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Baltic Exchange Panamax Index and route reports

D ate: 27 April 2017

Balt ic Exchange Panamax Inde x (BPI) 1260 ( -60 )

R o ut e D e scrip t io n Siz e ( MT ) Value ( $ ) C h an g e

P1A_03 Skaw-Gibraltar trans atlantic round voyage 74000 9981 -759

P2A_03 Skaw-Gibraltar trip to Taiwan-Japan 74000 16023 -559

P3A_03 JapanSouth Korea trans pacific round voyage 74000 9883 -421

P4_03 Japan-South Korea trip to Skaw Pas s ero 74000 4613 -160

Weighted Time Charter Average (P1A_03, P2A_03, P3A_03 & P4_03) 10125 -475

The following route does not contribute to the BPI

R o ut e D e scrip t io n Siz e ( MT ) Value ( $ ) C h an g e

P3A-IV Newcas tle to Qingdao - implied voyage 74000 11.09 -0.22

B alt ic Pan amax d e scrip t io n :

74,000mt dwt on 13.95m SSW draft
Max age 12 yrs
LOA 225m, beam 32.2m, TPC 66.5
89,000 cbm grain
14 knots laden on 32mt fuel oil (380cs t) / 14 knots ballas t on 28mt fuel oil (380cs t), no dies el at s ea

Bunker Prices us ed in this calculation are provided under licence by

Exchange Rates us ed in this calculation are provided under licence by
All port cos t related information is provided by Cory Brothers Shipping.
D is tances are provided by www.netpas .net

Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd 2017

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