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Telnet Command for 74EOC

1.This document is a temporary test version for your reference, the final one will be provided before
the shipment of the goods.
2.You need to input the actual value for the italic part..
Password: public
3.. Software version required V 2.6.2 or above.

1. System Part
1) Query basic information of the system
Command Formatesys get basicinfo
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get basicinfo

2) Query system MAC address

Command Formatesys get mac
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get mac

3) Query system IP address

Command Formatesys get ip
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get ip

4) Query system sub net mask

Command Formatesys get subnetmask
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get subnetmask

5) Query system default gate way

Command Formatesys get defaultgw
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get defaultgw

6) Query system hardware version

Command Formatesys get hwversion

Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get hwversion
7) Query system software version
Command Formatesys get swversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get swversion

8) Query system bootloader version

Command Formatesys get bootloaderver
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get bootloaderver

9) Query system kernel version

Command Formatesys get kernel
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get kernel

10) Query manufacturer information

Command Formatesys get manufacturer
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get manufacturer

productss serial number

11) Query product
Command Formatesys get serialnum
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get serialnum

12) Query system TFTP server address

Command Formatesys get tftpsrv
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get tftpsrv

13) Query system online time

Command Formatesys get onlinetime
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get onlinetime

14) Query system release time

Command Formatesys get releasetime
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get releasetime

15) Query SNMP configuration information

Command Formatesys get snmp
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get snmp
16) Query system broadcast storm control information
Command Formatesys get stormctrl all/port
Parameter Declaration(port: cable1/calble2/eht3/eth4/eth5)
ExampleQuery all portsesys get stormctrl all
Query eth3esys get stormctrl eth3

17) Set system network configurations

Command Formatesys set netcfg ip mask gateway
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set netcfg

18) Set system IP address

Command Formatesys set ip value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set ip

19) Set system sub net mask

Command Formatesys set subnetmask value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set subnetmask

20) Set system default gate way

Command Formatesys set defaultgw value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set defaultgw

21) Set manufacturer information

Command Formatesys set manufacturer value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set manufacturer

22) Set product serial number

Command Formatesys et serialnum value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get serialnum HKTFM-010025

23) Set TFTP server address

Command Formatesys set tftpsrv value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set tftpsrv

24) Set system broadcast storm control percentage

Command Formatesys set stormctrl percentage value
Parameter Declarationvalue (0..100:enable, 255:disable)
ExampleControl function on at 50%esys set stormctrl percentage 50
Control function offesys set stormctrl percentage 255
25) Set parameters for system broadcast storm control port
Command Formatesys set stormctrl port broadcastenable othercastenable
Parameter Declarationport: cable1/calble2/eht3/eth4/eth5)
ExampleStart control portesys set stormctrl cable2 1 1

26) Set SNMP function

Command Formatesys set snmp enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
ExampleStartesys set snmp enable

27) Set name and other parameters for SNMP

Command Formatesys set snmp name/location/contanct value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set snmp name HKTeoc
esys set snmp location OMC

28) Set SNMP comminute name/value

Command Formatesys set snmp rw-community/ro-community value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set snmp ro-community public
esys set snmp rw-community private

29) Set SNMP trap server address

Command Formatesys set snmp trapsrv value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set snmp trapsrv

30) VLAN Query management VLAN

Command Formatesys get management_vlan
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys get management_vlan

31) VLAN Set management VLAN

Command Formatesys set management_vlan enable/disable vid
Parameter Declaration
Exampleesys set management_vlan disable
esys set management_vlan enable 99

2. Master part
1) Query all the devices
devices connection under the same master, include master and slave,

and slaves
slaves information, like user name.
Command Formatemst get topu all
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get topu all

2) Query all the devices

devices connection under the same master, only list the mac address

and ID number.
Command Formatemst get topu mac
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get topu mac

3) Query all master modules

modules basic information
Command Formatemst get basicinfo all
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get basicinfo all

4) moduless basic information

Query designated master module
Command Formatemst get basicinfo mid
Parameter Declarationmidmasterid1# masterid12# masterid2
Exampleemst get basicinfo 1

5) moduless mac address

Query master module
Command Formatemst get mid mac
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 mac

6) Query master module type

Command Formatemst get mid type
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 2 type

7) moduless software version

Query master module
Command Formatemst get mid fwversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 fwversion

8) Query master module's hardware version

Command Formatemst get mid hwversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 hwversion

9) Query master module's manufacturer information

Command Formatemst get mid manufacturer
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 manufacturer

10) Query master module's PIB file version information

Command Formatemst get mid pibversion

Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 pibversion

11) Query master module' snmk key

Command Formatemst get mid nmk

Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 nmk

12) Query master module's SNID

Command Formatemst get mid snid
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get 1 snid

13) Query all the isolated slaves

Command Formatemst get accctrl
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get accctrl

14) Set master module's SNID

Command Formatemst set mid snid value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst set 1 snid 1

15) Isolated the designated slave

Command Formatemst add accctrl mac
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst add accctrl 01:02:03:04:05:06

slavess isolation status

16) Cancel the slave
Command Formatemst del accctrl mac
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst del accctrl 01:02:03:04:05:06

17) Cancel all the slaves

slaves isolation status
Command Formatemst del accctrl all
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst del accctrl all

18) Upgrade master module

Command Formatemst upgrade mid
Parameter DeclarationStart TFTP server before updatedand put the file to be updated into
TFTP softwares specified folder, the software file to be upgraded must be named as master_74.nvm
and master_74.pib
Exampleemst upgrade 1

19) Reset factory settings for master module

Command Formatemst restore mid
Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst restore 1

20) Query dynamic VLAN configurations

Command Formatemst get dynvlan

Parameter Declaration
Exampleemst get dynvlan

21) Set dynamic VLAN configurations

Command Formatemst set dynvlan enable/disable/scope mid port started endid
Parameter Declaration
emst set dynvlan scope 1 0 1 1024
emst set dynvlan scope 1 1 1 1024
emst set dynvlan scope 1 2 1 1024
emst set dynvlan scope 1 3 1 1024
emst set dynvlan enable
Firstly, Set all ports VID scope, and then execute emst set dynvlan enable.

22) Set Master output level

Command Formatemst set <master id> powerlevel <level>
Parameter Declaration<master id>:Set the modules id as 1,2;
<level>: Set the range of master output level as75,104
Set the output level of EOC Module 1to 90dBuV
emst set 1 powerlevel 90

23) Query master output level

Command Formatemst get <master id> powerlevel
Parameter Declaration<master id>Set the modules id as 1,2;
Query the output level of EOC Module 1
emst get 1 powerlevel

24) Restart Master

Command Formatemst reset <master id>
Parameter Declaration<master id>:Set the modules id as 1,2;
Restart Module 1
emst reset 1

3. Slave Part
1) Query all slaves
slaves basic information
Command Formateslv get basicinfo all
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get basicinfo all

2) Query the designated slave

slavess basic information
Command Formateslv get basicinfo sid
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get basicinfo 101

3) slavess mac
Query the designated slave
Command Formateslv get sid mac
Parameter Declarationsid is slaves id #. E.g., Sid=101 stands for the #1 slave #1 master, sid=215
stands for #15 slave under #2 master.
Exampleeslv get 132 mac

4) Query slave type

Command Formateslv get sid type
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 202 type

5) slavess software version

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid fwversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 120 fwversion

6) slavess hardware version

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid hwversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 hwversion

1) slavess manufacturer information

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid manufacturer
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 manufacturer

2) slavees pib version

Query slav
Command Formateslv get sid pibversion
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 pibversion

3) slavess Nmk key

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid nmk
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 nmk

4) slavess current status

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid status
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 status

5) slavess user name

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid username
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 username

6) slavess user address

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid useraddr
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 useraddr

7) Query slave
slavess user phone number
Command Formateslv get sid userphone
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 userphone

8) slavess IP address
Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid devip
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 devip

9) slavess link speed limit information

Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid speedlimit
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 speedlimit

slavess other link information

10) Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid linkinfo
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 linkinfo
Note: Only if there is data throughput, then you can query the statistics

slavess port broadcast storm control information

11) Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid stormctrl
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 stormctrl

slavess vlan information

12) Query slave
Command Formateslv get sid vlan
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get 101 vlan

13) Query slav

slav user template information
Command Formateslv get usertemplet
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv get usertemplet
slavess port speed limit
14) Set slave
Command Formateslv set sid speedlimit port upspeed downspeed
Parameter DeclarationValue's unit is kbps, value range is 0,64,128...16384,is the
multiple of 64. 0 means close the speed limit.
Exampleeslv set 101 speedlimit 0 512 512

15) slavess broadcast storm control enable

Set slave
Command Formateslv set sid stormctrl broadcast_enable multicast_enable
unkownDA_enable pps
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv set 101 stormctrl 1 1 1 640

16) slavess port capability set

Set slave
Command Formateslv set sid portability port auto_negotiation speed duplex
Parameter Declaration
auto_negotiation: enable, disable
duplex: full ,half
Exampleeslv set 101 portability 0 enable 100 full

17) slavess vlan function status

Set slave
Command Formateslv set sid vlan enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv set 101 vlan enable

18) Set slave

slave PVID
Command Formateslv set sid vlan port vid
Parameter Declarationvid=0, cancel the VLAN setting of port
Examplebefore modify the PVID of Slave need operate "vlan enble" command
open VLAN function.
eslv set 101 vlan enable
eslv set 101 vlan 0 1024
eslv set 101 vlan 1 1024
eslv set 101 vlan 2 1024
eslv set 101 vlan 3 1024

19) slavess user template

Set slave
Command Formateslv set usertemplet name/addr/phone/devip value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv set usertemplet name/addr/phone/devip value

20) Open account for user

Command Formateslv adduser mid mac name addr phone [devip]
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv adduser 1 01:02:03:04:05:06 ** road
21) userss information
Modify user
Command Formateslv moduser sid name/addr/phone/devip value
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv moduser 101 name **

userss account
22) Close the user
Command Formateslv deluser sid
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeslv deluser 101

23) Upgrade slave

Command Formateslv upgrade sid
Parameter Declaration
Before upgrade, you need to switch on TFTP server, and put the target upgrade file into the designated
directory of the TFTP software. And the file of the software should be named as slave_74.nvm and
slave_74.pib(7411 slave), or slave_64.nvm and slave_64.pib(6400 slave).
Exampleeslv upgrade 101

24) Restart Slave

Command Formateslv reset <slave id>
Parameter Declaration<slave id>slave idcommand emst get topu all to get slave
Examplerestart the slave id 101
eslv reset 101

4. Eqos
1) master/slavess all qos information
Query master/slave
Command Formateqos get mid /sid all
Parameter Declaration
mid is masters id number. #1 masters id is 1, #2 masters id is 2. Sid is for slave devices id number. eg.
Sid=101 means the #1 slave under #1 master, sid=215 means the #15 slave under #2 master, etc.
ExampleQuery mastereqos get 1 all
Query slaveeqos get 101 all

2) Query master/slave's qos information default Priority

Command Formateqos get mid /sid capdefault
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 capdefault

3) Query master/slave's qos information cos(vlan) Priority.

Command Formateqos get mid /sid cospri
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 cospri
4) Query master/slave's qos information tos Priority.
Command Formateqos get mid /sid tospri
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 tospri

5) Query master/slave's qos information dscp Priority

Command Formateqos get mid /sid dscppri
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 dscppri

6) Query master/slave's qos information TTL

Command Formateqos get mid /sid prittl
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 prittl

7) Query master/slave's qos information cap buffer

Command Formateqos get mid /sid capbuf
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos get 1 capbuf

8) Set master/slave's qos information default Priority.

Command Formateqos set mid /sid capdefault igmpcast/unicast/avstream/multicast
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 capdefault igmpcast cap0
eqos set 1 capdefault unicast cap2

9) Set master/slave's qos information cos Priority enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid cospri enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 cospri enable

10) Set master/slave's qos information cos Priority.

Command Formateqos set mid /sid cospri 0..7 cap0/cap1/cap2/cap3
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 cospri 0 cap1
eqos set 1 cospri 5 cap2

11) Set master/slave's qos information tos Priority enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid tospri enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 tospri disable

12) Set master/slave's qos information cos Priority enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid tospri 0..7 cap0/cap1/cap2/cap3
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 tospri 2 cap1
eqos set 1 tospri 7 cap2

13) Set master/slave's qos information cos Priority enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid dscppri enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 dscppri disable

14) Set master/slave's qos information cos Priority enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid dscppri
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 dscppri 2 cap1
eqos set 1 dscppri 7 cap2

15) Set master/slave's qos information each Priority's ttl

Command Formateqos set mid /sid prittl cap0/cap1/cap2/cap3 10..65000
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 prittl cap0 3000

16) Set master/slave's qos information Buffer queue enable/disable

Command Formateqos set mid /sid capbuf enable/disable
Parameter Declaration
Exampleeqos set 1 capbuf enable

17) Set master/slave's qos information Buffer queue percentage

Command Formateqos set mid /sid capbuf percent1 percent2 percent3 percent4
Parameter Declarationpercent1 percent2 percent3 percent4100.
Exampleeqos set 1 capbuf 10 20 40 30

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