W04 - Digestive System Ss

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Digestive system

Fernando Falla Olavarra
Basic vocabulary
mouth : boca/mouth(s) swallow : tragar
push : empujar
gallbladder : vescula biliar. tear : desgarrar
grind :moler ptyalin : ptialina
hydrochloric acid : cido clorhdrico.
starch / carbohydrate: protein : proteina
fat : grasa
gastric juice : jugo gstrico.
uptake : absorber chyme : quimo
liver : hgado.
lumen : the space in the interior of the
bile : bilis
a. absorb
Basic vocabulary
1. mouth ( )
b. the organ in your body in which bile is stored
2. Push ( ) c. a large organ in your body that produces bile and
cleans your blood
3. gallbladder ( ) d. a substance that is stored under your skin and helps
to keep you warm
4. ptyalin ( )
e. the semifluid mass into which food is converted by
5. hydrochloric acid ( ) gastric secretion and which passes from the stomach
into the small intestine.
6. starch / carbohydrate( ) f. a strong acid used especially in industry
g. Move something forward.
7. protein ( ) h. a substance that provides energy to your body.
8. fat ( ) i. an enzyme in the saliva that converts starch into
dextrin and maltose
9. gastric juice ( ) j. the part of your face which you put food into.

10. uptake ( ) l. a substance that your body needs in order to grow and
remain strong and healthy
11. chyme ( )
m. the digestive fluid, containing pepsin and other
12. liver ( ) enzymes, secreted by the glands of the stomach.
Mechanical digestion begins in your
process of changing
mouth as your teeth tear and grind
food into a form that the
food into small pieces you can
body can and use
.. The muscular walls of your
as energy or as the raw
esophagus, ..., and intestines
materials to and
t continue mechanical ...,
build new .
pushing the food along, and breaking it
y into smaller .
s Chemical digestion Begins in your
Digestive mouth, it produces extra saliva which
contains an enzyme called , it
System breaks starch down into dextrose and
maltose by adding a water molecule.
- repair - ptyalin - motion Once food is swallowed, powerful
muscles in the push it
- absorb esophagus - downward into the stomach in a
digestion continuous wave ..
- Tissue - swallow - particles
- stomach
- small intestine. Stomach function Even when food is still in
- enzymes your mouth, your stomach starts secreting
- carbohydrates . Once the food gets your stomach,
- excreted more gastric juice is produced and mixed with it
- chyme
- large intestine to make a creamy mass called ... Little
- pancreas by little, chyme is deposited into the small
- bloodstream ..
- proteins Gastric Juice: enzyme called pepsin and
- gastric juice hydrochloric acid (breaks down ).

Intestinal function chyme deposited into the

Digestive small intestine mixes with , bile and
fluids secreted by the intestinal walls. The
enzymes, which are produced by the .,
System break down .., proteins and fats. The
liver produces bile, which dissolves fats. By the
time chyme reaches the .., it has been
broken down into its smallest possible
components. These pass through projections on
the intestinal wall, called villi, and into the
., where they are distributed as
needed. Undigested material, such as water, fiber
and cellulose, is from the body.
Digestive Food intake:
Digestive system and process
p Parts of the body concerned with the uptake and digestion of food and
r elimination of indigestible remains from the digestive system, also
called elementary system. The digestive system consists of two sets of
o organs:
e Alimentary canal: It is a tube comprising many specialized organs.
It provides and helps in the process of:
s (1) An inlet, the mouth, to ingest food
s (2) A cavity, the lumen, where food is digested.
(3) A surface for the absorption of digested food
(4) A space where indigestible remains are changed into faeces
(5) An outlet, the anus for elimination of faeces.

Digestive glands and their function in the process:

Digestive glands and their function in the process:
These are the structures associated with the different regions of
the alimentary canal. They sent into the digestive tract their
secretions which contain enzymes and other materials to help in
the digestion of food. Most of the alimentary canal and certain
digestive glands are supported and held in place by mesenteries,
the double layer of peritoneum with a layer of connective tissues in

Summary of Food Digestion Process

1. Nutrition : The digestive tract primarily serves to provide food

to the tissues to the body.
2. Breathing :
3. Excretion is the elimination of unwanted materials from the
1. Why is the digestive system important?
2. Does digestion only involve mechanical processes? (explain)
3. Where does the chemical digestion begin?
4. Why are enzymes important during the digestion process?
5. What is chyme?
6. What is the composition of gastric juice?

7. What is the function of the mouth in this process?

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