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Montclair State University

Exercise Science and Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Michael Dlugo Date: 10/20/15

Title of Lesson: Self Esteem Class Time: 9:30 am
Student Grade Level: 5th Grade Teaching Location: Franklin School
Number of Students in Class: 20


Self-esteem is a very important topic in the elementary level. Students are beginning to interact
more with one another and students are also beginning to think more about themselves. Self-
esteem is the way of thinking and feeling about yourself. Students are going to be faced with
situations which may affect their self-esteem in a negative or positive way and it is important that
students know what is good and bad for their self-esteem. In this lesson, students will learn
about different types of self-esteem (low, high), and ways that they can help boost not only their
self-esteem, but others as well.

Goal: To teach students about self-esteem and how it can affect their lifestyle.

- Students will be able to identify the 2 types of self-esteem.
- Students will be able to list 3 ways to boost their self-esteem 100% of the time.
- Students will be able to identify the potential benefits of having a high self-esteem 100% of the

Core Content Standards:

2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy,
active lifestyle.

2.1.4.E.1 Compare and contrast how individuals and families attempt to address basic human

2.1.8.E.1 Analyze how personal assets, resiliency, and protective factors support healthy social
and emotional health.


Time Required:
-Attendance 2 minutes
-Powerpoint 10 minutes
-Looking at Myself worksheet 10 minutes
-I am Unique worksheet 10 minutes
-Homework Assignment Review 8 minutes
-Peer Pressure Video (if time allows)

1. What is self-esteem
-The way of thinking and feeling about yourself.
2. Types
3. How self esteem helps you
-Self-esteem helps you have the courage to try new things, like making new friends.
With self-esteem, you believe in yourself. You know that good things can happen
when you try your best. (
4. How self esteem can hurt you
-Low self-esteem makes kids feel unsure of themselves. They doubt they can do things
as well as others. They lack the confidence to go after their goals.
5. How your self-esteem can grow
-Self-esteem can begin with things parents say when a kid is very young. For example, a
parent might tell a baby, "Look what you can do you're walking all by yourself!" Hear
ing and thinking good things makes the baby feel proud and feel good. As you
get older, you can keep self-esteem going by noticing when you've learned to do
something or achieve something new. Riding a bike, learning to play a song, or doing a
math problem are all things to notice in a happy way. You don't have to brag out loud,
but you can give yourself a quiet little high-five. Yay, you! (

The teacher will quickly take attendance and get the attention of the class at the
beginning of the period. The teacher will then pull up the prepared powerpoint on self-esteem
and begin to go through the powerpoint. While going through the slides of the powerpoint, the
teacher will ask questions to see if the students know any of the information that is being taught.
This gets the students involved and makes it more interactive. Following the powerpoint, the
teacher will then handout the worksheet titled Looking at Myself. This worksheet the students
will fill out individually. When the students are finished, the teacher will go over the worksheet
and see if the students would like to volunteer to share their results.
Following the worksheet, the students will receive a riddle in which they will fill in. When
the students are finished filling in the riddle, the teacher will see if any of the students would like
to share their riddle. Following this, the students will be introduced to a project that they will be
starting next week. They will be making collages about themselves. The teacher will explain
what they will need to do for this activity and what they will need to bring in for the following
week. If time permits, following the explanation, the students will be shown a video on brain pop
about peer pressure which ties together with self-esteem.

-Students will be evaluated by their participation in the activities throughout the class.
-Students will be evaluated by the completion of their worksheets.
-Students will be evaluated by their answers by the teachers check for understanding

Alternative Plan
-The students will watch a documentary for the whole class period on bullying and peer
pressure. The students will then have to write a 1 page reflection on what they thought of the
Anticipated Questions/Answers
-What kind of self-esteem do you have? I have high self-esteem.
-Can you ever fix your self-esteem? If you have low self-esteem, there are ways to grow your


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