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The Curse to the

This is a work of ction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the

authors imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual

events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

P rologue

It's passed noon and my mother was washing our dishes when she saw the heavy dark
clouds from the kitchen window. She saw our dry clothes swaying violently from its wire and

called me.

"Jane, kindly get our clothes outside! It's getting dark. Hurry up! "

"Yes, mom! " I yelled from my room upstairs. I'm doing my homework, when she called me.

Im going down now!" I replied.

When I reached the ground floor, I sight my little naughty brother playing on the floor. His toys

were extremely littered. What a mess! He's already eight. He must be taught of some good


Nick, your toys! It was - errr.... I growled at him.

Yes. I know. I can manage. Go out and get the clothes."

What? He speaks as though he's older than me. I forgot he's a boy genius. What do I


oh.. Yeah I mumbled and hurried outside, when I caught the sight of the dark clouds

covering the entire sky, the rumbling of the trees, and the heavy blow of the wind . It will rain

very soon. I have to hurry. The clothes were dancing in rage, when I reached the laundry.

"Jeez...." I hate rushing!

I'm almost done with the dry clothes, when I looked up and saw the most hideous thing that

made my bones shiver. My eyes caught a dark whirling hole at the sky. I know it's not a

hurricane. I already saw one. It looks like it but, the thing that made it differ was the green

lightning surrounding it. Is it dooms day already? I don't want to die, so soon!

Suddenly, I heard of a resounding vibration of the gusty wind, a resonance that made my heart

felt a thud. I also heard a loud growl. On a brief moment, the rain starts to drop. I clutched the

clothes in my hands and rapidly went inside. I was heaving in a horror when I reached our front

door. The clothes were already crumpled in my clutched.

My mother gave me a startled look and hurriedly pulled me inside our living room. My brother

halts to look at me. They were all worried. We sat in the couch to talk.

" Jane, what happened ? You look so pale. Did you saw a ghost or what? Tell me. "

I don't know what to say. I breathe in and out to relief my nerves before answering.

Dont worry, mom. I'm fine. I'm just shocked at the coming rain. That's all."

Are you really sure?"

"Yes, mom" and I gave her a faint smile.

Suddenly, the rain started to pour at the roof with a heavy thud. I went to my room upstairs and

leap my back on my bed. Then, stare at the ceiling. My thoughts were still on that horrible sky. I

can't still recover on what I saw and heard.

What is it? I want to know what exactly happened that Saturday afternoon. . . . . . . . .

I'm Kristel Jane Lazuli, eighteen years old girl, who lives in a subdivision called Spring

corner. Our house is located at the farthest and isolated part of the suburb. Our neighborhoods

were few meters away from us. Thus, I rarely have childhood friends when I was a kid.

It was Monday afternoon when the class dismissed early. I waved back to my friends as we

share our goodbyes. For the sad fact, that I'm the only one in the group who's living at the

Spring Corner. However, I used to walk alone. It is the time, when I reflect on the things I've

done in my life.

There's a lot of people walking and driving at this street. I can see couples around. I can see

students roaming and shopping at sidewalk store. I was heading home, when I remembered

visiting my father at the cemetery. Today is his 51 th birthday. My mother reminded me to bring

him some flowers a lot of times. She can't visit him due to her meeting this afternoon. She's a
business woman and very hardworking one. She loves my father so much and to my father,

she's his first and last love. How sweet.

When my father died in a heart attack five years ago, she doesn't sleep, and eat. She's always

crying for two weeks. I thought I'm going to lose my mother too. I'm really thankful that she

recovered. It's very hard for us. I'm thirteen and Nick was three years old, when he passed

away. I really love my father and I missed him so much.

Tears filled my eyes as I walk in the cemetery. There was a strange feeling when I entered in but

then, I ignore it. In my hand was a white tulip that I bought, when I was reminiscing of him. I

easily found my father's tomb and I prayed in a while. And in that moment I can feel the sudden

change of weather. The clouds were already covering the sky. The breeze went cold and the

hairs in my skin were stiffening up. I'm scared. I left my father's tomb and headed home.

Weird. It's very quiet. There's no other people left in the street. Just me? I did not stay at the

cemetery for so long. Oh poor me I'm totally alone. I looked down on my watch and I found out

that it's only 4 o'clock. What's going on? I continued my pace until I sense something different,

bizarre, and mysterious at the store besides me. I halt to look at it. In my eighteen years of living

here I never encountered this kind store standing there. Its name was vague. I hardly

understood it. CRUDES BOOKSTORE it says.

" What? CRUDES? Horrible name... Oh... So this is a bookstore." I really thought that it is an

antique shop. It looks so old. Without even thinking, my feet let me in. I mean there's something

that made me in. As I expected there's no one here. My eyes checked the whole store. The

store was full of thousand old books in a hard cover. Some of it was in hand written while others
were published hundred years ago. I pointed the tip of my forefinger to scan the titles of the

book and slid it in the air sideways.

I was startled when a book glimmered as I passed my fingers through it. " Did it just glowed?" I

asked myself.

Curiosity erodes my mind and it keeps telling me to take the book out of the shelf. As what my

curiosity orders me, I did so. I can feel the dust all over it thus, I rubbed it with my free hand. I

thought I'm going to sneeze because I'm allergic with dust but I didnt. . Another strange thing.

I can see now the printed title of the book. It was entitled: The Curse?" Then suddenly, I heard

something at my back. I step backward to turn around. My eyes widened when two green eyes

matches with mine. I accidentally fell the book I'm holding and scream aloud.

"OH MY GOD! " I pant. "I- I'm sorry ..... for ... for intruding in your store, sir. " I said to the old

man standing behind the counter. Jeez. I hate getting surprised. I breathe in and out to look at

the old man across from me. He's wearing a dark cloak like a judge. I can see the whiteness of

his hair. I guess he's already 80. His eyes were enchanting. I've never seen an eyes like his. It's

beautiful. I'm wondering, did he come from other race?

The old man smiled at me as if he read my thoughts on that very moment.

"Did you like it?"

"huh? " I was startled at his masculine voice. His voice sounds more like 20s than 80s. By

the way did he mean his eyes?

"I mean the book, my dear"

Oh my, he's reading my thoughts?? Creepy.

"Ahmm... Well yes..." Yes?... I was tensed I do not exactly know what to do. This old man

scared me to death and now I'm out of my mind. I'm like this whenever I get stunned.

But I was about to leave now. My mother was surely looking for me. I don't want her to

worry. "I added.

"Is that so? But wait, take it if you want" He pointed out the book on the floor. "Don't worry,

my dear. You can have it for free."

Seriously, sir?"

"Yes. I'm giving it to you with no charge since you are my first customer whoever visit

here ."

"Really?" I'm going to ask when he stood this bookstore. However, my mouth stayed shut.

My heart is still beating fast. I'm got to go home. I whispered to myself.

"Go pick it up. "

Will I pick it or not? Take it or leave it? What's wrong If I'm going to take it for free! Will I

going to lose something? Enough for argument! It's nearly evening. Jane, quick!

"I'm going to take this. " Then I pick it up.

"Thank you, young lady. "

I smiled at him back before leaving the store.

Witch The old man whispered and grinned wickedly.

After few minutes, I already reached home. I swung the door open and walked in.
"Mom, Nick, are you there? " The house remains in silence. Nick must be here. I guess I'm

utterly alone, again. I closed the door and proceed to my room to change. After that, I went to

the kitchen and open the fridge to get a bowl of cookies. I really love cookies. As I close the

fridge, there's something fluffy that touches my legs.

" Hi, Cookie..... Pussy..." We have a cute cat. It's a gift from our grandparents when I'm 15.

Cause he's colour was rusty orange with some spots of black and I'm a cookie-addict I named

him cookie. Poor cat, he deserves a beautiful cat name. Haha...

"Have you eaten, my cookie? " I tickled his ears as I gave him a piece of cookie. Cookie

also loves cookie as I do, another reason why I named him that way.

I left him at the kitchen and headed upstairs. My room is a Harry Potter inspired design. I open

my bag to do my homework when the book I bought lately caught my attention. I took it and

placed it above my lap.Then, I turned on the lampshade besides me. I have read a lot of books

since I was a kid and this is my first time reading a vintage book. There's something wrong with

this book. I can feel it.

" The curse? What was it all about? " As I opened the book, I can feel the cold air

surrounding me. However, I ignore it. It's nothing. I told myself.

I read the dedication of the book and It says:

" To you, who ruined my life "

I was confused about the author's dedication thus, I closed the book and searched for the

author's name. I found nothing but an initials: " K. A. " I opened it again and continued reading.

"On the isolated portion of the earth, there lives a witch named Briana Icemist. She was a

wicked and a very sly enchantress. Her father was gone five years ago. Now, she's only living

with her mother witch and her little brother wizard. They were a family of a freaking witch."

I was frowning, while reading the first paragraph. I can feel the author's hatred and his or her

disgust about the girl. Creepy. The witch and I are utterly similar, regardless of the personalities.

"One afternoon, Briana went to visit her father on a cold graveyard. She was crying like a poor

little kid with a white tulip on her hand."

I was froze when I read the second paragraph. Jeez. How did he know? Is it a he or she?

Whatever this author's gender was. Is this Briana was me? I want to know.

"After her dramatic moment on the graveyard, she continued her pace way back home. She's

almost there,when a vintage shop made her halt and paced in. The shop was full of witchcraft

stuff but, the thing that caught her attention was an old magic book.

" My.... God.... Then, an old man gave it to her for free. " Another breathtaking moment.

"She took it and brought it home. And now, she's all alone at their house. Reading this book on

her lap. "

My eyes widened right after reading the last line. I can't take it any more. I almost scream,

instead I throw the book away from me. I know the book was all about me. How could that be?

My whole body solidify. I cant even move.

"Jeez...Its all that I can say. The old man. I know he knew something about this. Who's K.

A.? How did he knew me? Why me? What did he mean that I ruined his life? I have a lot of

questions. I need answers. I thought.


The door banged open. The silhouette behind the open door suddenly faded as it enters in.

I'm going to hand something hard for defense, when a familiar voice made me stop.

"Jane, are you there? "

" Mom? " I was relief to hear her voice. I hurriedly turned on the lights in my room and

embrace my mother tight. I feel safe now.

" Mom..." I'm really glad.

" Jane, are you fine? I'm sorry. I did not have the chance to text you."

"It's okay ,mom, by the way, where's Nickolas? He must be here now. It's quarter to six


"That's what I'm going to tell you. Her teacher called me that he's sick. I hurriedly went

there, right after the meeting. But, don't you worry I already brought him to the hospital. He's fine

now "

"Really? Poor kid. But, who's with him right now?"

"Your grandma. I went home just to tell you what happen, and to bring him clothes. By the

way, I brought you foods. Here. I know you're hungry. "

"Thanks, mom. "

"Kristel Jane, do not forget to close everything when I'm not around. Don't open the door for

strangers this late evening. Its not good for an alone lady to accept strangers at night. " Then,

mom smiled at me. " I have to go, sweetheart. Take care. Call me if there's a problem. " She pat

my shoulder before leaving.

"Uhm.. Mom, wait! shes going ahead when I called her.

"Uhmm.. Can I go with you? I want to check my brother and actually I feel unease staying

here alone. "

" But , how about your school tomorrow? I think you're going to be late. Are you really sure?


" Yes. Mom! Please?!!!! "

"Sure. Start packing now. "

" Yey!!!! " I yelled aloud and without any haste I started packing. I wear my hoody jacket

before leaving.

I'm half sleep all throughout our way. Mom was driving our car while I'm taking my time to nap

on the front seat. I feel so exhausted. This day was really strange and crazy. I hope this day is

nothing but a dream! Soon thereafter, I will wake up as though there's nothing happened.

" Jane, wake up. We're here. " Mom called me softly.

I lazily opened my eyes and slowly pulled our belongings before getting out from the car. My

drowsiness suddenly vanished when a cold breeze touches my face. I began to froze. I know
someone is lurking at me. I can feel it. I'm checking every corners of the parking lot, when I saw

mom approaching me provokingly.

" Jane, what are you doing? I thought you're just behind me. I'm almost there, when I

noticed you're not with me. Are you alright? You're always scaring me. "

" I'm sorry mom, I just stress . Uhmm.. Study matters and teenage issues. I can handle it.

Don't worry. "

Im just here. Remember that. Let's go. Your brother is waiting. "



Can I hold your hand? "

Sure. Mom frowned and smiled at me. I used to do it when I'm a kid. I'm holding her hand

whenever I'm scared.

Nick was sleeping when we came, while grandma was watching her favorite t.v. show. It was a

tiring moment for me. I need to rest thus, I lie down on the sofa and started sleeping. Tomorrow

is another day. I told myself.

I can feel someone's pain, hatred, and betrayal. My chest was heaving badly.

" Do you think I really loved you? Hell. Never. I just fool you around. They call you The

greatest witch? I thought you're great? It's quite easy for me to ditch you without using any

spell. All I wish is your death." He laugh wickedly while raising the enchantress heart on his

blooded hand .
" H-How DARE YOU! That will never happen! I thought you've changed. A wizard like you

d-do not deserve to be love! Do you think you trick me? I tricked you. " She smirked a little. It

was seen that she was bathing on her blood while trying to rise up.

" What are you talking about? Shut up and just die. " Until he saw her whispering a spell. "

What are you saying? Hey! " On his surprise the dead earth begin to split a part.

"The heart you're holding is YOURS. I switched it. I CURSED YOU TO BE AN IMMORTAL





"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

"My words are irrevocable." In a second she grab the heart on the wizard's hand.

"Goodbye.." After saying so, she threw herself on the cliff.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!" He looked at her with his furious eyes. In his rage, he

abruptly grabbed her wrist firmly to keep her from falling.

Let me go!!! Even if I didnt die, the curse will never be break.

" AAAHHHHHHH! " I squirmed and suddenly rise up with my chest heaving so fast. My cold

sweat was dribbling down. I check my left wrist. I can see my birthmark. It looks like a burn.
"Jane?? " My worried mother ask me.

Without a word, I just cry. I let my tears fall on my face. My mom hugged me and pat my back,

as she used to do whenever I cry.

Soon when our classes were over, I and my best friend, Harriet Villanueva took our lunch at the

school's cafeteria.

" ...and you know what. The boy-next door, the campus hunks, the bad boys and specially

your genius, Vans, they were all fooled. They were starting to believe that there's a real ghost

here! We tricked them all! If you just saw their scared faces! " Then, Harriet start laughing.

"Hey! Aren't you listening?"

"What? What did you just say? "

"I can sense your negative aura. What is it all about? Tell me. "

Harriet is a psychic and I can trust her about my eccentric dilemma.

" Okay. There's a lot of things happened to me, yesterday." I told her the whole story

starting from my father's 51th birthday unto my nightmare last night.

"It's a bit weird. There's something I want to tell you. There's something that bothers me about

you since this morning. I can feel a powerful energy from you. And I discovered that its not you

but something on your bag."

"What?" Following her instinct I opened my bag and to my surprise I saw the book!

"What is it?"

"The book" I cant still believe it. Then, I gave her the book. "I swear I left that on my room."

"Oh my gosh. This a cursed book. Did you have a suitor ?"

"Of course none! If I have one I'll tell you. "

"I'll tell you this. There's someone who wants to curse you and I can feel it's a guy. " Harriet


I know at this moment she's serious. "What should I do? Will I burn this?"

"No. It is no use. "

"We must know who this person is and what he wants from you. I don't think it's safe to talk

this stuff here. Let's move." Without any protest, Harriet pulled me with her.


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