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BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] ‘wt REPORT |} DOEERE MankerATnano Invonmarion Sct Fy, 28 2017 BMTI MARKET BAROMETER FoR bu suBSCRER, espe» conung kof ported apt taren_aing lint rom pronpcina buyer as ong apes inert vodobtay om hey bod tet eta pea Handi business ‘wir made pick inthe sitemeots en ust (28-3000 da) ewe tease aod he at coe the weak. Rone aie a Interested bar aoteen caning trong between USS ‘hemos buoane ou 2 mae than USS 600 on BS0O apd USS'.00 daly for col wih owes ‘elnedayofte week moving thersetowsrdUSS_ oping fet the per eb of tnt age ot mote 35.00 daly onstndad 180900 de conmage with auvng sep the lower cnd. roe haul for Coninemal delivery ie tunds Rave as eb Spepse Fm te Bl Sst NoPac haves ‘nur pnt of USE 200.800 aoe chery eek ld pes USS16,000 dy pan bares ser {Olen My tes olor pe ends cnsenng_ preservice tobe wieringin the ean, oRVinn wehearatighseOSS 00a Neate ends contin owe Panama ‘withehe TAR Elingsome U8 7S0imo desig | 3 igs ofthe ih USS 0005 bu dena mar | E eu soos tate corecvewavecouid esos |= * ied HA snalatot rege nvr Serves his |, ‘wok nachna anlsfbecrencurves ave Sapaman cater) S Alte tin e152 wees) vied ct cunent Pnamot ends enn core | 18 ‘eee athe thn besa The would supper ae | oman undying tli teads combined wih ‘heuptkin Pama seysee fee sogpess| | Toumensytatee armas « Eagacnaemcraeeacy would seer that the region fas been softening for — = Imostofthesteond half" ape wh pins and ol Sonata Sennaricncacanem sara es eae ale Sararegne am crete as ee ay ces Scok es Gre ae ree SSaige cabetmee! Giaksyae keaton D Glloaa maicraiet Bcmenmerareaeaaae peti ‘Daily’ for Pelagos - Damiénne Leblane (etdgdiTCvoides BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Lebli nc [Pelagos/Croissy] : axcrrncronts.@ | osnnommoon | worwmmos | smncrommst Looking ove th ence nd ting tothe conainer frm he ECSA, asl carats har psn set ‘nes, ela pcure x enering Fights veo onags to cone 30000 rs a net ‘ten saply too, 8,000 FEU wich we faed nafs 4000 ds ip dined USS 1100 fal, A Jirry a US83.000 aly te ery abo prod S000 devel a ken om Neco 2 poms > Ins now ten edo US 14000 daly wh real Br round USS 1000 dl Supe cae fess ae sountng ose to USE20000 aly. were talline USS 29/t fer 50000mt fam Soh ‘Ass homakesaureremsnsquestonble rel othe Bhek Sen The USC Heal she of = Salle forthe owners The ek of tie (OF the Continent sap cher hve taken =) Sule ee he oem Then of cng S000 ave ar USS 12,500 day forscripentheEat —OSSOE OCA cal well aks the owner Maternean, whist 2 3703 dur vel tan om AStOUSG, malig ie aogether more dak tandel USS 11/300 ly, wich suo ma se "In the Ea, the 42,000 dt "Rainbow ied on he flint fleting» more dieu sig vox fr ap on Chie othe PG rm he een thoownore Given his what 3000 lly 29,000 rene wan tal weg mee of Fnablestee woyage een of USE 10,000 daly aound the ey Low US$, 000 diy for 3 20-day ‘np Southnt Aa, Tooage of 25:00 de om the Et Me fener Caters wee ng hau O88 900-6000 dy fr # tmat worctSoabbscrta ptobaatrarant eka 5500-600 da (nie SEU canoer oa rpartom serienummer wo ats cw MSs oehovrgamnd tino | Asan nen ey i en ee ee Sag attSprcyaeosne ee cuNgRiaria ie iokeaneteade | | Onze) Eooomenn sia | Spectrum roel Saeeetyeciararn iors | Sedna Sf aca ah String ae, Gromicars igh aalifeeees Soe omcrce sone ee Sonora eras Dae county 25Ap2017 tabs Gia; Cavecchisio(ta) 2992017 pan "May 2017 rly Osyn 1c mend A HergKng SR (Cha eine Prades, Moraga Co/Can kara Mn un ar agers Ha ta, Alpe Cohn ke, Marbut, eedp/ Ore clay dha Una Tver, Caos Hamacher Ener Magpeinan osc? “Tend, Hal Rslan/ es Sogn lan: Seo Unied Kingsom 2hlsy2017 Chine omenepe Soren Ube Deanne ty — GPadieatiaccammitiy —(Sfbeninsinoen, {for Pelagos - Damienne Leblane [Pelagos/Croissy] . BMTI Daily’ BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] BMT FOREX CROSSRATES UsoAURO GHP PY CHEK NO de Omnia sens ge Batric INDICES coals Pout % and Minn. Mine ieee, ally oe, ony eon. wae osen ok ote BE 0 “eae casae wai 798 079) o% ia ronuaxom, ko Gam oe oT SUPRAMAK (81 wo am mn OSE WaNDYSEG@HSH: S69 (576) is? SY = it nepdntth ebent BMTI's ner visuaizen sauicranauas er Avs UPTO Arby Lasrésoseris Lasrsowenas| LaseoDars vitiveiid BMTI DAILY FUTURE RATING apse ATC /172K¢m) Para (4TC/7Akdee)— Spranee(STC/ Sake) Made STC/2Hh ewe) ‘onl US61S100 —ayel—US$IT00 aps! UStQ4OD Als 00 My Sb14300 My US$. My USS S000 My 7750 amr ustieaso —qasol7 —usk9s00 qzami7 Usa a7 Ush720 (aeami7 Ust37700 —qesol7—ustias9o —qe2017 —USK9m00 ge? Us87.750 Yordec US$16400 —fyrdee—USSION7S AyDec_USSR900—ApOne USK? 600 hentai iret thi ert svt BMT Daily'for Pelagos - Damienne Leblane [Pelagos/Croissy] BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] ancrzncrants @ | vowamowmoaer | wnenmos | euncetemoe BUNKER PRICE INFO gus sour eeranstsrive rn nL rc connec /OELAED rome ro 0 ‘co teat eat Aes poe Aa roe, Se ee ee carat ae Gi) eG) es Gis) Take aco Gy Ga) ae Gay tas Gon) Donsan mem) Se Ga) Sez es) tar Scneone Gt) dG) tor inva Be Gn ya fan ir (oancers' 330 Ga) Sana) Sa) munca — de Ga) ae (es) gg aes) tee Samos me Gi) ba) er I ommcttepen Kitty HO) HO Gt) BMTI's BUNKER VISUALIZER we Anaa Toa n20n1USD Pee TON Lasts waees-Avenao oro secre oar tFosto-ast wows Daal ended Rest Ag SA (Ge) Pri ry ALLE TUS) BMTI Daily’ for Pélagos - Damicnne Leblane [Pelagos/Croissy| BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblane [Pelagos/Croissy] ; Fey 28 pe 2017 BMTI TIMECHARTER ‘Thefts argued roma vary of hpping markt parcpant conta ith BMT Delyintang) 28 Apr TCT| va faberts Bank dl Singiporeapan acct Dong Tankers ‘Anangel armory 180381 du b10| USD 14600. (ed 25 Ap) Delyind/e Qingdao 08/08 ay TCT| via Kanan rel ingaporeapan acct Ri Tito ‘artim Centar” 95,7128 B10) USD 11,750 ‘ly shane 26/28 Ape T=T| vin ndonesia|redel china) at Itermaine ‘Am Pintar87,0524ut5t05 USD 11,750, ‘rly etroHaldia|17 Apr TCT vaECSA| eel Singapore apan with rains) act unnamed has "Yuraang” 82004) B08) USO 13,000 ‘ely Gingao) 30 Apr/02 ay TC via NoPac| rede Singapore pan wth rain |acctNorden "rleandr™82.328ane BEO6 USD 10250 ‘ely Pore Klang| ppt TCT va Richards a |edel Singapore fapan | acc Laue Dray "Warguats" 822066u 11 USD 11,500) ely Usan 01/03 May TCT) va Australis |e Jpan ace NSUnied "Santa race 82,149¢wht13USD 11,250) (feces) ‘ely ibrar |26 Ape TCT USEC eden with el acetNerden "Sochateling" 81,S64éye 12 USD 16300, DelySan Cipan|01/0S May wa Amazon feel Singapore apan| acct unnamed chars "eras Ocean 81,084dhe| 14 USD 16500) Daly Surabaya | 26 Apr TCT vs {CSA rede Sinenporespan with rain| ext Intemational Dahan" |,06edt [B13 |USDI1 S00. Daly hk) 26 Apr TCT Singnporeapan reel Ck act Ct "Stl lena)81,000dwr, 915 USD 1.150 (eden ss) Daly HongKong 02/08 May TCT via Newest reel Phippines|acctunnamedchare Sara" 7asatane st13 USD 11250) Del k|01/08 May TCT éatndonei rede opan wah cal |acee D'Amico "Gets" 76845due| 03 USD700, DelyLongtou 25/26 ATCT vie NoPa reel Youu with coal ace Vatefll “Ocean Gen| 7561840053112 USD 10.250) DelyReaa03ay CT relSgnorsapnith pas |aceafles gh SKY ‘epaeas" 7429Péne shor | USB 1500" ySD 173006 . oy D Somali) Daly Amsterdam | pp TCT) fa Continent | ede Singspore pan ace Traligure "anges 6" 65/780ut|BeL4| USO 17,500) BMT Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblane [Pelagos/Croissy| . BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] ‘ely Marla 29 Apr/02Ma TCT cedel China| acct COX "Vea Keun” 6330016 | USD 10.500, ely Sparowe Pont op TCT) USEC|redelUK-Con wih wood pellets acct unnamed chars Man 63-2804 BIE16 USD Daly ECSA ely May TCT eel WC Iria acct uname chars ; "Golden Cecile” 60,29544e| bt15 USD 14.500 "USD.450.000 88) ely Singapore spot TCT si Austrlin| reel China| ast unamedchas| Agonists" 58,398dae M10) USO 9'600, ‘ely Lanjungung pee TCT rede Persian Cul acct unharmed chars "Tans Autum” 988388Wr| BIT USD 8000, ely tanga | ppt TT viaPhilppines| adel Singapore with and acct Cargill Shropshire” | 588174 |Hs09) USD 7500) ‘ely Zhuksi| ppt TC vin Piippines| ede .Chinaith ier) act YND "Ocean Feather | 56762dh¢| BIT USD 9,250 ely Aditi |ppt TCT. rode WAfica sce unnamed hate ‘Clos Mesto" 56,7008n¢|be12 USD 9500, ‘ Daly ibrar ppt TCT via Coninen redel WA actunmamed chars” lessen 56/678aue BOB USD 14000 Daly CSA ely May TT reel Staw Med acct ldendorff Harvest Pain| 525496 bkOT” USD 13000) ely Aland ppeTCT eel US Gul acer Wester alk Caters — Four Nabuea"|S4,03éut i810) USD 7800 Tas 45 days Daly River Plate pptTCT rede Algeria act Thoreo Bulk Dora Oldendoet | 33,1086u|BE10| USD 13,000 ‘ely dp ECindin TCT, rel WA with rice ect raed chars "TaN" 260004n USD 6,10 for st 6 days there USD 7 500 daly one {Correction of fture 27.04.2017) correct ship nam, rate load /dacharge terms Setenlands to Ratrdam 05/14 Nay) 180,000t/10) acec Berge Bulk "New Shangha (Ere) [bt | USD 60 fo | 6 days shnc|eported a5" Wavstrliato Qingda | 10/12May| 170,08 /10| acct Oldendor lcano TAN" USD61O Fe SCALE/300005 | ined 26 Apt) ron et WAurraiate Gingda | 10/124May|170,00%5/10 ace Oldendortt "TON" USD 61080, SCALE/25000%0) ‘emiarto Qing 10/19 May) 17,00085/10| act Rio Tinto "Angeli" bit2| USO 610Fe SCALE/30000%| (aed 26 Ap) BMTi Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] BMTI Daily for Pelagos - Damienne Leblanc [Pelagos/Croissy] Dampier toQingdao| 13/15 May) 170000%/10| sect lo Tinto “Pace Visa" B12 | USO E10 fo | SCALE/30,000%¢, Poncada Madela to Qingdao} 19/28 May 170000810 |acctNYK "TaN" USD 1495 | SCALE/30,0005¢, W.awsrain to Qingdao | 07/10 May 160}000e/10 | cee Quaroink|(faed 25 Ap) hime Queen (Borgel) 16) USD 625 fis option Eaperaneeload USD 8:20 SCALE/300003¢ Saldanha yt Hamburg Hesaport| 16/30 May) 1300000/10) see Sager *NYCTEN" USD 625 fo 5,000%

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