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Student-Teacher: Zainab Hadi

Date: Tuesday, 14th of March 2017

Course: Practicum
Length of the lesson: 35 Minutes

Grade Level: year three

Subject: English
Learning Outcome: To locate specific information in the text to find answers to simple questions, to predict what a given book
may be about from the cover.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before class?)
students use? Be specific) Look for number of students to do the grouping
Check if there are enough sheets for the whole class
A3 sheet
Laminator Key vocabulary
Colors Spine
Stickers Strings

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

T will tell students about what they are going to do today which is reading. T will ask students is this a fiction or non-

fiction book? What can you see on the cover book? What does it says in the blurb? What does Spine, string and teeth
means? S will have 1 minute to discuss the questions. T will give students a pear prediction activity about sorting sea
animals to the way they stay safe. T will give students 5-10 minutes to read the book.

Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

Time: 15 min

S will create a poster about their favorite animal from the reading book about sea animals using the words and pictures

students can design their poster using materials the teacher will provide. Students will be working in pears.

*Students who finish with the poster will be moved to the assessment sheet.

5 mins

Students will talk about their poster in front of the class to share their favorite sea animal and tell the words they use.

Students will work independently on the worksheet completing out the missing words from the sentences using the reading text.

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