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A 'c,," '# q 2-

DUH 'COl*o Cry oF,..

by Ed Greenwood
From the Trail Notes of l,aujur the

Ettins, commonly known as the .,two_

headecl giants," are a brutish, aggressive
race of carnivores who dweil in caverns,
disused mines, and the like, emergiug to
raid the upper world only by night. 'ihey
.nt prey well in rlar.kllessr ard subsist on
raw flesh of all sorts; however, ory rarely
do they fight among thenrselves, and an
ettin will ony eat the meat of its own kind if
t is badly woundecl or sorely in need of
nourshlnent, arrcl lto other food suppy is
readily available. As befits their crile and
cruel behavior, ettilrs will typ.icay hammer
their food to a pulp, either with a weapon or
by flailing the carcass aganst rocks, bfore
eating it.
Ettins are largely solitary; they have no
particular preference for the company of
any other creature type, and the feelir-rg is
apparently mutual. A mated pair will typi_
cally stay together after n-ratirig until
offspring is born and has grolr,n to self_
s,ufficiency. Other-wise, ettns will only sel_
dom gather together ancl ive in smali
groups, in circumstances where an indivjd_
ual shows itself to be more strong-willecl or
more intelligent than others of its kinrl.
group will cooper-

leaves, or is k'led.. d,.j"::1:d:;jr"."o
will dissolve and each rnember will go its
own way.
Ettins are getrerally stupd, but can be
cuming in matters of chasing, ambushing,
ald fighting prey. They are wary of all
othe cleatures
- even other ettins _ and
slow to trust.
One fact larown by everyone, of course,
is that ettins have two heads. This strange
properly affords them some obvious benefits
in combat sifuations; fortunately, however,
ther low intelligence prevents thern from
taking full advantage of this ,,blessing.,, ,the
head on the righthand side of ar ettinls

able to survive its loss ad carrv on a l.or-

mal life, albeit without the aforemenfioned
combat aclvantages and most probably

without receiving auy trust or respect from to display their hunting prowess and tics; ettins know nothing of honor, fairness,
its fellow creatures, who will Iook upon the thereby prove themselves attractive to a or truces.
one-headed ettin as deformed. The fomer
; females rnay gain their
disadvantage is rnininra in most cases, since they vanquish, or as gifts
even a one-headecl ettin is a formiclable foe dtrrng the crude courtship
in physical combat. 'Ihe latte disadvantage ce.
is not consiclered important eiiher, becaus Asicle from the uses described above,
such creafures generally do uot solicit or etths keep treasure to bargan with ancl to
value the trust of their fellows in any event.
if the bargaining gets unpleasant or frustrat-
purchase the services of others for specific ing, they may abruptly decide that a snack
T'ypically, these creatures are tot espe- tasks, such as hiring a band of orcs io build in the hand is woth a feast in the bush. At
cially fuent in any single language, but use
a snattering of words anc expressions from
whichever tongues are most predominant in
iheir vicinity - usually orcish, goblin, ancl
a wall or a h.ap tear an ettin lair.
An ettin has pnk to brownish flesh, with
calloused hands and feet that carry a yellow_
t, and as much o[
ish tinge. Its complexior-r often looks arker it as possible, while incurring the least risk
the common speech. Mosf of them know at than it actualy is, because the creahrres are to thenrselves.
least a ittle of the chaotic evil dialect, and habitually covered with dirt arrd filth. The Ettns worship a deity that is similar, or
ebtins often consider this their ,,own,, lan_ clothing of an ettir-r, if such a term can be identical, to the one the hi[ giants kuow as
guage. In sonle reas of the worlcl where used, comprises nothing more thal.l Grolantor, though they usually do not call
ettin populations have established ihem_ scraggly, filthy animal-skins. The creatures the deity by this name. They view their
selves and resided for a long time, the crea_ care notlrng for the appearance or odor of deity as a gigantic ettin of great intelligence
tures have deveoped a debased dialect of such garb, and wear it otrly for the warmth and wisdom (as well as superior fighting
the ocish tongue into a language that can arrd cor.rfort it affords them when sleepir.rg prowess) whose two heacls enable him to
truly be called their own.3 on cold, rough stone. Such garments irevr maintailr an eterrral vigiance against all
\ female ettin w.ill bear a single offspring have sleeves or other accessory parts, for who would seek to subjugate or destroy the
--r'en months after nrating, and such young ettins don't want to be hamper.ed lt a chase ettins. The similarity of their deities sug_
typicaly grow to full size in little more than or a battle by mere sleeping-furs.s gests that ettins and hill giants had some
u yuar.n Female ettirrs are always long- Ettins have no firresse, or the desire to common social or cultural aspects at one
haired, and generaly more full-bodid thon have any, when it comes to physical combat.
-batiering tirne, but the two species have no affinity
the ma1es, whose frames are reatively gaunt They fight with crushing and for each other nowacays. lt is possible tirat
ancl wry except for the exceptionally bioad weapons such as spiked clubs and iron bars.
-fhey ettirrs and hill giants came from the same
shoulders which ate (for two obvious rea- have been known to throw rocks6 if no stock, given their common religious back-
sons) a hallmark of tlre species. Neither tl-re other weapon is immediately at hand, and ground and their larger-than-human size,
male nor the female takes anv care over they will not hesitate to rip apart furniture b_ut ettins otr the average are substaltially
personal appearance, but feniales like to or uproot small trees to fight with. Their taller ancl thnner than hill giants. ftr facial
wear iervelry as a status symbol outlook on combat is as cruce as their tac_
- perhaps appearnce ald body structure, ettins seem
more cosely related to orcs
- yet that
species only grows to half the size of ettins.
Arrd, of course, neither otcs ltor hilt giants
have two heads; because of this unique
anomaly, it s quite likely that the genetic
background of the ettin will never be fully
As my frieud and fellow ranger Athscar
puts it: "An ettin is a nasty brute
- nur_
derous in a face-to-face fight if one is un-
lucky, injured, or weighecl down, but easy
prey to a well-ai.rned batrd of three or more
who keep their wits about them and nreet
GAME GRID SHEETS the mon^ster on grouncl of their chojce.,,
rltE otGtNAL * rHE LARGEST Notes
1. Ettins have keen senses, well adapted
---Oamaign ytap_ to night hunting: infravision out to a 9.,
1 inch
squars gfd
36'x28'- $1.25 range, and a sense of smell sufficierrtly
36'r 50' - $Z.SO developed to distinguish aLnimal, unusual,
l{ex and specifc, known-to-be-dangerous scents
Double-sded from those of the surroutrdings wthin 3,,.
hex sheet 06. x O' - $g.SO They clislike sunlght or other strong light
(confinuttl lighr, b not a torch or a light
.. )verlag hcct spell) iutensely, but it does not har.m them
or impar their fighting abilities. The djslike
_'"l$'k., 6'x so' - $ comes from habit ald conditioning, and
their self-preservation irstinc they inhabit
AT YOUR GAMESTORE OR FROM: darkened, hidden places because of their
INDICIA SSOCIATES solitary nature. They greatly prefer to hunt
5776 Brodway, Oakland, CA 94619 at night so as to take full acvartage of their
ADD Shppins and Handling charges: keen senses, and to recluce the charces that
Orders to $1.00. 91,75 they themselves will be set upon by aclven-
$1o.01 to $15.00 . .. gz.zs turers or other.adversaries. Apparently, the
$15.01 lo $25.00. .. $2.7s
orcish strain in their makeup is not strong
enough to require them to fight at u p",u1ty
FREE in lighted areas.
3, DECEMBER .'984
2. The ettin derives some uuusual protec_ lf the ettin's dominant head is clestroyed
tion from its dual brains. Spells of nrental doned by its parents or simply treated as
or severely dartraged in a fight, the creature another member of the group.
corrtrol, such as sleep, fear, ancl any charm,t will be cotfu.ret for "I-6 rounds, afte which 5. The skins worn by an eitin are un_
or hold spells, will not completely affect an time the sirgle functioning head will gair.r
ettin unless two spells of the same type are cured arrd rotting, and typically carry para_
control of the "opposite" ann
cast upon t, either simultaneously or one - but that
arnr,will only be capable of wld (empty_
sitic diseases; see the DMG uncler this
after the other so that both spels are in lrandec) flaiilrg until the ettin learns t 6. Rocks thrown by an ettin d,o 2-12
effect at the same time. Of course, both control both arms with its sirgle head. This
spells must succeed; for nragics of this sort points of damage per hi! with ralge figures
process takes 1-2 months to run its full of 2", 4", and 6"; each arm can throw one
aganst which a saving throw is alowed, course, perfect rock per roulrd. Note that this is lrot an
each head is entitled to a save against of and bo ettin's preferred attack tnode, anc the lnon_
the spels. If one but not both spells suc-
ceed, the unaffected head will assune con_
rigures i""r;itr' ster will always use some sort of hancl-held
for the right) will not change, regardless of rveapon if olre is available.
trol of the bocly without pause or internal which head is controlling both oi them.
struggle, and the affected head will be hetd 7. See the DEITIES & DEMGODSTM
Because of its low ntelligence, an ettin Cyclopedia for details of Grolantor. The
saves against all types of illu.iott,s at _1 _ deig is usually known by a slightly different
but each head is entitled to a saving throw, name, such as "Grolettinor,, or ,,Grelinor,,,
and if one or loth of them are unaffectecl by amorrg the ettitrs that revele or worship this
the ilusion, the ettin will be enraged at suci figure. A very few ettins rise in servic to
after returning to normal. Durilg this tme a trick, not bewildered at its occurrence,
of powerlessness, the arm closest to the their cleity tc become 3rdlevel shamans; see
and will angrily seek out its perpetrator. the DMG. p. 40. for details on what spels
affected head will hang limp ancl useless,- it 3. Any creature who is conversalt ir.r are available to thern. I
will not drop anything it is holding, but orcish will be able to understand 60% of
nnot colrsciousy use or wied such an what is said in ths "eftintongue.,, Ettins
-..ject and could (ur.rder the right cicurn_
stances) be easily disarnrerl or cliserrgagecl
often howl and slobber in bestial rge whelr
in pain o fruskated by nimble foes.
lldte on!
from the object by the application oi,-" 4. The offspring of a pair of ettins has no
Got a question about an article? A
force (a list or weapon blow, for instance) subject you'd like us t0 cover or
combat ability until it attains six months of - the
against either the arm or the object. not cover? What do you think of
age. -rom that time unti it reaches otre
Note that repulsion, ma,s,s charm, psionic year old, the young ettin is sjze M (S, tall) _magazine you're reading? Drop us a
dotnination, and othe "group-effect,, ma_ line at "Out on a Limb." p.. Box
with 4 IID and does roughly half damage 110, Lake Geneva WI 5J14Z. We'll
gics and powers will affect both heads of an on an attack with efher arn1.
e.ttin upon a single application; if a saving - 2-8 (2d4) read every letter we get, and we'll
with the left and 3-8 (1d6+2) with rhe righr. select certain letters of general in-
tirrow is allowed in such a case, the At the age of one year, an ettin s quite ible terest for publication
s only entitled to one. ".^tir" to fend foritself, and will either be aban_ - maybe even

Drapnr rders ol Petn rs lra#rurr ol arr,E Mccfkev usd lnder rcsn* tt ostftons ts Tm Hitdbhrnr fughB Rasn4d

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