Mg L Mol Feso 4 ·7 H 20

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68 mg/L copperas
a. Amount of ppt formed
b. Amount of alkalinity consumed
MW= 277.85 g/mol
f=2 eq/mol
Eq. wt= 138.925 g/ eq

FeSO47H2O + Ca(HCO3)2 Fe(HCO3)2 + CaSO4 + 7H2O

mg 1g mol FeSO 4 7 H 20
Amount of ppt= 68 L FeSO47H2O ( 1000 mg )( 277.85 g )(

Fe( HCO 3)2 177.85 g Fe(HCO 3 )2

FeSO 4 7 H 20 )( mol )

= 0.0435 g/L

mg 1g mol FeSO 4 7 H 20
Alkalinity consumed= 68 L FeSO 4 7H 2 O ( 1000 mg )( 277.85 g )(

Ca( HCO3)2 1 CaCO3 100 g 1000 mg

FeSO 4 7 H 20 )( 1 Ca(HCO3)2 )( mol )( 1g )

= 24.4736 mg/L CaCO3

mg 61
2. HCO3 from TH= L x 50 =

Mg 2+ = NCH- Ca2+, mg/L as CaCO3


3. Given;
WW inflow= 14.5 MGD
85 mg/L alum of 95 % purity
TSS= 650 mg/L
Efficiency of flocculation basin = 92%
a. Chemical feed rate of alum, kg/d
b. Mass of solids removed by treatment
c. Amount of alkalinity consumed

85 mg 0.001 kg
14.5 x 10 gal 3.785 L x
a. Alum federate= x x L 1000 mg = 4910. 5395
day gal


b. V flocculation basin= Qt ; t from Table ( t = 20-30 mins); tave= 25 mins

14.5 x 10 6 gal 3.785 L 1 day 1 hr

V basin = day x gal x 24 h rs x 60 mins x 25 mins =

952821. 1806 L

wt of dry solids
I. Mass solids= wt dry solids TSS, mg/L= volume of sample x 100%

wt of dry solids
x 100
650 mg/L = 952821.1806 L

Wt of dry solids= 619333.7674 kg dry solids

Mass solids removed= 619333.7674 x 0.92 = 569787.066 kg

c. Alkalinity consumed=
84 mg alum mmolalum 3 Ca(HCO3 )2 1CaCO3 100 m g
x x x x =
L 594 mg alum 1Ca( HCO3 )2 mol

42.9293 mg/L CaCO3

Tama ba to

4. Given;
75 mg/L FeCl3
a. Amount ppt in kg/L
b. If H+ reacts with natural alkalinity in H2O, alkalinity consumed as CaCO3


2FeCl3 + 3Ca(HCO3)2 = Fe(OH)3 + 3CaCl2 + 6CO2

75 mg FeCl3 mmol FeCl3 2 Fe(OH )2 106.85 mg
a. L x 162.2mg x FeCl 3 x L = 98.8132 mg/L

b. I dunno

FeCl3 + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3 H2O + HCl

HCl + NaOH= NaCl + H2O

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