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During my teaching practice I was able to teach the Grade 2 students at

Nusaibah School for Grade two. They use the UAE Parade Book for Grade-2
that contains 9 units. The unit lesson finished within 3-weeks to one month.
Three weeks for teaching the lesson and 1 week for review, exams and
applications of learning through experiment and fun games. The orders of
unit lesson are as follows:

My Class (unit 1)
My Family (unit 2)
My Body (unit 3)
My Clothes (unit 4)
My House (unit 5)
Animals (unit 6)
My Birthday (unit 7)
My Toys (unit 8)
Having Fun (unit 9)

The main concept is about animals. The main objectives of this concept
are to:

Classify and identify different animals, their actions and

Learn to count and identify different parts of animals
Know how they live and what they do to survive
Appreciate animals and their importance
Teach good values by loving and respecting animals as humans
Teach language skills

To build the lesson plan on each other I put the theme at the center of all
subject in each sequence and activities in every lesson. Using animal
songs during engagement used to integrate with music. Reciting animal
nursery rhymes to integrate in literature and teaching language skills for
English. Lessons about exploring animal life and habitat integrate to
science. Teaching the importance of animal in order to teach students
good values. Animal collage and drawing activity enhance integration in
arts. Using pictures to count legs of animals and count how many animals
in pictures integrate to math.

Week 1 Content
Lesson: - about learning animal names, stories,
Introduction to animal songs, and pictures. The reason why
animals we have to teach about animals is that
students will be able to learn to love animals,
Objectives: to learn learn their importance and we can teach
different animals, children good values on how to treat them the
animal names, way we treat other people. According to Good
spelling, counting and (2014) animals have inherent worth and value,
simple present tense just like humans that merits our respect and
(e.g. see), to acknowledgement.
memorize an animal
song, to teach to have Timing
compassion towards Four lesson plans will be teach in 4 days 50
animals and to learn minutes per day.
different parts of a Outcome
book -students will be able to recognize different
animals, able to spell animal names and
memorize animal songs.
I always use is 5Es (engagement, explore,
explain, elaborate, evaluate). In a study
conducted by BSCS (2014), 5E model the
students performance become impressive
compare to an isolated or non-5E type of
teaching because the 5 E's allows students
and teachers to experience common activities,
to use and build on prior knowledge and
experience, to construct meaning, and to
continually assess their understanding of a
I will use formative assessment through
asking question, giving quizzes or worksheets.
Popham (2016), said that formative
assessment is an effective way is assessing
students status during ongoing instructional
procedure in order for teacher to adjust their
current learning ways.
The activities will vary on the level of
students for advanced, middle and low
learners and then group them during group
work. Group work foster interaction and
negotiation through cooperative and
collaborative learning, they can also share
ideas and information (UAE Parade Book for
I will do a quiz as a summary of the whole
week to know their comprehension and
retention about the lesson. Summative
assessment is crucial in measuring the
success of proficiency that has been obtained
at the end of an instructional unit by
comparing it against standard or benchmark
(Teaching Excellence & Educational
Motivations, 2015).
The methods that are effective on this lesson
are memorizing songs and nursery rhymes,
reading fun stories, coloring their favorite
animals, spelling and guessing games.
Children who read for enjoyment every day
not only perform better in reading tests than
those who dont, but also develop a broader
vocabulary, increased general knowledge and
a better understanding of other cultures
(PEARSON UK, 2016).
The materials to be use are books, paper and
pencil, multimedia, worksheets, crayons,
audio songs and pictures.
On this lesson, using formative assessment is
crucial because this is the first week of
introducing the topic. Usually students can
easily master this lesson because they already
have prior knowledge about animals and
animal names.
Week 2 Content
Lesson: identifying is about different sounds and actions around
different sounds and us. Teaching different sounds and actions will
actions let the students know how animals
communicate and move just like humans
Objectives: to learn (Vehrencamp, 2015).
different animal Timing
sounds, to describe Four lesson plans will be teach in 4 days 50
what they do, use minutes per day.
simple progressive Outcome
tense (e.g. its), to That students can identify animals even by
learn nursery rhymes, just hearing their sounds and able to imagine
to count, to improve what that animal can do. Students are able to
listening skills, to use use progressive tense and action words in a
a verb (e.g. jump, sentence referring to animals.
swim,fly) Sequence
The sequence I always use is 5Es
(engagement, explore, explain, elaborate,
evaluate). In a study conducted by BSCS
(2014), 5E model the students performance
become impressive compare to an isolated or
non-5E type of teaching because the 5 E's
allows students and teachers to experience
common activities, to use and build on prior
knowledge and experience, to construct
meaning, and to continually assess their
understanding of a concept.
Doing formative assessment in between the
class like making sounds and let the students
guess or let them see the picture and say
what the animal is doing using simple present
tense and actions words its.


I will ask them to write a simple sentence

using progressive tense on what animal or pet
they want to have, described what they do
and why they like to have it at home.
Introducing and practicing writing with
engaging activities in elementary school can
foster confidence and a lifelong love of writing
(Polisena, J., 2016). According to UAE Parade
Book, writing is important for long-term
memory retention of new consonant
combinations, words and structures.

The methods that are effective on this lesson
are memorizing songs and nursery rhymes
with animal sounds. To teach different action
words by playing games (e.g. following animal
actions). According to UAE Parade, games help
learners sustain interest and motivation in
their work through meaningful play in the
classroom. Songs can help young learners
improve their listening skills and
pronunciation, therefore potentially helping
them to improve their speaking skills
(Murphey, 1992).
Songs can also be useful tools in the learning
of vocabulary, sentence structures, and
sentence patterns, not to mention their
reflectivity of mother tongue culture.
Perhaps the greatest benefit to using songs in
the classroom is that they can be fun.
The resources are books, multimedia, audio
and video songs, pictures, notebook and
As a reflection for this lesson it is a good to
memorize animal songs and make it a habit to
sing in the class as a warm up exercise. Using
active activities to engage students in a more
fun and meaningful learning.

Week 3 Content
Lesson: Habitat - about where and how animals live in order to
Objectives: to know survive. Teaching children to respect and
where animal lives, to protect even the smallest and most despised
know what they eat, to among us is one of the most important life
know what they do to lessons that we can teach to them (PetaKids,
survive, to appreciate 2016). It helps them learn to value one
every living creature, anotherand it prevents violence.
to teach the Timing
importance of nature Four lesson plans will be teach in 4 days 50
for animals, to learn minutes per day.
new vocabulary, to Sequence
apply prior knowledge The expected outcome is that students were
able to know where animals live, were able to
know the importance of having a home and
able to learn new vocabularies.
The sequence is first I will do a diagnostic
exam to identify where students have
difficulties in specific areas.
I use is 5Es (engagement, explore, explain,
elaborate, evaluate). In a study conducted by
BSCS (2014), 5E model the students
performance become impressive compare to
an isolated or non-5E type of teaching
because the 5 E's allows students and
teachers to experience common activities, to
use and build on prior knowledge and
experience, to construct meaning, and to
continually assess their understanding of a
I will let do a collage of different animals with
their homes and make a food chain of those
animals and stick on the classroom wall.
The method Ill use is first to let them watch a
documentary about animal habitat, then raise
a question on what they understood and do a
group activity on how to protect and preserve
animal life.
The materials to be use are multimedia,
pictures, paper and pencil.
On this lesson it is good to bring student in
zoo or a place where they can see real animals
so that they will able to appreciate the lesson.
And then its good to let the students write a
journal on what they observe at zoo and let
them write what they can do in their own way
to protect animals.
Week 4 Content
Lesson: Story sack About the combination of all lessons in the
(animals) past 3 weeks used as a summary for all topics
Objectives: to review inside the sack or bag. Story sack offers a fun,
the prior lesson, to multi-sensory approach in sharing stories to
assess if there is area children because they are motivating,
to teach again, to challenging and colorful resource that
learn to draw and increases students interest, involvement and
categorize animals understanding (InTouch, June 2007).
Four lesson plans will be teach in 4 days 50
minutes per day.
The expected outcome is that all the students
will master the whole unit and be able to
classify and describe animals appropriately.
First, I will do a diagnostic exam to identify
where students have difficulties in specific
I use is 5Es (engagement, explore, explain,
elaborate, evaluate).
Using formative assessment by asking
questions during reading stories and guessing
animal pictures.
Using 2-3 different activities as a review will
be teach in 4 days 50 minutes per day.
Students were able to learn new language
skills, show importance of animals and able to
show love to their fellow students also.
First sing a song, recite rhymes and then read
a story then do a group activity like making
posters, counting animals and coloring the
A bag which contains two books, fiction and
non-fiction about animals. It also contains
posters, puppets and CD recorder for the story
and all activities with level, paper, pencil,
crayons, scissors and paste.
On this last week of lesson, its good to use
summative assessment to see their progress
and retention of the whole months lesson.


Biological Sciences Curriculum Studies. 2014. The BSCS 5E Instructional

Model (Part 3): Why the 5Es Remain Relevant Today

Good, K. 2014. Ten important life lessons we can learn from animals.
InTouch. June 2007. Story Sack: an exciting way of bringing books to life!

Murphey, T. (1992). Music and song. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

PEARSON UK. 2016. Why reading is so important?

PetaKids. 2016. Teaching Kids Compassion Towards Animals

Polisena, J. 2016. Importance of Writing in Elementary Schools

Popham, W. 2016. Transformative Assessment.

Teaching Excellence & Motivational Innovations. 2015. Formative vs. Summative


UAE Parade Book for Grade 2

Vehrencamp, S. 2015. Animal communication

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