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You should spend 30 minutes on this question

You are representing you class to give a speech during the morning assembly. You
have decided to give a speech on dos and donts concerning safety when travelling
to and from school.

Dos Donts
Walks in pairs or groups Do not walk alone
If take bus-queue up Do not push to get the bus
Wait for transport in school Do not play on the roadside

When writing out your speech:

You may use the notes given

Suggest one other dos and donts when travelling to and from school
Add any other relevant information
Write in not less than 150 words

Good morning to our __________, _____________, _________ and __________ of
SMK ____________. I am _______________ from Form 3 __________ and today I would like
to give a ____________ entitled ________________________________.
Firstly, you should not _________________ (point 1). Instead, you should walk in
_____________ (point 2). This will protect you from any unwanted attentions.
Additionally, avoid walking in a _______ and _______ place (donts suggestion). This
place is usually filled with snatchers and thugs that can harm you.
Secondly, you should ___________________( point 3). ___________________ (point
4) or shove one another when getting on the bus. When youre getting off the bus or
crossing the road, always look __________________________ (Dos suggestion)
Lastly, if youre waiting for your transport, _______________ ( point 5). If you
have to wait outside the school ground, choose a _____________ away from passing
traffic and do not _____________ (point 6).
Observing your safety should be your priority, so I hope everyone will keep
themselves safe. Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry!
Thank you.

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