline:
So todays lesson will be on routine..
QI) Can someone give me a quick definition of what routine is?
Q2) What is in your routine that is shared with everyone in this room or in the whole world?
Q3) What is something in your routine that may be different than for people in this room or for
the average person, things that make you unique? For me, it would be feeding my chinchilla Questions
Q4) What are certain objects everyone sees everyday?
Q5) What are certain objects you DONT see that is in someone elses routines? Hint: think
about culture.geography...
(Examples after students have come up with their own: rice cooker, knife sharpener for a cook
called a sharpening steel, or a baby bottle for a mom)
Q6) Where do we see ART in our daily living routines?
Answer: (trick question: EVERYWHERE. Goes beyond art on a wall in a frame you may Lecture
encounter, but graphic design on advertisements literally SURROUNDING US. Your phone is a
type of art, many designers and engineers work to design your phone models and app logos. The
way you communicate or use of body language can even be considered art. Art is everywhere!


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

For this lesson, you guys are going to be capturing something in your daily routine. So many
times we are on auto pilot when we're doing these things we do daily, and the key to happiness. Lecture

The human mind is able to focus on the past and future and wander so much and cause us to
reflect and prepare. But this same ability also can be negative because it's stopping us from
being productive and can be destructive to our happiness.

You guys at the end of class today will brainstorm and list things in your routine that you would
like to capture. We are not doing regular paper though...we are doing a clay board!! Discussion/Question

Q7) Who in here knows what a clayboard is?

Q8) What does it right off the bat remind you of? (white board)

So this material is super durable and can be used with an endless list of mediums. It is also very
forgiving because it is easy to erase mistakes and start over, with no damage to the board, unlike
paper. I am going to show you guys a demo. So can everyone come to this table.
Instruction (15 minutes)
Have students come around a selected and previously set table in the classroom for

Introduce Clay board

-the teacher will tell each student they will get their own slab of 4 x 7
-The teacher will enthusiastically share how the clayboard can be used with a widely varying Lecture
list of materials
-The teacher will pass out the handout that has the list of materials and processes that the
students can use, but are not restricted to.
-The teacher will give instruction that they have to choose and use at least 3 of the Questions
materials/processes on the list, so they must carefully pay attention to the demonstration. Since
it is a new material, the students most likely will be paying close attention due to the excitement
and unfamiliarity
-The teacher will address how the main material that works best is watercolor ink Discussion
-The teacher will ask the students Why do you think it is called clay board?
-The teacher will explain how the clay board acts very differently than regular paper and the
students will have to get used to it.
-The teacher will begin to say that the students will be given two mini slabs of clay board 4 x
4 to experiment with different materials and processes.
-While demonstrating the ink, the teacher will ask students how is the ink on the clayboard Demonstration
acting differently than it would on paper?
Answer would be how it sits on top while also being absorbed.
-The teacher will then say they should have paper towels handy or let the ink sit carefully on the
clayboard overnight to dry.


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

-The teacher will then ask What can we do so the ink is not as concentrated or vibrant? The
answer should be: to mix it with water or even use isopropyl alcohol. Questions
-The teacher will go on to say they can use regular acrylic paint as well if they desire to, but will
not demonstrate it.
-The teacher will demonstrate fine tinsel (steel wool) which is used as an eraser. The teacher
will have a slab of clayboard with ink that the teacher will use the tinsel on to erase the dried
ink. Once done, the teacher will have the students touch the area to feel how smooth it is and
ask if no damage has occurred.
-The teacher will then demonstrate scratch tools, for details. If no scratch tools are available, Demonstration
they can use X-acto knives or clay materials.
-The teacher will emphasize how scratch tools and working into the clay board negatively must
be one of the processes done and emphasize how lots of beautiful detailing and texture can be
achieved through this. The teacher will also say that a regular brush does not count as a process.
-Teacher will demonstrate stamps.
-Teacher will demonstrate dipping leaves or something from nature in the ink and stamping to
get a certain texture that a paint brush can not do.
-Lastly, the teacher will demonstrate using salt. the teacher will show students how to just apply
salt and a previously made example of how salt can create beautiful texture. Lecture
-The teacher will not demonstrate, but verbally explain, how there are many different processes
the students can use such as using straws to blow the ink around. Or, blowing into a cup filled
with ink with a straw and letting the bubbles overflow onto the clayboard.
The teacher will ask the class if they have any questions.
Structured Practice and Application (25 minutes)
The teacher will then say the students have the rest of this class and the next class to experiment Lecture
on their two mini clayboards. If they need more, they can just ask.
There should be a cart ready for the students to dive into the materials.

Before the students are told they can go back to their seats, the lesson assignment and concept is

The teacher will say how the assignment should be of capturing something in the student's daily
routine. It can be something that makes them unique or something that is commonly shared with Lecture
other people. This particular class does not like not specific assignments.

The teacher will then give a pep talk about how they just finished making a beautiful still life, Encouragement
and how there are heavy expectations for the class. They will need to be creative and come up
with their own composition and can come up with their own processes as well!

The teacher should say all of this at a smooth pace, not going too fast. The teacher should have
lots of excitement, using lots of hand motions, but also have a calm vibe.

The students can now go back to their seats to brainstorm in their sketchbooks. They can list
their ideas and/or draw. They can also just go straight to experimenting on the clayboards while Brainstorming
mentally reflecting on their routine and what they would like to capture. Experimentation


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Clean-up and Closure (5 minutes)

When there are 7 minutes left of class, the teacher will grab all of the student's attention. This
class is very advanced and respectful to materials. However, the teacher will quickly debrief in Lecture
how to use materials. Which is:

1) put clayboard away in their drawer slowly and obviously facing up.
2) Make sure clayboard has name on it
3) Make sure all materials have caps on them and put them back onto the cart exactly how
they were found.
4) To collect their backpacks and belongings and wait at their seats until the bell rings to
let them leave to their next class.
The teacher will state she is excited to see them next class, so they can continue focusing. The
teacher will say she/he is going to talk to the students about their ideas.

Lesson #2: Second Day
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Lesson Summary Small Discussion recapturing Routine. Students are given most of the period to experiment on
their clayboards. The teacher has first one on one with the students about their broad ideas of
their routine.
Lesson Beginning/Introduction (10 minutes) Instructional
-The teacher will welcome students as they are coming into the class.
-Once students are settled in, the teacher will go to the front of the room to recap and give
-The teacher will ask the questions previously asked on the first day as a recap, but fully expect
only student to give answers.
-The teacher will then give the students some inspiration by introducing artist Sunga Park
-Due to the lack of a projector in the room, the teacher will print out copies of Parks work and
the students will come around a table to do a small critique over Parks work as a whole.
-The teacher will ask the class what they like and dislike about her work. How she might have
achieved certain effects in her use of ink
-The teacher will point out Parks use of detail and state: we can scratch it out by using the
scratch tools.
Instruction (_5_ minutes)
-The teacher will then give students instructions for their experimentation today.
-The teacher will state how they will have one on one conferences with each student, going by Instruction
alphabetical order, to talk about what part of their daily routine they would like to capture.
-The teacher will give tips for success and to be inspired and recall Parks work. There will be a
book of ink processes in the middle of the room for students to also look at for more inspiration.
-The students will start to get the materials from the cart that was previously set up and prepared
before class and brought out to the middle of the room.
Structured Practice and Application (_40__ minutes)
-The students will have the rest of the class period to work.
-The teacher will talk to each student one on one, calling them up by their last name Art Making
alphabetically. There will be casual conversation at first, but then steered towards their idea for
their final project.
-Once the teacher approves of their idea and gives them personalized instruction and Personal Conference
encouragement/warning, they will get their 4 x 7 clayboard. If during the conversation they
state they do not have an idea yet or can not narrow one down, they will not get a clayboard and


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

will have to meet again.
-The teacher will encourage the students that do have their finalized ideas to trace their larger
clayboard into their sketchbook at least once and draw out the composition they want. Once Discussion
conferences are over, if there is time left in the class, the teacher will be walking around
checking in. During the conferences, the teacher will still have a close eye on the class.
Clean-up and Closure (__5_ minutes)
In this classroom, a bell rings 5 minutes before they are let out. When the bell rings, the teacher Lecture
will tell students that they have come up with great ideas for their finalized artwork and that
they are very excited to see more.
-The students will continue with clean up as instructed from Lesson 1.

Lesson #3: Third Day
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Lesson Summary Students will begin working on their actual clayboard. They will map out their composition
with graphite. If not, they will work in sketchbook on their composition. .
Lesson Beginning/Introduction (__10_ minutes) Instructional
-Teacher will have all the materials ready in the middle of the room before the start of class.
-Teacher will welcome students as they come in.
-The teacher will start class with casual conversation about how their weekends went. Discussion
-Teach will ask students to recap what they think they are supposed to be doing today.
-The teacher will say they are supposed to be working on their large clayboards by now and no Instruction
more experimentation. Students that did not get their large clayboard will get them today.

Instruction (_10__ minutes)

-Before they can work, the teacher will have the students take out their handouts given to them
on the first day of class. This is because it may be on the bottom of their backpack when it Review
should be referenced.
-The teacher will ask a student to read the quotes on the top of the handout. Questions
-The teacher will ask the students: why are we doing routine?
-The teacher will then remind the students why working with routine is important, which is
because when we go through our routine, we are usually on autopilot mode. We are not being in Lecture/Reminder
the moment and are either reflecting on the past, or anticipating the future.
-The teacher will reference the psychology websites about how the key to happiness is being
present and fully aware, not letting our mind wander, even in our daily tasks.
-The teacher will let them being working now.
Structured Practice and Application (_35__ minutes)
-Throughout this time, the teacher will be going around the room and talking to students. The
teacher will have casual conversations with them while working and provide advice. The Art Making
teacher will do multiple rounds until class time is over. The teacher will give them feedback
about what they did in their experimentation boards.
-For students that are working slowly, they are still able to experiment but are encouraged to
just leave it behind and work on final piece now. If they desire to, they can borrow a few Discussion
materials and experiment at home with their clayboards. For students that work fast, they are
challenged to work with more than 3 processes/materials such as 5 if necessary for them. Personal
And/or they are encouraged to maybe add a 3D element to their board with clay or plaster. Accommodations
Clean-up and Closure (_5__ minutes)
-Same clean up routine as Lesson 2.
- Teacher will state that once they have their finalized sketches on their clayboard and or in their Lecture/Reminder


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

sketchbook, they will be shown to the teacher and discussed further during the second
conference. The teacher will remind them to keep their rubric and handout as a reference to Clean up
remember what they are keeping in mind and for achieving everything that they are being
graded on.

Lesson #4: Fourth Day
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Lesson Summary Today they are working on finishing their clayboard. The teacher will have one on one
conferences about their progress.
Lesson Beginning/Introduction (_5__ minutes) Instructional
-Teacher will welcome the students when they are coming into the room.
-The teacher will remind the students that they have one on one conferences about their Reminder/Lecture
progress to address any questions that may have come up.
-The teacher will ask the class if they have any overall questions they would like to go over
before beginning working, such as on rubric or method. Questions/Discussio

Instruction (__10_ minutes)

-The teacher will tell the students that they are finishing up working on their clayboard today
and they should be productive and minimize talking to peers or on phone as much as possible. Requeuing
-The teacher will go over learning goal, which is to make an artwork capturing something in
their ADL and doing it well. They should be doing it well by considering composition, contrast,
texture and value. They should be using hybridity with their use of varying material. Lecture
They should be able to have a concept and learn how to capture it to the best of their ability. If
they are given an assignment in college, their assignment may be as small as a word or even
open ended.
-The teacher will point out all the elements and principle of design posters around the room to
focus on.
-The images of Parks work and the book of processes of ink will also be available to students Artist Example

Structured Practice and Application (__40_ minutes)

-Students will be working.
-Teacher will have one on one conferences with the students about their composition. Art Making
-During the conference, teacher will tell the student what they are doing correctly and what they
should work on. The teacher will give encouragement while also challenging them. Also, the Conference
teacher will ask if they have any questions about how to use texture, contrast, value or hybridity
in their work.
-Once the conferences are over, the teacher will go around the room having casual yet
art-related conversation with the students. Discussion
Clean-up and Closure (_5_ minutes)
Same clean up routine as previous days. They are told they should have finished their clayboard Lecture
and, if not, need to stay after school, come in during lunch or study hall, and/or bring it home
with them (with some materials) so they can finish on time. Clean Up

Lesson #5: Last Day
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Lesson Summary They will show their finalized work in the hallway on the critique board. They will spend this
class period critiquing each others works and talking about their own.


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

Lesson Beginning/Introduction (_5__ minutes) Instructional
The teacher will welcome students are they come into class. Instruction
The teacher will enthusiastically say today is critique day!
The teacher will ask all the students if they are familiar with critiquing artwork with each other. Questions
The teacher will ask: what should we look for in a critique?
What is important? Lecture
The teacher will provide guidelines for what should happen in a high school level critique.
Instruction (_5__ minutes)
-When the teacher is explaining what should happen during a critique, the teacher will say to
point out what you like, and to contemplate the artists meaning and intention in their piece Questions
before AND after the artist explains their goals/struggles/concepts.
-The teacher will explain how not to be too negative. The student should not say I would have Instruction
done this because it is not your piece and you are not that artist. The student can question why
this artist made this choice, but should NOT give recommendations until after the artist has said
their intention.
-The emphasis during critique should be on the positive and with encouragement and praise.
Most students will not go back to work on their clayboard, and so recommendations should be
steered towards artist style in general and what they can keep in mind. Direction
-Once the teacher has briefly gone over all of this, the teacher will lead the class outside in the
hallway to being the critique.
Structured Practice and Application (_45__ minutes)
-The students will present their piece by pinning it to the bulletin board in the hallway. The
students can not sit on the ground because they will not have an eye level view of the piece. If Critique
they do not want to stand, they can go get a chair from the inside of the art classroom and bring
it out. They just need to make sure to bring it back into the room.
-The teacher has their own pins because if left in the hallway, students steal them and/or make
the pins into a shape on the bulletin board.

The critique will be led by the teacher, but focused on peer discussion. The teacher will steer the
critique with questions and topics that come up, but it is mostly led by the students and their Discussion

Students should focus on what they do like, and guess what routine their peer has captured Peer Focused
before explanation. Each student will be given time to explain their ADL concept in depth, any Discussion
struggles they had, what they liked and disliked about clayboard and the processes, and what
else they would like the class to know. The artist is also able to ask the class questions regarding
their piece. As stated before, critiques should be steered towards positivity and encouragement.
There can only be kind and caring constructive criticism.
Clean-up and Closure (_5__ minutes)
The bell from the art classroom will not be heard from the hallway, so the teacher must make
sure to keep track of time. When there are 10 minutes left in class, the teacher will make sure to Lecture
rush if necessary to make sure all students have their critique. When there are 5 minutes left in
the class, the teacher will wrap things up by stating everyone did a great job. The teacher will Clean up
address the strengths of all the students individually and and as a whole. The teacher will then
instruct students to bring down their finished works, take out all the pins, and bring the chairs
back into the room. Encouragement
Students will collect all their belongings and backpacks from the corner. They will wait by the
door until the bell goes off.
While they are waiting by the door, if time permits, the teacher will state how excited they are


Art Learning Segment Plan Template

to announce the next assignment after seeing the work they just finished.

Post-Teaching Reflection and Assessment
Reflection This lesson was really amazing for me because I had a really great class. I had students that really
wanted to be there. I had kind and cooperative students, however also with a rebellious and
unmotivated student. After I came up with the big idea, the lesson plan came together. I struggled the
most with research, but once I had all of them they were extremely helpful and helped piece the lesson
plan together. I was just worried about time for this lesson plan. This class is made up of students that
are very hard on their art and slow working due to their perfectionism. If I were to re execute this
lesson I would make sure I have enough time for one on one conferences with students. I really think
the introduction of the class was very important because it reminded the students why they are making
the art that they are. The element I enjoyed most about this lesson was the material. The students were
very excited to be working with this material and their excitement made me even more excited than I
already was. According to Dewey, students should learn through action. I really enjoyed being able to
provide students with mini clayboards so they can get used to the board, as well as other materials on
it. This class really liked strict direction rather than open ended prompts. The conferences with each
student helped guide them to finalizing their idea and how to execute conceptually and aesthetically. I
made sure they kept all the objectives in mind, because that is what they were being graded on. It was
shown successfully in their art and also during the critique. During the critique they used the terms
while discussing their own and their peers work. I think it was important for the students not to just go
through the objectives, but the rubric as well. I had to make sure they were able to define each piece of
vocabulary from the start. Overall, the class is a very gifted class and they did very well on this project
and I can not wait to use this learning segment on other classes as well.
A. Exemplary (strongest) example: B. Great/Good (average) example: C. Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
(weakest) example:

This is a good example, but not

completed well. There still shows
sign of improvement. The
proportions are off, as seen in the This work is unacceptable. The
hand. It has a good composition student only used acrylic and a
and has good surrealism. paintbrush. The student shows no
The students artwork is clearly effort in trying to use new various
However, it can be taken further
conveying the concept. This piece has a materials. The students routine is not
with crisper lines. It is good
lot of emotion and movement. It is clear well capture and is left too open
because it has 3
she is running late in the morning to ended. There is some use of texture,
materials/processes: ink, salt and
school. Every centimeter of the but not enough and is too messy. The
use of scratch tool. The student
clayboard is used well. There is a good student can use contrast and value or
can add more detail in various
use of hybridity: at least 3 by adding more white and/or tints.
areas. It is also good because the
materials/processes were used Overall, this piece does not meet the
concept regarding routine is very
exceedingly well. The student used salt, minimum requirements.
clearly executed.
ink, and sharpie. There is good use of
texture done with salt and the scratch
tool. Contrast and value are used well
with the use of color. The student was
not messy with the material at all.


Art Learning Segment Plan Template


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