Website Evaluations 3

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Website Evaluations

The website Folger Shakespeare Library, at explores a plethora

of information regarding the biography and works of William Shakespeare. It is the website

published and created by the Folger Shakespeare Library, which holds a massive collection of

works and artifacts. In the dimensions of design and content, this website receives a five; it

scores a four in the area of authority. A website with a five in design must have exceptional

organization, no errors, and a quick, complete load timeall of which this one has. The website

is very well structured, along with providing an accurate and fast interface. For a website to

receive a five in content, its, data quality is unquestioned, and quantity provides excellent

coverage. This website provides a bevy of relevant and thorough information that is

corroborated by their institution and historical evidence. Lastly, a site with a four in authority

must include, author name, contact information, [and] full credentials. This website meets

those criteria: the author is the organization itself, and they list all pertinent details about

themselves on the site. It did not earn a five in that category solely because it is not evident that

the site is linked to by others. This website is a useful and reliable source for information

regarding the life and works of William Shakespeare.

The website Modern Library, at provides a great deal

of information regarding literature, its publication, its ranking, and its instructional tools. This

website is curated by Random House which publishes Modern Library texts, each of which are

prominent publishing companies. This website receives a four in authority, a five in content, and

a five in design. A four in authority requires the website to include, author name, contact

information, [and] full credentials, which this site does; the only reason it did not receive a five

is because it is not evident that the, site is linked to by others. This website is run by a very
reputable source and provides the proper evidence to support that assertion. This site earns a five

in content because its, date quality is unquestioned, and quantity provides excellent coverage.

This website offers a variety of sources to explore the best of literature along with many options

of going about that task. This site also has a five in design because of its, excellent organization;

[being] free and clear of errors; [and] load[ing] quickly and completely. This website has and

does each of these components and provides a simple-to-use and precise structure that processes

quickly. Overall, this website offers pertinent and reliable information along with an efficient

arrangement of its elements.

The Poetry Foundation website at offers an

abundance of content concerning poetry and its writers. This site is run by the Poetry Foundation

itself. In the dimensions of content, relevance, and bias, this website receives a five for each. A

five in content indicates that the data quality is unquestioned, and quantity provides excellent

coverage, and this websites content fulfills both of those requirements. The source has multiple

poems from a range of poets along with additional featuressuch as audio or biographyfor

certain pieces and poets. A five in relevance suggests that the, site exceeds all instructional

objectives. This website has information and content that surpasses the basics of poetry, and it

provides resourcesthat move even further beyond the expectations of a poetry websiteto

meet a variety of needs and interests. To score a five in the dimension of bias, the website,

presents multiple viewpoints with no bias. This site does just that by offering poems from an

impressive range of genres, eras, and poets. It presents unbiased biographical information and

original versions of the texts. On the whole, this website is an unbiased, rich source for poetry

and material regarding its authors.

The website The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, at is a simple site that provides online sources for all of Shakespeares

works. It is run my MITs The Tech which is its oldest and largest newspaper. This website

receives a five in the area of design, a five in the dimension of relevance, and a five in the

category of content. A five in design, [has] excellent organization; [is] free and clear of errors;

[and] loads quickly and completely. This websites design accomplishes all of these things.

Although the websites design is rather basic, it offers quick access to the material it offers with

an easy-to-use menu of options. A five in relevance indicates that the, site exceeds all

instructional objectives, which this one does by allowing the user to utilize the full range of

Shakespeares works (without purchase) and fulfilling its aim to provide that service. Lastly, a

five in content has, data quality [that] is unquestioned, and quantity [that] provides excellent

coverage, and this site meets both of those criteria. The texts provided are whole, and the

coverage is excellent because it offers every one of Shakespeares texts. Overall, this website is a

simple and effective source for the complete works of Shakespeare.

The website for, The New York Public Library, at is the online

resource for the New York Public Library itself, and it offers a wealth of information regarding

the librarys programs, its materials, and literature in general. This website receives a five in the

dimension of design, a four in the area of handicapped access, and a five in the category of

content. A website scoring a five in design, [has] excellent organization; [is] clear and free of

errors; [and] loads quickly and completely. This website has all of these qualities; it is

extremely easy to use, and its layout is logically organized, facilitating the users experience

when exploring its content. A four in the dimension of handicapped access is a website that,

offers clear options for handicapped. Because this website is affiliated with the New York

Public Library, it provides many options for those with a variety of different disabilities both
online and at their physical location: they offer eBooks with audio and braille options online, and

they also have a variety of programs at the library for people with handicaps, as well. A site

receiving a five in the dimension of content, [has] data quality [that is] unquestioned, and

quantity [that] provides excellent coverage. This website meets both of these criteria with a

surplus of resources, materials, and information coming from a reliable and respected entity. On

the whole, this website provides an impressive amount of pertinent material.

The website Encyclopdia Britannica at is a source

regarding a massive assortment of subjects including history, art, science, society, and English

(plus a great deal of others as well). This site receives a five in the dimension of dates, a four in

the area of authority, and a five in the category of relevance. To score a five in dates the, site

contains creation, update, and data collection dates for all key information, and this website

fulfills each of these requirements. They provide dates for all of their postings along with the

latest copyright date for the entire website. To receive a four in authority, the site must include,

author name, contact information, [and] full credentials, which this one does. This website

gives the user the option to click on the authors name to learn more about him or her, and the

only reason it did not receive a five is because it is not evident that the website is linked to by

others. Lastly, to get a five in the category of relevance the, site exceeds all instructional

objectives; because this website offers such a varied and rich body of information, it provides

the materials to cover an array of objectives. This website is an excellent source for accurate,

timely, and relevant content applicable to a multitude of subjects.

The Barnes and Noble, website at is the site for the

bookseller, but it also has a section dedicated to the experiential component of literature called,

B&N Reads. This website receives a five in the dimensions of design, content, and dates. For a
site to receive a five in design it, [has] excellent organization; [is] clear and free of errors; [and]

loads quickly and completely. His website meets all of these criteria; it is extremely easy to use,

has outstanding structure and speed, and is clearly monitored for errors. A website with a five in

content has, data quality [that] is unquestioned, and [its] quantity provides excellent coverage.

Again, this site has these qualities, providing the information indicated in the title of the article

along with suggesting articles that relate to the topic chosen initially. The information offered is

accurate and whole. To receive a five in dates the, site contains creation, update, and data

collection dates for all key information. This website fulfills these requirements with dates

clearly present at the beginning of the content and with copyright dates for the entire site. This

source provides intriguing insights into the world of literature and presents them in a full and

felicitous manner.

The Florida State University websource for The Canterbury Tales entitled Geoffrey

Chaucer The Canterbury Tales, is available at This website

provides online access to the entirety of The Canterbury Tales (translated into modern English

from Middle English), and it is provided by the English department at Florida State University.

This website scores a five in the area of relevance and a four in the dimensions of citations and

bias. To receive a five in relevance the, site exceeds all instructional objectives. This site does

just that by providing ample material regarding The Canterbury Tales (as it asserts is the

intention) along with providing a full description of the sources of the text. To earn a four in

citations, all sources are properly cited with site bibliography; this website meets this goal by

providing the publication information of the books from which the texts are taken along with

noting where the publications change and who gives permission to display the texts. The

bibliographical information is distributed throughout the title page, and the only reason the site
did not receive a five is because there are no links provided (the original sources are physical

texts). To get a four in the bias category the, site contains no attempt to sell or persuade. This

site meets this criterion with no advertisements and no suggestions of the need to purchase.

Overall, this website allows the user to utilize the full, translated text of The Canterbury Tales

without distractions or citation inaccuracy.

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