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Noveloso 1


PREPARED BY: Carina Noveloso
SCHOOL: Mililani High School
GRADE (S)/COURSE: Arts and Communication Core Pathway (Grades 9-12)
DATE RANGE: March 29-April 14, 2017


Students will use what they have learned about the elements and principles of design, design process
and design layout to create an original and creative design on Adobe Illustrator. Students will learn
the process of cutting out their designs on multicut vinyl using a plot cutter and using heat transfer to
apply their designs to a tangle product a t-shirt. Students will complete the following steps:

1) Elements and principles review

2) Design process review
3) Create an original design using Adobe Illustrator
4) Peer critique
5) Cut out design using Cutting Master
6) Apply design to shirt using heat transfer
Noveloso 2



CLASSICAL To get my students to pay attention during this unit, I will create a
positive classroom environment to help students overcome
CONDITIONING anxiety or fear of receiving critique. During the critique step of the
design process, students often display signs of fear and
What strategies will you use to get
reluctance for a few reasons: fear of criticism, dislike being told
your students to pay attention?
they are wrong, and/or anxiety about speaking to students they
are not friends with. I understand that these fears begin early in a
childs education since I remember experiencing many of those
fears myself. As we go through the school system, from
elementary school (if not preschool), we are taught that there is
usually a right or wrong answer to questions, assignments,
tests, etc., and we learn that a bad grade or directions for
changes to make on something we did wrong are situations to be
avoided. This is an example of classical conditioning that could
hinder students learning:

Unconditioned stimulus: Getting an answer wrong in class

Unconditional response: Students feel fear and anxiety when they
are told they are wrong and need to fix their work
Conditioned stimulus: Receiving any type of suggestion for
change even if not intended as negative
Conditioned response: Students feel fear and anxiety when
receiving any type of feedback because they interpret it as they
did something wrong

Although classical conditioning doesnt always apply as directly to

the classroom as in Pavlovs dog experiment, I use classical
conditioning to help students create positive associations with
receiving critique. To help students become more conditioned to
respond positively to critique, every time we do critique I explain
to them that it is not intended as a negative evaluation and it
doesnt mean they were wrong or did a bad job. I explain that no
one is perfect and everyone can use critique and that there is
always room for improvement including for me. When students
critique each other I instruct them to give as many positive points
as suggestions for improvement. For example, if they give one
suggestion for improvement, they must also mention one aspect
of the design the student did well. I also follow the same rule
when I give critique. This helps students feel like they did a good
job and lessens the blow of critique.
Noveloso 3

OPERANT To motivate my students extrinsically, I would help students make

an association between a behavior and a consequence for that
CONDITIONING behavior. I like to use both reinforcements and punishments in my
classroom depending on the situation. For this unit, some
What strategies will you use to
examples of operant conditioning I use are:
motivate your students
(Reward/consequence system)
Each day, one part of the project is due. If students complete
each part of the project on time (good behavior) they receive a
good grade (positive consequence) so the good behavior of
turning in work on time usually increases.

I normally have a no cell phone rule in my class, but for classes
that show me they can follow all other class rules and stay on task
(good behavior), I allow students to listen to music if they wish
(take away something bad bad to them is not being able to
have their cell phones out). So the good behavior of following
rules and staying on task increases.
(This only applies during certain parts of the project where it
would be safe to use, such as during the sketching steps where all
students are seated and no dangerous equipment is in use
students must keep one ear headphone free).

If students do not clean up their work areas after using class
supplies, tools or equipment (bad behavior) I give them detention
at recess or after school (negative punishment) so that the bad
behavior of not cleaning up decreases.

If students are horse playing or breaking class or school rules
(bad behavior) I take away their privilege of using industry
equipment, such as Xacto knives, the cutting machine and the
heat press (taking away something good ability to create their
own t-shirt) and I give them an alternate assignment so that the
bad behavior decreases.
Noveloso 4



CONTEXTUALIZATION To motivate my students intrinsically through contextualization, I

will connect their prior knowledge of using thinking maps and
What strategies will you use to creating outlines to write essays in English classes to the design
motivate your students process for this project.
intrinsically by connecting their
prior knowledge to the lesson? From elementary school, students are taught how to lay out all of
(Student interest) their ideas on a thinking map and create an outline of what they
want to put in an essay before actually writing out the full essay.
Students practice this process over and over throughout their
school years.

The brainstorming portion of the design process is similar to the

brainstorming steps taken when writing an essay. I have students
use thinking maps when they are confused or unsure of an idea.
We use lists to outline and flush out their ideas. By drawing this
connection, students can more easily remember and see value in
the design process because it is something theyve already
learned in another subject area. Making this connection for
students will help them remember the design process for the

REAL WORLD During this unit, students will be exposed to the real world
scenario of having to complete a design challenge. Students are
What strategies will you use to presented with a design project brief, which outlines the purpose
connect the lesson to a real world of the project, the skills and knowledge they will learn and use,
application? (Real life) and all of their requirements. Students will have to complete their
project to assigned specifications and by a set deadline. This
mimics the experience of a professional designer who completes
work for clients.
Noveloso 5


Students use graphic organizers to organize thoughts in
What strategies will you use to brainstorming process. I give students a project packet with
engage all of students designated spaces for each step, explanations of what to do for
senses/aptitudes? (Multiple each step and printed checklist for overall project.
Students participate in hands-on group work through
brainstorming, critique, cutting and heat pressing.

Student modeling students show students next steps and
guide each other with supervision from teacher.

Students complete individual work packets are completed
individually and students are responsible for their own project
packets and final shirt products.

Key words are written on the board. Definitions and steps are
provided in print and verbally.

Students are presented with the design challenge and they
need to figure out how to meet the requirements. They use
reasoning to make their design fit project specifications.

Students use internet, computers, design software, cutting
equipment and heat press equipment to complete shirt.
Noveloso 6



INQUIRY/PROBLEM- To allow students to be active and hands-on during the lesson, I

will allow them to create a physical product as the final step of the
BASED/PROJECT- project. Students will go beyond sketching and creating their
BASED designs on the computer. This project is hands-on because
students get to use their computer designs, cut their designs onto
vinyl using a plot-cutting machine and then apply the vinyl to a t-
What strategies will you use to
shirt using a heat press machine.
allow students to be active during
the lesson? (Hands-on)

QUESTIONING To allow students to engage verbally during the lesson, they must
complete a critique as part of the design process. For critique, I
guide students with a set of questions and dialogue model of how
What strategies will you use to
critique discussions with each other should go. For example, I
allow students to engage verbally
direct students to address the following questions as a guide:
during the lesson? (Discussion)

1) What elements and principles of design were used in this

2) How were each element and principle effectively used?
3) What is the focal point of the design?
4) Do the fonts match the theme of the design?
5) Do the colors work well together?
6) Are there any confusing parts of the design?
7) What message does this design send and how does the
design portray this message?
8) What changes can be made to any of the seven categories
above to improve the design?

Students should layout their designs for each other to see and
then discuss the questions above. Students are instructed to give
both positive feedback and constructive criticism.
Noveloso 7

CRITICAL THINKING Critiquing each others designs is a good way to get students to
think critically. They have to analyze another students design and
think about what they have learned about what makes an effective
What strategies will you use to
design to give suggestions for improvements.
make your students think?
(Challenging issues)
Defining project specifications based on the project brief also
gets students to think critically because they have to evaluate size,
theme and placement of their designs. In this step of the design
process students need to set the specifications of how their
design will meet the project requirements. This involves
calculations and planning ahead.

GROUP WORK To get students to work together there are parts of the project
where students have to work in groups. For critique, each student
must choose three other students to give and receive critique
What strategies will you use get
from. Students also collaborate through modeling the final steps.
your students to work together?
When it is time to cut out designs on vinyl using the plot cutter
and apply vinyl designs to shirts using the heat press machine, I
start by giving the whole class a demonstration. Then as students
become ready for the cutting and heat pressing steps, I show the
first student who is ready one-on-one. Then that student must
demonstrate what to do one-on-one for the next student while I
supervise. This helps students work together and also retain more
knowledge of the process because teaching each other helps
them remember more.
Noveloso 8



MODELING To model information to my students I will show them how to

complete each step in the design process. During my
(TEACHER) demonstration I will give students an example of the expected
outcome and then show students how to achieve the same
What strategies will you use to
outcome. As I demonstrate procedures, students will watch and
model information/lesson to your
take notes. This theory says that students will follow a models
example so after I show students a procedure, they should be
able to copy my demonstration.

MODELING Part of grade requirement is to model steps for next student. As

students become ready for the cutting and heat pressing steps, I
(STUDENTS) show the first student the procedure one-on-one. Then that
student must demonstrate the procedure one-on-one for the next
What strategies will you use to
student while I supervise. This helps students work together and
allow students to model
also retain more knowledge of the process because teaching
information/lesson to other
each other helps them remember more.
Noveloso 9



Students would receive an outline of everything covered in the lesson. If
NEEDS taking notes on every single concept throughout an entire lesson is too
overwhelming for some students, having an outline to follow along and
What strategies will you
then to review after the lesson would be helpful.
use to accommodate
students identified with
special needs? (IEP)
For parts of the lesson, such as finding their own theme and research and
putting the steps in order, I would give students more time to finish these
tasks. Especially for researching their own ideas, students could take home
this assignment to think about it for a longer period of time (whereas the
research section is due for all other students by the end of the class period).


If necessary, I could create a specialized list of requirements for certain
students. For example, instead of assigning the research section alone, I
could give students a more guided lesson:
1) Choose between a list of interests: Favorite place or hobby
2) Write down five facts/concepts you find that relate to your theme
from above.
This more guided instruction could be helpful to special needs students.


I could provide instruction orally through going over instructions with the
entire class. Then I could provide instruction textually though an outline of
the lesson and activities and the project packet. Finally, I could provide
instructions visually by providing specific examples of my own to students.


I could have special needs students form a small group so I can sit with
them and guide them through steps that other students are able to
complete on their own. After giving instructions to the whole class and
walking around to check on everyone, I like to gather a few students who
need extra assistance so I can work with them more closely.
Noveloso 10


Students who finish early can go on to next steps in the project. They can
TALENTED also become involved in their own independent project/academic
competition to work on when they finish early for each day we work on the
What strategies will you
etched design project. One project that they could currently work on is a
use to accommodate
poster design for the Pele Awards competition. Gifted and talented
students identified as
students would be ideal for this project.
gifted & talented?


After students are their project packets and initial instructions, through an
LANGUAGE extended discussion, I would work with ELL students one-on-one or in a
LEARNERS small group to have students dissect each word and further explain the
requirements. I can also look for examples that may be connected to their
(ELL) first language to help them have a better understanding of what is
What strategies will you
use to accommodate One-on-one physical demonstrations of the Adobe Illustrator, cutting and
students identified as heat transfer steps of the project can be helpful to students who have a
ELL? barrier with language.


This project incorporates students special interests because students can
SOCIO- select their own theme based on their personal interests. In a previous
ECONOMIC lesson, students brainstormed and wrote down all of their interests school
subjects, extra curricular activities, hobbies, colors, sports, music, etc. This
STATUS, project allows all students to complete the same project (etched mirror
design) while still being able to customize their specific designs to their own
GENDER individual interests. Nobodys designs will look the same, even if they pick
the same theme. Some examples include:
What strategies will you
Students of Polynesian culture creating a tribal design
use to accommodate
Students of Japanese culture creating a cherry blossom tree design
students with varying
cultures, SES, and
gender (okay just to
Students are allowed to select school and/or community themes as well.
focus on one group to
Some students are interested in school activities they are involved in and
some students have expressed interests in what is going on in their
communities at the moment. Students have the option to incorporate these
concepts into their designs.

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