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SOP for discharging/charging

1. Switch on the Computer and start the windows.

2. Switch on Versastat 4 (power button is on back side).

3. Open Versastudio.

4. Connect Battery to Versastat 4 (For two terminal battery, connect

green clip of Versastat 4 to positive terminal of battery and red clip to the
negative terminal).

5. Open a new experiment with desired mode of charging / discharging

(Loop can be made with advanced option).

6. Experiment can be edited with insert, remove, up and down options

available on the screen.

7. All the modes of charging and discharging are explained in Versastudio


8. Save the data just after finishing the experiment by copying them to
Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word/Paint (Beginning of new experiment in
the same file without saving the data of previous experiment may delete
the previous data).

Note: For no interruption during the experiment, please ensure a constant

power supply through UPS. Sudden power loss during the experiment may
crash the software. Reinstallation of software (Versastudio) as well as
drivers is required in such a case.

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