Piercing THE Corporate Veil: The Indian Scenario Post Vodafone

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While the Supreme Courts ruling in Vodafone International
Holdings B.V. V/S Union of India has been greeted with re-
lief by foreign investors, it has left plenty of room for revenue
authorities to pierce the corporate veil in the future.

In Good Company corporate veil, wherein the legal fiction of the company
as a juristic person is recognized so as to separate the ac-
The company is presently one of the most widely pre- tions, rights and liabilities of the company from its share-
ferred modes of business organisation due to several holders or officers, is that of the seminal English case of
advantages that it has enjoyed over other forms such as Saloman V/s A. Saloman & Company Limited
sole proprietorship and partnership. One of the major decided by the House of Lords in 1897. By refusing to
attractions of incorporation is the limitation of liability permit the primary shareholder to be made liable for the
of a shareholder to a pre-determined amount, namely debts of the insolvent company, thereby overturning the
contribution to the companys capital. This has been giv- decision passed by the Court of Appeals, it gave judicial
en effect by recognizing the company as a juristic person recognition to the proposition that incorporation bestows
in its own right, having an identity distinct and separate upon the company a separate personality independent of
from that of its shareholders. its shareholders, which cannot be considered as acting as
an agent for them. The Salomon principle has been duly
The Doctrine Of The Corporate Veil recognized as a basic canon of company law in India, both
by the judiciary as well as legislators, with the doctrine of
Among the best illustrations of the principle of the the corporate veil enshrined in the Companies Act, 1956.

30 | April 2012 | LegalEra | www.legalera.in

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Piercing The Corporate Veil applicability of this doctrine within pre-
determined boundaries, stated that it
The ramifications of this doctrine are far was neither necessary nor desirable to
reaching and, over time, a need was felt enumerate the classes of cases where
to curb its scope. This was due to the fact lifting the veil is permissible, since that
that the company form was increasingly would necessarily depend on a host
being deployed in complex structures of disparate factors including the rel-
and transactions to avail various benefits evant provisions of the applicable stat-
intrinsic to this structure. For example, ute/ regulation, the object sought to be
if the recognition of a separate corporate Siddharth Hariani achieved, the impugned conduct of the
personality was absolute, a specific ob- Partner company, the involvement of public in-
ligation placed on an individual could Phoenix Legal terest and its effect on parties.
be overcome by the incorporation of
a company having such person as the Although this doctrine has been in-
majority shareholder. Further, compa- voked across a wide spectrum of legal
nies could then restrict their liability to fields spanning tortious liability, con-
a bare minimum by forming a series of tractual, criminal and even constitu-
shell companies having little or no assets tional law, it is most frequently cited
or use subsidiaries to indulge in illegal or in the realm of taxation. While the
prohibited activity. Income Tax Act, 1961 does not contain
any statutory provision for lifting the
Courts sought to remedy this by mak- corporate veil, Indian courts have in
ing carve outs to the Salomon princi- Davis Kanjamala the past permitted revenue authori-
ple whereby, in certain circumstances, Associate ties to look through the legal structure
it is permissible for the corporate veil Phoenix Legal adopted by an assessee company to
to be pierced. That is, the artificial reveal whether the economic reality of
persona enjoyed by the company in the such a facade amounts to tax evasion.
eyes of the law would be disregarded

and the shareholders or directors/ of- The Vodafone Controversy
ficers behind the company could be While the Income Tax Act,
imputed with the actions of the com- 1961 does not contain A recent instance of drawing back the
pany and be obliged to share the bur- corporate veil in the context of tax as-
any statutory provision for
den of obligations and liabilities of the sessment was Vodafone Interna-
company. However, it is important to
lifting the corporate veil, tional Holdings B.V. V/s Union of
emphasize the fact that courts across Indian courts have in the India where the company challenged
jurisdictions have always regarded the past permitted revenue a show cause notice issued by the rev-
doctrine of piercing the corporate veil authorities to look through enue authorities who claimed that the
as an exception rather than the norm. indirect transfer of 67% of shares of
the legal structure adopt-
Indian entity Hutchinson-Essar caused
ed by an assessee com-
Looking Through The Artificial by purchase of 100% shares of another
pany to reveal whether offshore company would attract pay-
The Indian Supreme Court in Kapila
Hingorani V/s State of Bihar held

the economic reality of
such a facade amounts
ment of capital gains tax in India to
the tune of rupees twelve thousand
crores. Vodafone argued that as all the
to tax evasion.
that the corporate veil which sepa- concerned partiesnamely the pur-
rates an entity vis--vis its sharehold- chaser, the seller and the target of ac-
ers could be lifted when the corporate quisition were companies incorporated
personality was found to be opposed to abroad, the Indian revenue authorities
justice, convenience and interest of the had no jurisdiction to demand tax on
revenue or workman or against public the same. By ignoring the existence of
interest. The apex court in State of multiple entities separating the parties
Uttar Pradesh V/s. Renusagar and ascribing the motive for purchase
Power Company, in observing the of shares of one company as being the
difficulty of confining the scope and acquisition of another, the authorities

31 | April 2012 | LegalEra | www.legalera.in

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had undertaken a large scale exercise of Based on the above mentioned factors a structure/ transaction as an imper-
lifting the corporate veil. and the facts of the case in hand, if the missible avoidance arrangement pro-
transaction appears to be colourable vided it fulfils certain criteria such as
Takeaways From The then revenue authorities can make a not being bona fide, lacking commer-
case for courts to disregard the form of cial substance, abuse of provisions of
Vodafone Decision
structure adopted by foreign investors. the DTC and not being conducted at
A three judge bench of the Supreme However, even in such a situation it arms length.
Court ruled in favour of the company, cannot seek to scrutinise every stage of
thereby overturning the decision of the the transaction in isolation for commer- The introduction of GAAR provisions
Bombay High Court which had pierced cial substance, a threshold which few have led to a fair bit of anxiety in cor-
the corporate veil in arriving at the con- present day structures would success- porate circles as it seems to simplify
clusion that the transaction of acquisi- fully manage to clear. Tax liability is a the process of lifting the corporate veil
tion of shares of the offshore target com- major consideration in structur- in the context of tax assessment due to
pany amounted to transfer of controlling ing cross border deals. By recog- the vast variety of transactions which
stake of the Indian entity of Hutchinson- nizing the validity of structures can be construed to fall within its am-
Essar. In stark contrast, the opin- that legitimately enable parties bit as well as the shifting of the burden
ion of Chief Justice Kapadia stated to avail of tax benefits, the Voda- of proof to the assessee.
that it is common for foreign in- fone decision should be read as a
vestors to enter India through for- ringing endorsement for prudent
eign holding companies and spe- tax planning.
cial purpose vehicles
(SPVs), which have
been recognized by
Indian corporate,
securities and even
tax laws. Such ac-
of the legiti-
macy of this
practice will Conclusion

come as a huge Though the Court has provided relief
source of relief to By the introduction of for the foreign investor in the present
the foreign invest- the Direct Taxes Code instance, it has left plenty of room for
ment community as a whole. revenue authorities in the future to
(DTC), India seeks to
pierce the corporate veil and to look at
As per the majority opinion, the courts
would only pierce the corporate veil
overhaul its existing tax
laws by making it sim-
transactions involving non-residents,
with an Indian connection, based on
if the tax authorities could establish pler and more concise. guidelines which are capable of mul-
that the transaction was not within tiple interpretations. With the recent
the four corners of the law but sham budget proposal to clarify the law as
or tax avoidant in nature. The Court it currently stands and the frequency
stated that the approach to be adopt- The Road Ahead - The Spectre of seeing through the corporate veil
ed by the department is to determine Of The DTC seemingly on the rise, legal counsel
the dominant purpose of a structure/ will be required to ensure that deals
transaction by paying heed to certain By the introduction of the Direct Taxes are structured in a manner to safe-
indicators. These include the duration Code (DTC), India seeks to overhaul guard their clients from the scrutiny of
of the holding structure, the period of its existing tax laws by making it sim- the taxman.
business operations and generation of pler and more concise. A sea change
taxable revenue in the Indian domestic under the proposed regime would be
economy as well as the timing of the exit the introduction of the General Anti- Disclaimer
and continuity of business after exit. By Avoidance Rules (GAAR) which, based
listing the above factors, the Court has on the current draft, would render it Views of the Author are personal and do
reduced the discretion of tax authori- legally permissible for tax authorities not reflect the views of the firm. This article
ties for piercing the corporate veil. to pierce the corporate veil and classify was written prior to Budget 2012.

32 | April 2012 | LegalEra | www.legalera.in

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