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SMART Notebook Program Project Documentations

Ashley Westman
EDU 623.90 Designing Learning Environments
Steven Moskowitz

SMART Notebook Program

Hello, and welcome to the SMART Notebook Program training. This course is designed

to help faculty and staff members of Hebron Elementary School in Hebron, CT learn how to use

this program. It is designed to be used with their SMART Boards that every classroom has in

order to technologically enhance lessons. Some of the steps may seems very basic, but others do

get a little bit more complicated, and there are many features most staff members did not even

know existed. Have fun following along and learning with the rest of the staff! Im going to

briefly outline anything you may need to know that will help you along the way.
When implementing this presentation, there is a lot of text to explain how each feature is

found and used, but there are also many pictures to show this as well. It isnt too difficult to

explain where to find each icon or drop down menu, but being able to actually see what it looks

like can help learner retention. When your brain can make a link between the visual and sounds

it is hearing, you are more likely to recall the information later: modality principle (Elnaqlah,

2014). As each feature is being explained, the visual photograph will be displayed at the same

time. This again will hopefully help each learner recall where each feature can be found easier

when they can see it as well as hear it. Along with the pictures, I will give a demonstration after

each slide or two on what it looks like in the program. The learners will have their laptops with

them, and can follow along to try it at the same time.

Instructors Guide
Most of these steps are already outlined in the narration and with the bullet points on the

PowerPoint, but I will again briefly outline them, especially the more complicated tasks.
Basic Features
Be sure to introduce these first or a lot of the training wont make sense. These features

are similar to other programs such as Word or PowerPoint in how they function. Make sure to

emphasize the point of the black arrow. By making sure that arrow is selected, it allows learners

to complete any other task in the program without anything they didnt want appearing on the

screen. Also, any time something needs to be moved around, it wont work unless the arrow is

selected. Be sure to also remind the staff any time they are unsure what an icon means, or

forgets where a certain one is, if they roll their mouse over the icon without clicking on it, the

name of it will appear to remind them what it is.

View and Zoom
Changing the view and the zoom of a page are again pretty simple tasks in this program.

The main thing to know is to select the drop down menu at the top that says View. This is

where all of the view and zoom options will be. The other part of this is being able to add that

shade. Always emphasize it is a handy tool any time you dont want students to see an upcoming

page, or part of a page. The shade can always be moved from side to side or up and down, and

the red X will completely get rid of it.

Inserting Text and Changing Colors
When explaining how to add text to a page, the most important part of this is knowing

which button to press. Next to that black arrow is the text button. Anytime text is being added

or changed, the text button must be selected. Remember though, when you are done with the

text, click back on that black arrow or each time the screen is clicked on it will add more text

boxes. Anytime a text needs to be edited whether its the alignment, size, font, or color, use that

text tool and highlight over the text you wish to change. When changing text or background

colors, keep in mind the colors you instantly see are not the only colors available. The learner

can always select more colors to really customize the one they desire.
Inserting a Picture
This is another feature very similar to Word and PowerPoint, but be sure to emphasize the

two different ways this can be done. The easiest way is always to just copy the picture, then

back at the document either right click and hit paste, or on the keyboard press CTRL then V to

paste it in. The other way involves more steps and having to remember where the document was

saved. However, using File and Open to insert a picture works just as well. Also be sure to

remind the audience the picture most likely will not be in the place they desired or the size they

want. By using that black arrow they can move and resize the picture as many times as they

Shapes and Regular Polygons
Being able to insert shapes and regular polygons are the easy part. Be sure to mention

although they are called two different tools in the program, in the end they really are the same in

how to add and edit them. The first step is selecting the shape that is desired. Once that is done,

click and drag in any open area to develop the shape, and make it however big the learner

desires. To edit these shapes, always use that drop down arrow on the shape to change different

aspects of it such as the color or wanting to clone the shape. Also along with shapes are the

features of a ruler and protractor. These can be found from the Insert drop down menu, and

can be put right up against any shape or angle to help measure.

Creating a Table
Creating a table isnt a very difficult task, but many people do not realize there is an

option for a table in this program. To create one, select the table icon, and from there the

trickiest part is thinking about how big you want to make it. As example, create a 5x5 table, but

also remind the learners they can always add more or delete rows and columns if they found they

needed more or less. Demonstrate the different functions of a table such as being able to add or

delete those rows and columns and changing the color of their table.
Concept Map
Building a concept map is another one of those features most people do not know exists

in this program. It can be useful for any subject from math, language arts, science and social

studies. They are great to use at the beginning of any topic or lesson to see what students already

know, or do not know, or any lesson as a reminder of what was learned. The concept map icon

looks like little rectangles. It will take a couple seconds to appear on the screen, but once its

there, you can edit the text in any of the rectangles, change the colors, and add as many as you

would like to.

The GeoBoard is one of the more complicated tasks in this program, and is used mainly

just for math. It is very similar to the shapes, but includes a grid, and many other options such as

certain lines or line segments that can be created, or even simply plotting a point. This tool will

need a little bit more explanation than the rest of the features. Take the time to walk through

each part of the Geoboard. Although it is used for higher level math, it can be used in any grade

level, especially for any geometry lessons.

The settings tab is more for a personal preference, but important to know it is there. Its

simply a way to organize what icons are available on the screen, and which are a little bit more

hidden. They can also be moved around for convenience so each staff knows exactly where they

put the icons. Again, this isnt something that has to be used or even ever touched, but is there if

Pens and Eraser on SMART Board
The final part is being able to interact with the actual SMART Board. First, explain how

to interact which is simple; just by touching the screen. Then talk about how the pens and eraser

can be used in conjunction with the board, and even how they can be changed. To change colors,

either change pens, or look at the pen color icon, and touch it with the pen to change colors.

They work on the board just as regular white board markers work on a white board. The eraser

works the same way, and even by selecting the eraser icon up top, the size of it can be changed

either larger or smaller. Last, remind learners that when picking up a pen or an eraser, the last

one they pick up is the one that will write on the board, so only pick up one at time.
With all of these features and explaining how they each work, the most important thing is

to keep your audiences attention. Try to make each, even the easier tasks, found fun and

entertaining, and hopefully the quiz and activity breaks along the way will help. Activities such

as the concept map, and even the quizzes with being able to actually use the program will

hopefully keep the audiences attention. As Johnson (2013) mentions its, Always better when

the learner can create their own. Even though the tasks have a rubric to go along with them all

so the learners know what they are being assessed on, there is a lot of room for creativity, and for

the learners to create what they want as long as it meets the criteria.
For this project, there are a lot of rubrics that go along with each quiz and learning

activity. The learners will be aware of the rubrics ahead of time so they know what they will be

assessed on. They will be available online, but also printed and handed out so the learners can

assess themselves along the way to ensure they have all the necessary requirements. As Larson

(2014) mentions, The condition of predictability as a critical element in a positive learning

environment, and if a rubric is given to students in advance for use in completing an assignment,

it can provide guidance by making students aware of evaluation criteria and grading standards

(p. 137). Using these rubrics will hopefully the success of the students by having that awareness

of what they are being assessed on before, during, and after the assessment.
SMART Notebook Document Tasks

These tasks will be completed as quizzes where the learner must answer 5

different questions using the SMART Notebook program, and e-mail their

completed documents back to me

Each task will be worth 20 points, and I will assess based on the quality of

completing the task or being able to explain how something can be done

Colors and Images Quiz

Check When Task
Type your name on the top of the page with any font you would like, but

make it size 30.

Explain what happens if you keep the text box icon on. When you are

done typing what icon should you select?


Change your name to any shade of green.

Change the background color to any shade of purple.

Insert 2 different pictures related to school using two different methods.

Then, explain what the two methods were and how you inserted those


Shapes and Table Quiz

Check When Task
Construct a half circle and make it the color red.

Now, construct a nine sided shape. Use the infinite cloner to spread 7

more around the page

Explain the two different ways to find a ruler or a protractor.

Use the ruler to measure each side length of the square I have already

constructed, and a protractor to measure each angle of the triangle.

Construct a 2 x 7 table. Give your table a title relating to your classroom

schedule, and create the rest to show your schedule. Include each lesson

or activity and what time they start at. It doesnt have to be your entire

day, just enough that fills the 2 x 7 table.

Concept Map Task

This activity will be completed after the concept map explanation

Concept Map Activity

Check when Requirements Possible


Completed Points
Must include a top rectangle with at least 5 sub /5
rectangles coming off.
The information must be related to your chosen book. /5
The information must match the concept on your chosen /5
piece of paper.
Change the color of your concept map from the original, /5
but the top rectangle must still be a different color from

the rest.
Change the font and size from the original. /5

Scavenger Hunt

This will take place near the end of the course once most tasks have been learned
The learners will be able to complete this task with a partner, but anything in the

program must each be done individually, even if it looks the same as their partner

Scavenger Hunt Activity

Check When Task
Locate the text tool.

Locate the concept map.

Locate the clone option of a shape.

Change the zoom to 25%.

Add a shade to only the bottom half of the page.

Move the top tool bar to the bottom of the page.

Save the document on your desktop labeled Scavenger.


Write your first name, and change the color to a dark green.

Write your favorite food, and change it to a cursive looking font.

On the drawn table, look at the 2nd row, 3rd column. Change the cell to
In the drawn table, look at the 5th row and 5th column. Type BOO in that
Create a 16 sided regular polygon.

Look at the triangle created. Clone it once, and rotate your clone so it
looks different from the original.
Place two points on the GeoBoard, and draw a line in between them.

Insert a square using the GeoBoard.

Create two perpendicular lines using the GeoBoard.

On the Geoboard, create an ellipse.

Remove three items from your toolbar.

Final Assessment Rubric

Finally, the final summative assessment will take place over the course of about a

week, but students will have time to start it at the end of the presentation
Their job will be to create a lesson for their classroom, and implement it. They

will be graded on my observation of the lesson in their room.

Final Evaluation Classroom Observation

Language Arts Lesson
Check when Requirements Possible

Completed Points
Show how you opened the document and where it was /10
Use a different background color on at least one slide. /10

Use different text colors for all of the slides. (Doesnt /10
have to be one per slide, just not black on them).
Use different fonts and font sizes from the original. /10
A shade should be present in at least one slide. /10
Use a concept map for a part of the lesson. /10
Insert at least 2 pictures to represent your lesson. /10
The pens must be used during the lesson using at least /10
2 different colors.
The students must interact with the SMART Board /10
during the lesson.
Lesson must have at least 5 different slides. /10

Final Evaluation Classroom Observation

Mathematics Lesson
Check when Requirements Possible

Completed Points
Show how you opened the document and where it was /10
Use a different background color on at least one slide. /10
Use different text colors for all of the slides. (Doesnt /10
have to be one per slide, just not black on them).
Use different fonts and font sizes from the original. /10
A shade should be present in at least one slide. /10
Create multiple shapes throughout this lesson, and /10
infinite clone at least one of them.
Use a ruler or protractor at least once throughout the /10

The pens must be used during the lesson using at least /10
2 different colors.
The students must interact with the SMART Board /10
during the lesson.
Lesson must have at least 5 different slides. /10


Elnaqlah, A. (December 5, 2014). Dual coding theory & multimedia learning. [Video File].

Retrieved from

Johnson, L. (September 20, 2013). ARCS motivation model Learning design. [Video File].

Retrieved from

Larson, M. B. (2014). Streamlined ID : A practical guide to instructional design. New York:


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