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Ian Jenkins

Instructor Douglas

English 112-01

30 April 2017

Restaurant hard times

Enforcing old and new immigration laws in the United States effect more than just the

people, they effect the national economy. With over one million restaurant locations in the

United States and over fourteen point seven million employees this all combined is almost a one

trillion-dollar industry. Within past five months with the election of President Trump, the laws

that currently stand on immigration are being enforced to the maximum level. This being said, a

large portion of approximately fifteen percent of all restaurant workers are illegal immigrants.

In 1952, a law was created that would regulate new upcoming immigration policies

within the united states. It was named the Immigration and Nationality Act, it has now been

divided into many different sections that cover every aspect of immigration laws and customs.

According to the article, How Immigration Laws Impact the Restaurant Industry, every level

of government from the president to public police enforce these laws on induvial. In the past five

months with the election of President Trump, the laws that currently stand are being enforced to

the maximum level (Veneziale). This affects restaurants all over the United States because a large

portion of restaurants workers are in fact immigrants. Thousands of employees from restaurants

big and small are being deported for never receiving their legal residency status. Head chiefs,

prep cooks, food service workers, and bus boys are all being deported no matter what position

they hold (Veneziale).

Employment based immigration is where an individual receives a temporary visa which

allows them access into the United States if they are willing to work. With every law there are

exceptions, the biggest one states that a visa is only granted to those who are looking for a skilled

job that require college degrees and years of experience. Unfortunately, restaurant work is not

considered a skilled occupation but rather unskilled. This leaves the United States government

only one choice, to deport any workers who have received a temporary visa and are not currently

working in a skilled job (Veneziale). This is going to hurt the restaurant industry in many ways,

one being a sudden loss of multiple good employees with no warming.

Enforcing new immigrations laws across all three branches of government are very

important in the Department of Homeland Security. This major department is going to ensure the

laws are enforced to the maximum level among illegal immigrants. Many restaurants that have

recently hired an illegal immigrant will be faced with bad publicity from the surrounding towns

and cities (Veneziale). This is true because state and local authorities that enforce immigration

laws on a person will then tell local people about the recent deportations. If a case of deportation

occurs at any given restaurant the business will more than likely decline for the time being. The

action of detaining a person is not allowing them to freely move from the point they are

confirmed to be an illegal immigrant. Detaining an illegal immigrant usually does not get to this

point of authority unless the person is considered a treat to the surrounding population


President Trump has improvised a high tariff on all imported foods coming across the

Mexican American border. The tariff is approximately ten percent from all surrounding countries

and twenty percent on all good from Mexico. The restaurant industry is effected immensely, in

the year twenty fifteen the United States imported over four point eight billion dollars of fresh
meat and vegetables from Mexico alone (Veneziale). Restaurants in the united states depend on

the lower prices of goods from Mexico and surrounding countries but with the additional tariff

on all imported goods the prices of meals and drinks are on the rise.

Enforcing new laws to their maximum levels will affect more than just the people and

surrounding population. It will affect one of the largest industrys in the world, the restaurant

business. With over one million restaurant locations in the United States and over fourteen point

seven million employees this all combined is almost a one trillion-dollar industry. Interrupting

skilled employees during their job hours is going to have a huge negative impact on the

restaurants that keep this national economy strong.

What makes someone American isnt just blood or birth, but allegiance to

our founding principles and faith in the idea that anyone from anywhere can

write the next chapter of our story. President Barack Obama

Works cited

Veneziale, Marcella. "How Immigration Laws Impact the Restaurant Industry." Nation's
Restaurant News, 2017, ProQuest Central,

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