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Essay: Experimental Research

Fadhil Ramadhani
Offering A
NIM 140221600212
Introduction to Research Methods: Selasa 1-2

Experimental research measures the effect of one manipulated and controlled

(independent) variable to another (dependent) variable. Its general objective is to investigate
cause and effect relationship, the effect of X-variable to the Y-variable. The cause variable is the
condition or event that exists or occurs prior to the effect. The effect variable is a condition or
event subsequent to the causal condition. The effect variable produces a change in the causal
condition. The researcher deliberately controls and manipulates the conditions or makes a change
in the value of independent variable and observes the effect of that change in the dependent
variable. Here are further explanations of experimental research.
First, the onlys of experimental research, which means that these characteristics are
only owned by experimental research design. First, only experimental design uses the
manipulated discrete variables in its research. Manipulated discrete variable itself means that the
variables are used to categorize people and the grouping is based on the assignment or treatment
deliberately given by the researcher to the students. Second, only experimental research can
investigate the cause and effect relationship. It has been stated before that experimental research
manipulates the independent variable and observes its effect in the dependent variable. Third,
only experimental research can name its X-variable as independent variable. The independent
variable proceeds in time and exerts influence on the dependent variable, which in turn may
change as it is affected by the independent variable.
Second, defining the strategy. The researchers need to define the strategy that they are
going to compare in their research. The strategy itself must be clear and has already existed. This
will help the researcher to focus on a more narrow research area to be able to study it
Third, dealing with the number of groups. If there is only one class, it is called pre-
experimental research. If there are two classes, we can use the one with either directional
hypothesis or non-directional hypothesis. For the one with directional hypothesis, the first group
is named experimental group and the second is called control group. While for the one with
non-directional hypothesis, the first group is called experimental 1 and the second is named
experimental 2. Both true experimental and quasi-experimental research have two classes.
Fourth, the way the researchers get the groups. In true experimental research, the
researchers take the samples by their own choosing. The researchers have their own access to
random selection and they make sure that the groups are equal. In quasi-experimental research,
the groups are already provided to the researchers. They can only assign randomly different
treatments to two different classes.
Fifth, doing the experimental treatment or the teaching based on the teaching scenario.
There are three kinds of designs that we can use in the experimental research:
1. In pre-experimental research, the researchers conduct pre-test before they do the
experimental treatment. After the treatment is finished, the post-test is conducted to see
the achievement. The effectiveness of the treatment is measured by the comparison
between the average score of the pre-test and post-test. When the post-test average score
is significantly higher than the average score of the pre-test, then the researchers can
conclude that the treatment is effective.
2. In true experimental research, the researchers define the accessible population,
randomly select a number of the members of the population as the sample and assign
them into group A and group B, and give pre-test to group A and B. Then they assign one
of the groups into experimental treatment and the other one into control treatment, give
them the assigned treatment, and conduct a post-test to both groups. Finally they
calculate the difference between the average score of experimental group and control
3. In quasi-experimental research, the researchers define the accessible population, select
two equal classes out of all the existing classes, and randomly select one of the classes
into experimental group and the other one into the control group. They then give the
assigned treatment, assess the results of both groups, and compute the difference between
the average score of experimental group and control group.
Sixth, the steps of doing experimental research. There are six steps of doing research in
experimental design:
1. The researchers need to make a theoretical hypothesis. It is the prediction of the answer
to the problem or the finding of the research based on theory or based on logical common
sense. This prediction must have theoretical and logical truth in it.
2. They need to make a null hypothesis or H o. This type of hypothesis is not biased. It
predicts that nothing will happen, or that the difference exists but it is not significant
3. The researchers need to set the limit or the level of significance. The level of
significance means the level of chance or risk of being wrong that we are willing to
tolerate. For example, if we have the level of significance of 5%, then in turn we have the
level of confidence of 95%. In setting the limit, we need to consult to the table. When we
consult to the table, we get the minimum difference.
4. After getting the minimum difference, the researches do the data analysis. In pre-
experimental research, the data analysis is done by computing the difference between the
average score of the pre-test and post-test. While in true experimental research and quasi-
experimental research, it is done by calculating the difference between the average score
of experimental group and control group.
5. Then, we can see if the difference is enough or not enough according to the limit that we
have set. When the difference is not significant, the null hypothesis is not rejected.
Therefore, it becomes the conclusion. If the result is below the limit, then the theoretical
hypothesis is not supported by the empirical answer. Meanwhile, when the difference is
significant, the null hypothesis is rejected.
6. If the difference is significant, we need to set the alternative hypothesis. There are two
types of alternative hypothesis: directional hypothesis and non-directional
hypothesis. A directional hypothesis has a direction and this is how the researcher wants
to test it. Directional hypothesis predicts the direction of the effect and that one group
will do better than the other group. A non-directional hypothesis means that the
researchers do not make a choice over the direction that the effect of the experiment
takes. Non-directional hypothesis predicts that two groups will be different and implies
that the effect could be negative or positive.
All in all, experimental research measures the cause-effect relationship of variables. It is
used to measure the effectiveness of instructional materials and strategies by comparison with
other instructional materials and strategies. Experimental research has three types: 1) pre-
experimental research, which only has one class and the data analysis is done by comparing the
average score of the pre-test and post-test, 2) true experimental research, which have two classes
and the researcher get the samples by their own choosing, and 3) quasi-experimental research,
which have two classes and the groups are already provided to the researcher. Experimental
research hugely contributes in the development of educational materials and practices.

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