Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Brandon McKay

School: RK Finn Ryan Road Lesson #: 2 of 6
Facilities: gym Grade: 3rd
Unit/Theme: Basketball Generic Level : Control
Equipment: Focus of Lesson: Passing

Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (National # ; MA CF # ;

Task/Activity # )
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
(P) Demonstrate passing a basketball using 3 out of 4 skill cues while passing to
a group of three during activities throughout class. (S1.E15.5 MA CF 2.17)
(C)Identify 3 out of 4 skill cues for passing a basketball at the end of the lesson
when asked by the teacher. (S2.E5.5 MA CF 2.17)
(A)Demonstrate sportsmanship by respecting their classmates and equipment
throughout class 100% of the time. (S4.E4.5 MA CF 2.26)
Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally
Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will:
Use the skills Ive learned for classroom management to control student behavior

Special Considerations What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the
students in this class?
The floor being tile and very slippery for the students

References: (include page # and/or actual web site address)


Time Lesson Organization Reflection

Warm up- Students will come right in

and grab a ball and a paper/pencil.
5 They will dribble for one minute and
minutes complete the checklist on if they used
the skill cues or not.

Transition: students will make a stack

of the papers and then make a semi
circle around me.

Review: Teacher will review dribbling

5 min skill cues. Students will stand up and
demonstrate with the teacher. Students
will be asked the most important
question. What part of our hand do we
use to dribble with in basketball.

Introduction: Today we will be doing

two types of passes. Both the bounce
pass and the chest pass. Skill cues are
up on the board and will be talked
about. First starting with the bounce
pass and then going to the chest pass.
Activity 1: Students will be in groups of
6 and make a triangle. They will pass
the ball to the right first and then to the
left. Once they pass the ball they will
follow the pass and speed up as they
get used to it.

Extend up: Allow them to switch

whichever way they want to pass to.

Extend down: Slow it down and have

them walk or break it into groups of
three and just have them pass in the
triangle and not move.

Safety: Make sure there is enough

10 space between the groups.
Transition: put the balls if you have
one at your feet and eyes at me.

Activity 2: Passing relay

Students will be in teams of 4 or 5 and
just like football relays will be given 3
minutes to pass down and back with
their team. They will focus on the
bounce pass first.
Extend up: Make less people on each
team to make them pass longer to their

Extend down: Move the people closer

5 min
Transition: Students will have the
chance to go back to the activities
again. This time will be going through
with using the chest pass.

Activity 3: Passing relays with the

chest pass. Will have three minutes to
go down and back as many times as
they can.

Extend up: allow them to use which

ever pass they want.

Extend down: Move them closer to

each other.
5 min
Safety: Make sure teams are spread
out again.

Transition: Make groups of 6.

Activity 4: Students will make a triangle

with two people at each spot and pass
around the triangle and once they pass
they will follow their pass.

Extend up: Allow them to use both


Extend down: Move them closer

Safety: Make sure groups are spread


5 min Transition: Put all the equipment away

and sit in semi circle next to your group
you were just with.
Closure: Students will write on an exit
slip the difference between a bounce
pass and a chest pass and identify
which is a chest pass and bounce pass
in a picture. This will be a fill in the
Before they leave, students will be
asked what part of the finger we dibble
with- review.

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