2-Factors HJM Estimation and Hedging For Oil and Gas

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Cross-Cutting Project

Optimal strategies for oil and gas hedging



Master 203 - M2
Cross-Cutting Project

April 28, 2017

Cross-Cutting Project

Outline I

1 Whats the story and why do you care?

2 Theoretical Framework

3 Estimation of parameters

4 Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Cross-Cutting Project
Whats the story and why do you care?

In a Nutshell

How should private companies manage risk? Is it possible to

manage risk? Is it possible to model power prices?
Futures contracts are agreed in most cases for hedging
reasons; most companies would rather reduce price risk by
selling (or buying for a net consumer of electricity) some of
their final delivery position in advance.
Hedging is the reason why it is so important to be able to
model the forward price dynamics
Cross-Cutting Project
Whats the story and why do you care?

And we care because...

Air France-KLM, Europes largest airline, on Wednesday

unveiled a net loss of 147m (219.8m) in its second quarter
after suering large losses on its fuel hedges.
It said it had changed its policy on fuel hedges, including a
shift to shorter contracts, after suering heavy losses. The
company lost 179m in the second quarter from pre-2009 fuel
hedges and a total of 430m in the second half. Source: FT,
Cross-Cutting Project
Whats the story and why do you care?

Remember This

Investors want to reduce their risk by buying some quantity forward

For a given level a risk, one wants to know the level of
performance he can get

Optimal strategy
From todays futures price curves, one would choose the optimal
quantity to buy through forward contracts for each commodity he
is selling.
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate case - 2 factors HJM

We consider a classical two-factor model for commodity forward

prices, in which forward prices satisfy the following Stochastic
Dierential Equation (SDE) :

Assumptions of the model

dF (t, T )
= s exp( a(T t))dWts + l dWt
F (t, T )

s is the short-term maturity

l is the long-term maturity
a is the speed of mean-convergence
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate case - 2 factors HJM

Through Ito for semi-martingales, we get:

1 aT X s +X l
V +e
F (t, T ) = F (t0 , T )e 2 t t

S(t) = limT !t F (t, T )

1 at X s +X l
V +e
S(t) = F (t0 , t)e 2 t t

With the following notations

Z t
s au s
Xt = s e dWu
Z t
Xtl = l dWul
Z t
2 2a(T u) a(T u) 2 u l
V = se + 2 s le + l dW u
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate case - 2 factors HJM

We can show the following properties of the forward price:

E[F (t, T )] = F (t0 , T )

V[F (t, T )] = F (t0 , T )2 (e V 1)

Which will prove to be a good way to check the consistency of our
forward simulations
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Correction for future product delivery period

The equations discussed so far are only valid for future

products with instantaneous delivery. However that is never
the case in power markets
1 T +
F (t, T , ) = F (t, u), du
dF (t, T , )
= ca, s exp( a(T t))dWts + l dWt
F (t, T , )
With the correction factor for futur product delivery period:
1 a
ca, = (e 1)
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Correction for future product delivery period

Through Ito for semi-martingales, we get:

1 aT X s +X l
V +e
F (t, T , ) = F (t0 , T , )e 2 t t

S(t) = limT !t F (t, T , )

1 at X s +X l
V +e
S(t) = F (t0 , t, )e 2 t t

With the following notations

Z t
Xt = ca se dWus
Z t
Xtl = l dWul
Z t
2 2 2a(T u) a(T u) 2 l
V = ca se + 2 s le + l dW
u u
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate Simulations for gas forward

Figure: Gas forwards

Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate Simulations for gas spot

Figure: Gas spot simulation

Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Univariate Simulations for gas spot

Figure: Gas spot simulations mean

Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Multivariate case - 2 factors HJM

We consider a classical two-factor model for commodity forward

prices, in which forward prices satisfy the following Stochastic
Dierential Equation (SDE) :

Assumptions of the model

dFi (t, T )
= s,i exp( a(T t))dWts + l,i dWt
Fi (t, T )

s,i is the short-term maturity of asset i

s,i is the long-term maturity of asset i
ai is the speed of mean-convergence of asset i
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Multivariate case - 2 factors HJM

Through Ito for semi-martingales, we get:
V +e ai T X s,i +X l,i
Fi (t, T ) = Fi (t0 , T )e 2 i t t

Si (t) = limT !t Fi (t, T )

V +e ai t X s,i +X l,i
Si (t) = Fi (t0 , t)e 2 i t t

With the following notations

Z t
s,i ai u
Xt = s,i e dWus,i
Z t
Xtl,i = l,i dWul,i
Z t
2 2ai (T u) ai (T u) 2 l,i
Vi = s,i e + 2i,j s,i l,i e + l,i dW
u u
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Correction for future product delivery period

Through Ito for semi-martingales, we get:
V +e ai T X s,i +X l,i
Fi (t, T , ) = Fi (t0 , T , )e 2 i t t

Si (t) = limT !t Fi (t, T , )

V +e ai t X s,i +X l,i
Si (t) = Fi (t0 , t, )e 2 i t t

With the following notations

Z t
s,i ai u
Xt = ca,i s,i e dWus,i
Z t
Xtl,i = l,i dWul,i
Z t
2 2 2ai (T u) ai (T u) 2 u ul,i
Vi = ca,i s,i e + 2i,j s,i l,i e + l,i dW
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Correlated brownian noises

One needs to deal with and build the correlated Brownian motions
so as to simulate the dierent futures curve and spot prices. If we
draw a matrix of four independent standard normal variables Y , we
will obtain correlated variables by using:
Ycorr = 2 Y
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Correlated brownian noises

With covariance equals to:

With the correction factor for futures product delivery period:

1 ai
cai , = (e 1)

1 (ai +aj )
cai +aj , = (e 1)
(ai + aj )
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Multivariate Simulations for gaz spot

Figure: Gas spot simulations

Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Simulations mean for gas spot

Figure: Gas spot simulations mean

Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Multivariate Simulations for oil spot

Figure: Gas
Oil spot simulations
Cross-Cutting Project
Theoretical Framework

Simulations mean for oil spot

Figure: Oil spot simulations mean

Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters

Many of the model parameters are almost observable, if we have

sufficient historical data of futures curves at hand. In fact, S and
l could be approximated by the volatility of short and long-dated
continuous futures contracts, and by their empirical correlation.
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters

In fact, for T ! 1, we can formally write:

dFi (t, T ) l
l dWt
Fi (t, T )

So a good approximation for the long-term volatility is:

l (ztLi L ) 2
m 1

1 X L
L = z ti
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters

In fact, for T ! 0, we can formally write:

dFi (t, T ) s
l dWt
Fi (t, T )

So a good approximation for the long-term volatility is:

l (ztsi s ) 2
m 1

1 X s
s = z ti
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters

We can also give an initial estimate for the correlation

parameter as:
1 (ztsi
s )2 (ztli l ) 2
m 1 s l
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters - Max Likelihood

These rough estimates could be used directly, or as input

parameters for a more rigorous statistical estimation
procedure. For example, we can use the maximum likelihood
0 dF (t,T ) 1 0 1
i 1
Fi (t,T1 ) e a(T1 t) s (1 e a(T1 t) ) l
zt = B ..
. C , Ht = B
@ A
dFi (t,TN ) e a(TN t) (1 e a(TN t) )
F (t,T ) s l
i N

is the model parameters vector

= (a, s, l , )
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters - Max Likelihood

Then an Euler discretization of the SDE gives the equation:

zt = Ht xt , t 2 t1 , ..., tm

Where (xti ) are independents Gaussian 2-d vectors such that:

xti N (0, ), 1 < i < m

Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters - Max Likelihood

The likelihood maximization could then be written as the

minimization of the function:
1 X
min L(xt1 , ..., xtm |) = log (det()) + xtTi 1
xt i

Where the xt , t 2 t1 , ..., tm are given by zt = Ht xt , i.e.:

xt = (HtT Ht ) 1
HtT zt
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters - Max Likelihood

So, the model estimation procedure is equivalent to the following

minimization problem:
8 Pm
< min L(xt1 , ..., xtm |) = m1 i=1 log (det()) + xtTi 1 xti
= (a, s, l , )
Cross-Cutting Project
Estimation of parameters

Estimation of parameters - Results

Rough estimates of S, L and are used as initial point for the

Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Hedging Strategy - Univariate Case

Since futures contracts are the most liquid assets in the

natural gas and oil market, and are strongly correlated to the
spot price, they form an ideal hedging instrument
One can use the simulated futures curve to hedge at time
t = t0
The basic idea of a financial hedging strategy is to add to the
physical spot trading, a strategy of buying and selling, at a
trading date tj , a quantity Q(Ti , Tj ) of futures contracts
F (Ti , Tj ) for 1 < j < m
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Hedging Strategy - Univariate Case

One can write the cashflow of the hedging supplier as:

X 12
i +i

CF = V i Si + Qi (F (t0 , T , i ) ST )
i=1 i=1 T =Ti
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Hedging Strategy - Univariate Case

There are two dierent strategies so as to build a risk reward curve

function of the quantities bought forward:
Computing analytically E(CF ) and V(CF ) and use the
subsequent closed formulas to build the risk-reward
Through the Monte-Carlo simulations, we can build the
risk-reward curve by computing E(CF ) and V(CF ) of the
dierent simulations. Simulating all the combinations of the
Qi s was very time-computational intensive.To solve this issue,
we operated in three dierent ways, yielding dierent results
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Risk Reward Curve - Univariate Case

Computing analytically E(CF ) and V(CF ) and use the subsequent

closed formulas to build the risk-reward environment.
Since St = F (t0 , T , ), we get:
E(CF ) = Vt F (t0 , T , )

We can show that:

V(CF ) = (Vt Qi )2 F (t0 , T1 , )(e V 1)
i=1 t2[Ti 1 ,Ti ]
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Risk Reward Curve - Univariate Case, via Monte Carlo

First method: we simulate both Qgaz and Qoil from 0 to

Second method: The Qgaz and Qoil are kept constant for
the whole year and drawn from 0 to yearly Vmax
Third method: We discretize the range [0, Vmax ] in 10
intervals and extract Qgaz and Qoil monthly from one of these
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, First Method: both Qgaz and Qoil

Figure: First Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Second Method: Qgaz and Qoil are kept

constant for the whole year

Figure: Second Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Third Method: We discretize the range

[0, Vmax ] over 10 sub-intervals

Figure: Third Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Hedging Strategy - Multivariate Case

In the case of the two-commodities model the cashflow is:

CF = Vi max(Sig , f
i Si )

i +i

+ Qigas (F gas (t0 , T , i ) STgas )

i=1 T =Ti

i +i

+ Qioil (F oil (t0 , T , i ) SToil )

i=1 T =Ti

F gaz (t0 , T )
i =
F oil (t0 , T )
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Hedging Strategy - Multivariate Case

There are two dierent strategies so as to build a risk reward curve

function of the quantities bought forward:
Computing analytically E(CF ) and V(CF ) and use the
subsequent closed formulas to build the risk-reward
Through the Monte-Carlo simulations, we can build the
risk-reward curve by computing E(CF ) and V(CF ) of the
dierent simulations. Simulating all the combinations of the
Qi s was very time-computational intensive.To solve this issue,
we operated in five dierent ways, yielding dierent results
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Risk Reward Curve - Multivariate Case

Computing analytically E(CF ) and V(CF ) and use the subsequent

closed formulas to build the risk-reward environment.
In order to try to calculate the expected value and the variance
of such cash flows, one need to get rid of max(Stgaz , T Stoil ).
After careful analysis this can be written as a spread option
and a long position:

max(Stgaz oil
T St , 0) + oil
T St

But we prefer to write it as a call option

max T,0
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Risk Reward Curve - Multivariate Case

We can study the dynamics of Yt = Stoil
F (t,T )gaz
At t = T , Y (t, T ) becomes F (t,T )oil
After multi-dimensional Ito, we get:

F (t, T )gaz F (t0 , T )gaz X1 +X2 X3 X 4 1

V (t0 ,t,T )
= e 2
F (t, T )oil F (t0 , T )oil

Where the Xi are the stochastic integrals derived from Ito,

and V the variance of dY (t,T )
Y (t,T )
But we get stuck when computing the corresponding expected
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Risk Reward Curve via Monte Carlo

First method: we simulate both Qgaz and Qoil from 0 to

Second method: Qgaz is kept constant at 0 and Qoil varies
from 0 to monthly Vmax
Third method: Qoil is kept constant at 0 and Qgaz varies
from 0 to monthly Vmax
Fourth method: The Qgaz and Qoil are kept constant for the
whole year and drawn from 0 to yearly Vmax
Fifth method: We discretize the range [0, Vmax ] in 10
intervals and extract Qgaz and Qoil monthly from one of these
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, First Method: both Qgaz and Qoil

Figure: First Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Second Method: Qgaz equal to zero and

Qoil varies

Figure: Second Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Third Method: Qoil is equal to zero and

Qgaz varies

Figure: Third Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Fourth Method: Qgaz and Qoil are kept

constant for the whole year

Figure: Fourth Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project
Hedging - Risk Reward Curve

Through MC, Fifth Method: Discretization of the range

[0, Vmax ] in 10 sub-intervals

Figure: Fifth Method

Hedging coefficient represents the ratio Vaverage
Cross-Cutting Project

Std : Qgaz and Qoil constant

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

CEaR: Qgaz and Qoil constant

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

Std : Qgaz = 0 and Qoil varies

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

CEaR: Qgaz = 0 and Qoil varies

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

Std : Qoil = 0 and Qgaz varies

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

CEaR: Qoil = 0 and Qgaz varies

= 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1
Cross-Cutting Project

Distribution of Cash Flows

Figure: Distribution of Cash Flows

Cross-Cutting Project

Distribution of Cash Flows for Two Commodities

Figure: Distribution of Cash Flows for Two Commodities

Cross-Cutting Project

Distribution of Cash Flows for One commodity

Figure: Distribution of Cash Flows for One commodity

Cross-Cutting Project

Optimal Hedging Quantities to minimize Variance One


Figure: Optimal Hedging Quantities to minimize Variance

Cross-Cutting Project

Optimal Hedging Quantities to minimize Variance Two


Figure: Optimal Hedging Quantities to minimize Variance

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