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Classification of anemias

What is anemia, how do you

diagnose anemia, and how are
the different anemias classified?
Definition of anemia
In its broadest sense, anemia is a
functional inability of the blood to supply
the tissue with adequate O2 for proper
metabolic function.
Anemia is not a disease, but rather the
expression of an underlying disorder or
A specific diagnosis is made by:
Definition of anemia
Patient history
Patient physical exam
Signs and symptoms exhibited by the patient
Hematologic lab findings
Identification of the cause of anemia is important so that
appropriate therapy is used to treat the anemia.
Anemia is usually associated with decreased levels of
hemoglobin and/or a decreased packed cell volume
(hematocrit), and/or a decreased RBC count.
Definition of anemia
Occasionally there is an abnormal
hemoglobin with an increased O2 affinity
resulting in an anemia with normal or
raised hemoglobin levels, hematocrit, or
RBC count.
Before making a diagnosis of anemia,
one must consider:
Definition of anemia
Geographic location
Presence or absence of lung disease
Remember that the bone marrow has the
capacity to increase RBC production 5-10
times the normal production.
Thus, if all necessary raw products are available,
the RBC life span can decrease to about 18 days
before bone marrow compensation is inadequate
and anemia develops.
Definition of anemia
An increased production of RBCs in the
bone marrow is seen in the peripheral
smear as an increased reticulocyte count
since new RBCs are released as
If the bone marrow production of RBCs
remains the same or is decreased with
RBCs that have a decreased survival time,
anemia will rapidly develop.
Definition of anemia
There is no mechanism for increasing RBC
survival time when there is an inadequate bone
marrow response, so anemia will develop
In summary, anemia may develop:
When RBC loss or destruction exceeds the maximal
capacity of bone marrow RBC production or
When bone marrow production is impaired
Definition of anemia
Various diseases and disorders are
associated with decreased hemoglobin
levels. These include:
Nutritional deficiencies
External or internal blood loss
Increased destruction of RBCs
Ineffective or decreased production of RBCs
Definition of anemia
Abnormal hemoglobin synthesis
Bone marrow suppression by toxins,
chemicals, or radiation
Bone marrow replacement by malignant
Significance of anemia and
compensatory mechanisms
The signs and symptoms of anemia
range from slight fatigue to life
threatening reactions depending upon
Rate of onset
Ability of the body to adapt
Rate of onset and severity
With rapid loss of blood:
Up to 20% may be lost without clinical signs at rest,
but with mild exercise the patient may experience
tachycardia (rapid heart beat).
Loss of 30-40% leads to circulatory collapse and shock
Loss of 50% means that death in imminent
Rate of onset and severity
In slowly developing anemias, a very
severe drop in hemoglobin of up to
50% may occur without the threat of
shock or death.
This is because the body has adaptive or
compensatory mechanisms to allow the
organs to function at hemoglobin levels of
50% of normal. These include:
Adaptive or compensatory
An increased heart rate, increased circulation rate, and
increased cardiac output.
Preferential shunting of blood flow to the vital organs.
Increased production of 2,3 DPG, resulting in a shift to the
right in the O2 dissociation curve, thus permitting tissues to
extract more O2 from the blood.
Decreased O2 in the tissues leads to anaerobic glycolysis,
which leads to the production of lactic acid, which leads to
a decreased pH and a shift to the right in the O 2
dissociation curve. Thus, more O2 is delivered to the
tissues per blood cell.
Diagnosis of anemia
How does one make a clinical diagnosis
of anemia?
Patient history
Dietary habits
Possible exposure to chemicals and/or toxins
Description and duration of symptoms
Diagnosis of anemia
Muscle fatigue and weakness
Headache and vertigo (dizziness)
Dyspnia (difficult or labored breathing) from exertion
G I problems
Overt signs of blood loss such as hematuria (blood in
urine) or black stools
Diagnosis of anemia
Physical exam
General findings might include
Hepato or splenomegaly
Heart abnormalities
Skin pallor
Specific findings may help to establish the underlying
In vitamin B12 deficiency there may be signs of malnutrition
and neurological changes
In iron deficiency there may be severe pallor, a smooth
tongue, and esophageal webs
In hemolytic anemias there may be jaundice due to the
increased levels of bilirubin from increased RBC destruction
Diagnosis of anemia
Lab investigation. A complete blood count, CBC, will
An RBC count:
At birth the normal range is 3.9-5.9 x 106/ul
The normal range for males is 4.5-5.9 x 106/ul
The normal range for females is 3.8-5.2 x 10 6/ul
Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the
patient population.
Hematocrit (Hct) or packed cell volume in % or (L/L)
At birth the normal range is 42-60% (.42-.60)
The normal range for males is 41-53% (.41-.53)
The normal range for females is 38-46% (.38-.46)
Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the
patient population.
Diagnosis of anemia
Hemoglobin concentration in grams/deciliter - the RBCs are
lysed and the hemoglobin is measured spectrophotometrically
At birth the normal range is 13.5-20 g/dl
The normal range for males is 13.5-17.5 g/dl
The normal range for females is 12-16 g/dl
Note that the normal ranges may vary slightly depending upon the
patient population.
RBC indices these utilize results of the RBC count, hematocrit,
and hemoglobin to calculate 4 parameters:
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is the average volume/RBC in
femtoliters (10-15 L)
Hct (in %)/RBC (x 1012/L) x 10

At birth the normal range is 98-123

In adults the normal range is 80-100

Diagnosis of anemia
The MCV is used to classify RBCs as:
Normocytic (80-100)

Microcytic (<80)

Macrocytic (>100)

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is the average

concentration of hemoglobin in g/dl (or %)
Hgb (in g/dl)/Hct (in %)x 100

At birth the normal range is 30-36

In adults the normal range is 31-37

The MVHC is used to classify RBCs as:

Normochromic (31-37)

Hypochromic (<31)

Some RBCs are called hyperchromic, but they dont really have a

higher than normal hgb concentration.

Normocytic cell
Microcytic cell
Macrocytic cell
Normochromic cell
Hypochromic cell
Hyperchromic cell
Diagnosis of anemia
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is the average weight of
hemoglobin/cell in picograms (pg= 10-12 g)
Hgb (in g/dl)/RBC(x 1012/L) x 10

At birth the normal range is 31-37

In adults the normal range is 26-34

This is not used much anymore because it does not take into account

the size of the cell.

Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a measurement of the variation in
RBC cell size
Standard deviation/mean MCV x 100

The range for normal values is 11.5-14.5%

A value > 14.5 means that there is increased variation in cell size

above the normal amount (anisocytosis)

A value < 11.5 means that the RBC population is more uniform in size

than normal.
Diagnosis of anemia
Reticulocyte count gives an indication of the level of the
bone marrow activity.
Done by staining a peripheral blood smear with new
methylene blue to help visualize remaining ribosomes and
ER. The number of reticulocytes/1000 RBC is counted and
reported as a %.
At birth the normal range is 1.8-8%

The normal range in an adult (i.e. in an individual with

no anemia) is .5-1.5%. Note that this % is not

normal for anemia where the bone marrow
should be working harder and throwing out
more reticulocytes per day. In anemia the
reticulocyte count should be elevated above the
normal values.
Diagnosis of anemia
The numbers reported above are only relative values. To get
a better indication of what is really going on, a corrected
reticulocyte count (patients Hct/.45 (a normal Hct) x the
reticulocyte count) or an absolute count (% reticulocytes x
RBC count) should be done.
As an anemia gets more severe, younger cells that take longer
than 24 hours to mature, are thrown out into the peripheral
blood (shift reticulocyte). This may also be corrected for to
give the reticulocyte production index (RPI) which is a truer
indication of the real bone marrow activity.
Blood smear examination using a Wrights or Giemsa stain. The
smear should be evaluated for the following:
Poikilocytosis describes a variation in the shape of the RBCs. It is
normal to have some variation in shape, but some shapes are
characteristic of a hematologic disorder or malignancy.
Ovalocytes (elliptocytes)
Sickle cells (depranocytes)
Target cells
Summary of variations in RBC
shape (poikilocytosis)
Diagnosis of anemia
Erythrocyte inclusions the RBCs in the peripheral
smear should also be examined for the presence of
Cabots rings
Howell-Jolly bodies
Nuclear dust
Basophilic stippling
Heinz bodies
Heinz bodies (new methylene
blue stain)
Plasmodium (malarial parasite)
Diagnosis of anemia
A variation in erythrocyte distribution such as
rouleaux formation or agglutination
Agglutination of RBCs
Diagnosis of anemia
A variation in size should be noted (anisocytosis) and
cells should be classified as



A variation in hemoglobin concentration (color) should

be noted and the cells should be classified as
Polychromasia (pinkish-blue color due to an increased
% of reticulocytes) should be noted
Normocytic RBC
Microcytic RBC
Macrocytic RBC
Normochromic RBC
Hypochromic RBC
Hyperchromic RBC
Summary of variations in color
and size
Diagnosis of anemia
The peripheral smear should also be examined for
abnormalities in leukocytes or platlets.
Some nutritional deficiencies, stem cell

disorders, and bone marrow abnormalities will

also effect production, function, and/or
morphology of platlets and/or granulocytes.
Finding abnormalities in the leukocytes and/or

platlets may provide clues as to the cause of the

The lab investigation may also include:
A bone marrow smear and biopsy
Used when other tests are not conclusive
Diagnosis of anemia
In a bone marrow sample, the following things should be noted:
Maturation of RBC and WBC series

Ratio of myeloid to erythroid series

Abundance of iron stores (ringed sideroblasts)

Presence or absence of granulomas or tumor cells

Red to yellow ratio

Presence of megakaryocytes

Hemoglobin electrophoresis can be used to identify the

presence of an abnormal hemoglobin (called
hemoglobinopathies). Different hgbs will move to different
regions of the gel and the type of hemoglobin may be
identified by its position on the gel after electrophoresis.
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Diagnosis of anemia
Antiglobulin testing tests for the presence of antibody
or complement on the surface of the RBC and can be
used to support a diagnosis of an autoimmune hemolytic
Osmotic fragility test measures the RBC sensitivity to a
hypotonic solution of saline. Saline concentrations of 0 to
.9% are incubated with RBCs at room temperature and
the percent of hemolysis is measured. Patients with
spherocytes (missing some membrane) have increased
osmotic fragility. They have a limited ability take up
water in a hypotonic solution and will, therefore, lyse at
a higher sodium concentration than will normal RBCs
Osmotic fragility test
Normal osmotic fragility curve
Diagnosis of anemia
Sucrose hemolysis test sucrose provides a low
ionic strength that permits binding of
complement to RBCs. In paroxysmal nocturnal
hemoglobinuria (PNH), the RBCs are abnormally
sensitive to this complement mediated
hemolysis. This is used in screening for PNH.
Acidified serum test (Hams test) is the
definitive diagnostic test for PNH. In acidified
serum, complement is activated by the alternate
pathway, binds to RBCs, and lyses the abnormal
RBCs found in PNH.
Acidified serum test
Diagnosis of anemia
Evaluation of RBC enzymes and metabolic pathways
enzyme deficiencies in carbohydrate metabolic pathways
are usually associated with a hemolytic anemia.
Evaluation of erythropoietin levels is used to determine
if a proper bone marrow response is occurring.
Low levels of RBCs could be due to a bone marrow
problem or to a lack of erythropoietin production.
Serum iron, iron binding capacity and % saturation
used to diagnose iron deficiency anemias (more on this
Bone marrow cultures used to determine the viability
of stem cells.
Classification of anemias
Anemias may be classified
morphologically based on the average
size of the cells and the hemoglobin
concentration into:
Normochromic, normocytic
Hypochromic, microcytic
Morphological classification of
Macrocytic anemias
Normochromic, normocytic
Hypochromic, microcytic
Classification of anemias
Anemias may also be classified
functionally into:
Hypoproliferative (when there is a
proliferation defect)
Ineffective (when there is a maturation
Hemolytic (when there is a survival defect)
Functional classification of

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