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Montclair State University

Exercise Science and Physical Education

Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Michael Dlugo Date: 4/27/15

Title of Lesson: Club Drugs (ecstasy) (Drugs Unit) Class Time: 5:30 p.m.
Student Grade Level: 10th Grade Teaching Location: UN 2048
Number of Students in Class: 25


Club drugs are very important and talked about very much in the high school atmosphere. The
usage has grown with the emergence of the club scene in society. In the coming years, students
are going to be of age to go to clubs and may be faced with decisions involving club drugs. With
good decision making, students will also be informed of all of the information about club drugs,
including the dangers. According to the NIH (National Institute on Drug Abuse) Club drugs are
group of psychoactive drugs. They act on the central nervous system and can cause changes in
mood, awareness, and how you act. These drugs are often abused by young adults at all-night
dance parties, dance clubs, and bars. Club drugs are also sometimes used as "date rape"
drugs, to make someone unable to say no to or fight back against sexual assault. Abusing these
drugs can cause serious health problems and sometimes death. They are even more dangerous
if you use them with alcohol. It is very important for students to be aware of the dangers and
effects of the drug but their surroundings as well.

Goal: To teach students of the dangers and risks that occur during club drug use.

- Students will be able to identify 2 street names of Club Drugs 90 % of the time.
- Students will be able to list 3 effects of club drugs 100% of the time.
- Students will be able to identify the potential benefits of obtaining information about club
drugs 100% of the time.

Core Content Standards:

2.3.8. A.1; Explain why the therapeutic effects and potential risks of commonly used
over-that-counter medicines, prescription drugs, and herbal and medicinal
supplements vary in different individuals.

2.3.8.B.5; Explain the impact of alcohol and other drugs on those areas of the brain
that control vision, sleep, coordination, and reaction time and the related impairment
of behavior, judgment, and memory.
2.3.12.B.1; Compare and contrast the incidence and impact of commonly abused
substances (such as tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, inhalants, anabolic steroids, and
other drugs) on individuals and communities in the United States and other countries.

-Dry erase markers

Time Required:
-Attendance 2 minutes
-Do now 5 minutes
-Street Name Activity 5 minutes
-Powerpoint lecture 10 minutes
-Club Drug Video 10 minutes
-Jeopardy 13 minutes

1. What club drugs are?
2. Terminology
-Street Names
3. How are club drugs used?
4. How do clubs drugs work?
-MDMA acts by increasing the activity of three neurotransmitters, serotonin, dopamine,
and norepinephrine. The emotional and pro-social effects of MDMA are likely
caused directly or indirectly by the release of large amounts of serotonin, which
influences mood (as well as other functions such as appetite and sleep). Serotonin also
triggers the re- lease of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which play important
roles in love, trust, sexual arousal, and other social experiences. This may account for
the characteristic feelings of emotional closeness and empathy produced by
the drug; studies in both rats and humans have shown that MDMA raises the levels
of these hormones. (
5. Short Term Effects
-Increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, muscle tension, involuntary teeth
clenching, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, chills, and sweating.
6. Long Term Effects
-Increased heart rate that can lead to other heart problems, dehydration which can lead
to kidney or liver failure, disturbed emotional reactions, confusion, depression,
sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and heart palpitations. (

At the beginning of class, the teacher will walk into the classroom and quiet down the
students. The teacher will greet the students and take attendance (2 minutes). Following
attendance being taken, the teacher will put a Do Now on the board which consists of a short
essay question for the students to answer. This will get the students mentally prepared for the
class. The students will answer the Do Now on their own and the students will share some of
their answers with the rest of the class (5 minutes).
The teacher will then begin a powerpoint which will guide the lesson for the teacher. The
powerpoint will consist of all the information that will be important for the students to know about
club drugs. At the beginning of the presentation, the students will be asked to go up to the board
and write down all of the street names that they know of club drugs. When the students are
done at the board, the teacher will go over all of the names that the students came up with.
Following that, the teacher will add the street names that the students didnt come up with (5
minutes). After the street name activity, the teacher will continue the powerpoint presentation (10
minutes). Throughout the presentation, check for understanding questions will be asked.
Following the presentation, the class will be shown a video on club drugs. Students will be
asked to write about the video for homework. (
v=irBYHK9RudA). The students will be asked to react to the video (10 minutes). After the video,
the class will be split up into 2 teams for a game of Jeopardy. The game will include questions
on the information that was given throughout the class (13 minutes).

-Students will be evaluated by their participation in the activities throughout the class.
-Students will be evaluated by the completion of their homework assignment.
-Students will be evaluated by their answers by the teachers check for understanding

Alternative Plan
-The students will watch a documentary for the whole class period on club drug users. The
students will watch the video and be asked to write a reaction paper on what they thought of the
video and what they learned.

Anticipated Questions/Answers
-Have you ever done ecstasy? No
-Why do people take ecstasy? Because the drug makes the individuals that use them reach a
high that may feel good but the effects of the drug on the body are far more dangerous.
-Is ecstasy addictive? Yes


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