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Guided Observation Two Physical Arrangements

1. Classroom Map

2. Effectiveness
a) Technology:
In the classroom, there is a SmartBoard for Mrs. Connelly to use. There Macbook Airs for the
students to use for testing and math games that Mrs. Connelly can request to use. In her class,
she mainly uses her SmartBoard to teach. She also allows her students to draw work out
problems on the SmartBoard.
b) Traffic Patterns:
The teachers desk is in the front left hand side of the room. The students desks are arranged in
groups of 6. There are whiteboards as well as a SmartBoard. There are two windows in the
classroom. The arrangement positively affects the children because the children can walk around
the room smoothly without causing disruptions. The negative arrangement affects the children
because they ae too close to their peers. This can cause cheating. To help this cause, Mrs.
Connelly walks around the room and monitors the students when they are testing.
c) Instructional Displays:
I really liked the posters on Mrs. Connollys wall. She made posters with a summary of the
activity she taught throughout the school year. This allows students to reflect back on problems
and situations that were talked about in class. She makes a poster for everything that she taught
and rewarded students when they would piece together solutions by looking at the poster. She
also allows time for students to reflect back on what they had learned. By letting students talk
about the activity, students can share their thoughts and answer each others questions.
d) Classroom Management:
Not many students caused disruptions in the classroom. The students are well behaved.
Whenever a student shows unacceptable behavior, Mrs. Connelly gives a verbal warning. If it
continues, she writes down his or her name. Each block has a clipboard. The clipboard has the
attendance sheet and the discipline sheet. The discipline sheet has first warning, second offense,
and third offense. When a student shows unacceptable behavior, she circles the discipline sheet.
This shows each teacher what warning or offense that the student is on.
e) Motivational Elements:
The reward system in the classroom is little sheets of paper called Chance Cards. After
completing a game on the laptops or answering a question, Mrs. Connelly gives the students a
sheet of paper. The cards are placed in a bucket and after it is full, she draws ten cards out of the
bucket and rewards those students. She has a prize box that has a variety of treats in them. She
has candy, fidgets, and other rewards such as: sit in the teachers chair for a day, homework pass,
or extra time on the MacBook Air. I did not see Mrs. Connelly privately reward during my
service learning hours. The teacher did not feed into the negative reinforcement. All of the
students respected her.

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