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Name: Olivia McEvilly

PART A: Students will create a campaign video for a fictional governor candidate of Georgia explaining why their candidate
should be elected to office. Students will be required to include pictures and either a voice recording or written facts in the video
to persuade their audience to want to vote for their candidate.

Grade Level: 8th

Content Area: Social Studies

Technology Used (check all that apply): X Movie X Audio Podcast Vodcast Other:

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

SS8CG3 Analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.

a. Explain the qualifications for the governor and lieutenant governor and their role in the executive branch of state government.

Brief Description of Learning Experience: The project will be introduced after students learn
about the qualifications for the Governor and the executive branchs role in the Georgia state
government. Students will be given this project at the end of the unit so they can represent their
understanding and comprehension of what was taught.

Students will be expected to include facts about what it takes to be a governor and what their
candidate possesses. The video should be 1-3 minutes and should the criteria on the rubric that they
will be given.

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: LoTi Level 5 because students are going to be

posting this publicly to their community.

Importance of technology: This project is completely centered around technology and is extremely
neccesary for this type of project. Students need technology in order to create a video to complete
their project. It would be extremely difficult to complete this project without any kind of

Inspiration (optional): I have attached a recent campaign add for John Ossoff because this type of
add is a similair model to what I want my students creating.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: When students are creating their video, they will be limited
to selected websites and will be given the mediums that they will use to create the video. When
students complete their video, they will be posted onto my blog that is secured with a password only


parents of the students have access to.

Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: n/a

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