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Hip Displacement in
Cerebral Palsy
Investigation performed at the Royal Childrens Hospital, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute,
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

Background: Hip displacement is considered to be common in children with cerebral palsy but the reported inci-
dence and the proposed risk factors vary widely. Knowledge regarding its overall incidence and associated risk fac-
tors can facilitate treatment of these children.
Methods: An inception cohort was generated from the Victorian Cerebral Palsy Register for the birth years 1990
through 1992, inclusive, and multiple data sources pertaining to the cohort were reviewed during 2004. Gross motor
function was assessed for each child and was graded according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System
(GMFCS), which is a valid, reliable, five-level ordinal grading system. Hip displacement, defined as a migration per-
centage of >30%, was measured on an anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis with use of a reliable technique.
Results: A full data set was obtained for 323 (86%) of 374 children in the Register for the birth years 1990 through
1992. The mean duration of follow-up was eleven years and eight months. The incidence of hip displacement for the
entire birth cohort was 35%, and it showed a linear relationship with the level of gross motor function. The incidence
of hip displacement was 0% for children with GMFCS level I and 90% for those with GMFCS level V. Compared with
children with GMFCS level II, those with levels III, IV, and V had significantly higher relative risks of hip displacement
(2.7, 4.6, and 5.9, respectively).
Conclusions: Hip displacement is common in children with cerebral palsy, with an overall incidence of 35% found in
this study. The risk of hip displacement is directly related to gross motor function as graded with the Gross Motor
Function Classification System. This information may be important when assessing the risk of hip displacement for
an individual child who has cerebral palsy, for counseling parents, and in the design of screening programs and re-
source allocation.
Level of Evidence: Prognostic Level II. See Instructions to Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

erebral palsy, which has an incidence of approximately ficulties with sitting, standing, walking, dressing, and perineal
two per 1000 live births, is the most common cause hygiene. Unilateral hip dislocation is sometimes associated
of physical disability affecting children in developed with the development of pelvic obliquity and scoliosis10. The
countries1. Although cerebral palsy is by definition a static en- reported incidence of hip displacement in children with cere-
cephalopathy, the associated musculoskeletal pathology is usu- bral palsy has ranged from 1% to 75% and has been correlated
ally progressive1-4. Hip displacement is thought to be common with the severity of involvement and the ambulatory status11-13.
in children with cerebral palsy and may progress from silent Children with mild involvement and who walk independently
subluxation to painful dislocation when left untreated2-5. Hip are considered to have a low incidence of hip displacement,
displacement in children with cerebral palsy is usually attrib- whereas those with more severe involvement and who are un-
uted to spasticity and contracture of the hip adductors and able to walk have the greatest risk of hip displacement12. The
flexors as well as the medial hamstrings. This may result in variation in reported incidences reflects the selection bias
muscle imbalance as well as osseous deformity, including in- within previous studies, variable durations of follow-up, and
creased femoral anteversion and acetabular dysplasia, which different definitions of hip displacement.
further increases the risk of hip instability6-8. In younger chil- Many authors have reported that early surgical interven-
dren with cerebral palsy, hip displacement is usually asymp- tion in patients with spastic hip disease leads to better long-
tomatic, but the incidence of pain increases with the duration term outcomes and decreases the risk of treatment failures14.
of follow-up9. Pain and fixed deformity may contribute to dif- Some centers have established surveillance programs to iden-
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tify the hip-at-risk in patients with cerebral palsy, so that Materials and Methods
treatment may be implemented prior to the onset of symp- sing the Cerebral Palsy Register for the State of Victoria,
tomatic dislocation15,16. Effective programs must be based on
an understanding of the incidence and natural history of hip
U Australia, we identified a population-based sample of 374
children, born between January 1990 and December 1992, who
displacement in cerebral palsy as it relates to disease severity. had a confirmed diagnosis of cerebral palsy; multiple data
Familiarity with incidence rates may also help clinicians to be sources pertaining to the cohort were reviewed during 2004.
more aware of the relative risk of hip disease when caring for a These three birth years were chosen to provide a large popula-
child with cerebral palsy. tion-based sample of children with cerebral palsy of sufficient
The hypothesis central to this study was that the inci- maturity to allow an accurate determination of the incidence of
dence of hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy is di- hip displacement and gross motor function, according to the
rectly related to the level of gross motor function. Incidence is GMFCS. Detailed information about the Victorian Cerebral
defined as the proportion of new cases with a specific condi- Palsy Register and the composition of this cohort has been pub-
tion in the population at risk during a specified time period17. lished elsewhere25. The Register contains prospectively gathered
Thus, to determine the precise incidence of hip displacement, demographic and clinical information about children, born in a
the population at risk must first be identified. We used the Ce- specific area, who had a confirmed diagnosis of cerebral palsy
rebral Palsy Register for the State of Victoria, Australia, to according to accepted definitions1,20. Details concerning children
identify a large, population-based sample of children with ce- with a suspected diagnosis of cerebral palsy are forwarded to
rebral palsy. the Director of the Child Development and Rehabilitation
Cerebral palsy may be classified according to motor type, Program, who is also the Director of the Victorian Cerebral
topographical distribution, and functional severity. The motor Palsy Register. The information is reviewed, and additional ex-
types can be described as spastic, dystonic, mixed, ataxic, or hy- aminations or investigations can be requested. The evidence is
potonic, and the definitions of each type have recently been weighed, and the child may be registered as having cerebral
updated1,18-20. The most common topographical distributions palsy. Registration is based on a clinical diagnosis of a cerebral
are spastic hemiplegia, spastic diplegia, and spastic quadri- palsy syndrome. The results of brain imaging, either magnetic
plegia1,21. Spastic hemiplegia is characterized by unilateral in- resonance imaging or computed tomography, are available for
volvement, and spastic diplegia and spastic quadriplegia are the majority of patients but are not mandatory for registration
characterized by bilateral involvement. However, neither the de- purposes. However, if imaging or another investigation reveals
scriptors nor the definitions of the terms for motor type and to- an alternative diagnosis, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is re-
pographical distribution have been agreed upon. Furthermore, viewed and the child may be removed from the Register. The
it is known that classifications based on motor type and topo- Register is frequently reviewed and updated in light of informa-
graphical distribution may not be reliable1,22. tion from multiple sources.
The most useful development in the classification of The Register also includes classification of the cerebral
cerebral palsy in recent years has been the creation of the palsy according to motor type; topographical distribution;
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)23. The and, more recently, gross motor function according to the
GMFCS is a five-level ordinal grading system based on the Gross Motor Function Classification System23,25. The Register
assessment of self-initiated movement with emphasis on is maintained in accordance with state and institutional regu-
function with regard to sitting and walking (Fig. 1). Distinc- lations with respect to privacy legislation and ethical consider-
tions between levels are based on functional limitations, the ations. Our institutional review board approved this study.
need for walking aids or wheeled mobility equipment, and The inclusion criteria for the study were (1) a birth date
quality of movement according to age. Children, six to between January 1990 and December 1992, inclusive; (2) reg-
twelve years of age, who have GMFCS level-I function have a istration of the child in the Victorian Cerebral Palsy Register
nearly normal level of gross motor function. Children with prior to the commencement of this study; (3) confirmation of
level-II function walk independently but have limitations in a diagnosis of cerebral palsy by at least two independent physi-
activities such as running or jumping. Those with level-III ciansi.e., the physician who referred the child for registra-
function require assistive devices to walk and use a wheel- tion and a senior clinician from another hospital department,
chair for longer distances. Those with level-IV function have including Pediatric Medicine, Pediatric Neurology, or Clinical
the ability to stand for transfers, have minimal walking abil- Genetics; (4) adequate clinical records to allow determination
ity, and depend mainly on a wheelchair for mobility. Chil- of the functional level according to the Gross Motor Function
dren with level-V function lack head control; cannot sit Classification System for children between the ages of six and
independently, stand, or walk; and are dependent for all as- twelve years; (5) survival to the age of six years; and (6) at least
pects of care. Unlike the classifications of motor type and to- one good-quality anteroposterior pelvic radiograph made be-
pographical distribution, the GMFCS has been confirmed in tween the age of six years and the time of final follow-up. The
a number of studies to be a valid, reliable, stable, and clini- exclusion criteria were (1) an absence of one or more inclu-
cally relevant method for the classification and prediction of sion criteria and (2) loss to follow-up because of an inability
motor function of children with cerebral palsy between the to contact the family.
ages of two and twelve years24. Children who are registered as having cerebral palsy are
VO L U M E 88-A N U M B E R 1 J A N U A R Y 2006

routinely assessed in a Hip Surveillance Clinic dedicated to the of hip displacement is offered. This follow-up ranges from a
early diagnosis and management of hip displacement in chil- single pelvic radiograph after the age of six years for children
dren with cerebral palsy. A standardized clinical and radio- with spastic hemiplegia to a radiograph made every six to
graphic evaluation of hip development is undertaken in this twelve months for all children with hypertonia who are unable
clinic, and systematic follow-up according to the perceived risk to walk. When hip displacement is detected, appropriate inter-

Fig. 1
The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) for children with cerebral palsy between the ages of
six and twelve years, which was developed by Palisano et al.23. (Reprinted, with permission, from: Graham HK.
Classifying cerebral palsy. J Pediatr Orthop. 2005;25:128.)
VO L U M E 88-A N U M B E R 1 J A N U A R Y 2006

Fig. 2
Gross motor function of children with unilateral cerebral palsy (spastic hemiplegia). The majority
of these children function at Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level I or II.

vention is offered according to clinical indications and the fam- ment was recorded when one or both hips had a migration
ilys wishes15,16. percentage of >30%. Hip dislocation (a migration percentage
Each childs level of gross motor function was classified of >100%) and all surgical procedures on the hips were re-
according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System, corded as well. Operations for hip displacement were classi-
with use of the descriptors for children between six and twelve fied as preventative (adductor or psoas release), reconstructive
years of age23. The five GMFCS levels for children in this age (femoral or pelvic osteotomy), and salvage (excision arthro-
range are illustrated in Figure 1, and a more complete descrip- plasty, interposition arthroplasty, replacement arthroplasty, or
tion of the GMFCS system can be found elsewhere23,26. The valgus proximal femoral osteotomy)31.
GMFCS is simple and easy to learn, and it does not require The children were stratified by motor type, topographi-
special training or equipment. It takes an experienced ob- cal distribution, and GMFCS level, and the incidence of hip
server about five minutes to assign a GMFCS level. Multiple displacement within those groups was determined. The risk of
records were checked for agreement concerning the level, and hip displacement was calculated as the relative risk, or risk ra-
discrepancies were resolved by discussion with the childs tio, for each motor type and topographical distribution as
physiotherapist and developmental pediatrician. Children compared with spastic diplegia and for each GMFCS level as
without an assigned GMFCS level were classified by at least compared with level II. The confidence intervals were deter-
two of the authors of this study after discussion with the mined for all of the risk ratios.
childs community and hospital-based physiotherapist.
The primary outcome measure in this study was the Results
presence of hip displacement, defined as a migration percent- here were 374 children in the Victorian Cerebral Palsy
age of >30% in one or both hips. The migration percentage is
measured by drawing a Hilgenreiner line and Perkins line on
TRegister with a birth date between January 1990 and De-
cember 1992. Nine patients, with no recorded evidence of hip
an anteroposterior radiograph of the hips27. The amount of displacement, died before the age of six years and were ex-
ossified femoral head that lies lateral to the Perkins line is cluded from the study. An additional twenty-six patients were
measured, divided by the width of the femoral head, and mul- excluded because of inadequate clinical or radiographic
tiplied by 100, to be expressed as a percentage28,29. The migra- records, and sixteen more were lost to follow-up. Complete
tion percentage is a linear measure of hip displacement and is records were thus available for 323 children (86% of the origi-
the most valid, reliable, and useful measure of hip displace- nal birth cohort). The incidence of cerebral palsy during the
ment in children with cerebral palsy27-32. The migration per- study period was 1.98 per 1000 live births, which is similar to
centage was measured on all available hip radiographs with the incidence determined from other large cerebral palsy reg-
use of previously described methodology, which has been isters and confirms a high ascertainment rate.
shown to be reliable28. Reliability can be improved to accept- A total of 279 children, 86% of the cohort, had a spastic
able levels by special training of the observers28,29. We could not motor type, with approximately one-third each having spastic
study the natural history of hip displacement in our population hemiplegia, spastic diplegia, and spastic quadriplegia. Five chil-
because of a high intervention rate. However, our management dren had dystonia, twenty-one had a mixed pattern (spastic and
policy is to not intervene until the migration percentage exceeds dystonic), nine had ataxia, and nine had hypotonia. Thirty-five
30%. Such hips are unequivocally abnormal, although not all percent of the children had level-I gross motor function accord-
require or receive intervention27,30,32,33. ing to the GMFCS. The percentages of patients with levels II, III,
The majority of children with severe cerebral palsy had IV, and V function were 16.4%, 14.2%, 16.1%, and 18%, re-
multiple radiographs made during childhood. Hip displace- spectively. The majority of children with spastic hemiplegia had
VO L U M E 88-A N U M B E R 1 J A N U A R Y 2006

Fig. 3
The gross motor function of children with bilateral cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia or spastic
quadriplegia) is distributed across all Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) lev-
els (I through V). The majority of children with spastic diplegia (white part of bar) function at GM-
FCS level I, II, or III, and the majority of children with spastic quadriplegia (black part of bar)
function at GMFCS level III, IV, or V. However, there is a continuum of involvement, and the sepa-
ration of children into the diplegic and quadriplegic groups is somewhat arbitrary, in terms of
gross motor function.

GMFCS level-I or II function (Fig. 2), whereas those with bilat- spastic hemiplegia, 2.3 1.4 (range, one to seven) for children
eral cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia and spastic quadriplegia) with spastic diplegia, and 6.8 2.8 (range, two to twenty-
were distributed across all GMFCS levels (Fig. 3). four) for children with spastic quadriplegia.
The mean duration of follow-up (and standard devia- One hundred and fourteen (35.3%) of the children had
tion) was 11.7 0.17 years (range, six years and six months to hip displacement, defined as a migration percentage of >30%.
fourteen years). The mean number of radiographs available Twenty-one of the children with hip displacement (6.5% of
for review was 1.8 0.4 (range, one to five) for children with the cohort) had dislocation of one or both hips, defined as a

Fig. 4
Incidence of hip displacement (a migration percentage of >30%) according to the Gross Mo-
tor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level.
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TABLE I Relative Risk of Hip Displacement* at Each GMFCS Level as Compared with Level II

GMFCS Level Relative Risk P Value 95% Confidence Interval

I 0
II 1
III 2.7 0.01 1.3 to 5.7
IV 4.6 <0.001 2.4 to 8.9
V 5.9 <0.001 3.1 to 11.3

*Hip displacement was defined as a migration percentage of >30%.

migration percentage of >100% at some point. One hundred showed significantly different, and increasingly higher, risk ra-
of the 114 children with hip displacement had one or more tios for hip displacement (2.7, 4.6, and 5.9, respectively). Dis-
operations to correct or prevent further displacement. Forty- location was found in six (12%) of fifty-two children with
two children had preventative surgery, sixty-six had a combi- level-IV function and fifteen (26%) of fifty-eight children with
nation of preventative and reconstructive surgery, and three level-V function.
children had salvage surgery, for one or both hips31. (Some The majority of children with hip displacement had a
children required combinations of surgery [for example, re- spastic motor type of cerebral palsy. Not only is this consid-
constructive surgery following failed preventative surgery or ered to be the highest risk category, but it was by far the largest
salvage surgery after failed reconstructive surgery].) subgroup, representing 86% of the cohort. Two of the five pa-
The lowest incidence of hip displacement was found in tients classified as having dystonic cerebral palsy and seven of
the children with GMFCS level-I function and the highest in- the twenty-one classified as having a mixed motor type had
cidence, in those with level-V. None of the 114 children with hip displacement. Thus, the incidence of hip displacement was
level-I function had hip displacement or hip surgery. In com- similar for all hypertonic motor types (spastic, dystonic, and
parison, 90% of the children with level-V function had hip mixed). The only motor type with a 0% incidence of hip dis-
displacement. The relationship between the GMFCS level and placement was the ataxic group. Four of the nine children in
hip displacement was essentially linear, with the incidence of the hypotonic group had hip displacement, which was associ-
hip disease increasing in direct proportion to functional sever- ated with coxa valga and acetabular dysplasia rather than ad-
ity, as demonstrated in Figure 4. This relationship was also ductor spasticity and contracture. The timing and type of hip
shown by calculations of the relative risks of hip displacement displacement appeared to vary with the type of cerebral palsy,
associated with the functional levels (Table I). Relative risk is but the small numbers in some groups precluded a statistical
determined by a ratio of proportions. Since the incidence of analysis.
hip displacement in the children with level-I function was The incidences and relative risks for hip displacement
zero, level II was chosen as the denominator in these calcula- according to motor type and topography are shown in Tables
tions. When compared with level II, levels III, IV, and V II and III.

TABLE II Incidence of Hip Displacement* According to Motor Type and Topographical Distribution

Hip Instability
Motor Type/Topographical Pattern Present Not Present Total
Spastic hemiplegia 1 (1.0%) 97 (99.0%) 98
Spastic diplegia 15 (19.2%) 63 (80.8%) 78
Spastic quadriplegia 85 (82.5%) 18 (17.5%) 103
Dystonic 2 (40.0%) 3 (60.0%) 5
Mixed 7 (33.3%) 14 (66.7%) 21
Ataxic 0 (0.0%) 9 (100.0%) 9
Hypotonic 4 (44.4%) 5 (55.6%) 9
Total 114 (35.3%) 209 (64.7%) 323

*Hip displacement was defined as a migration percentage of >30%. The values are given as the number of children with the percentage in
VO L U M E 88-A N U M B E R 1 J A N U A R Y 2006

TABLE III Relative Risk of Hip Displacement* for each Motor Type and Topographical Distribution as Compared with Spastic

Motor Type/Topography Relative Risk P Value 95% Confidence Interval

Spastic hemiplegia 0.11 0.002 0.03 to 0.45

Spastic diplegia 1
Spastic quadriplegia 4.3 <0.001 2.7 to 6.8

Dystonic 2.1 0.22 0.6 to 6.7

Mixed 1.7 0.15 0.8 to 3.7

Ataxic 0

Hypotonic 2.3 0.06 1.0 to 5.5

*Hip displacement was defined as a migration percentage of >30%.

Discussion verity of involvement and the ambulatory status, a claim sup-

quinus and hip displacement are the two most common ported by most previous studies of hip disease in individuals
E musculoskeletal deformities found in children with cerebral
palsy7,21. Estimates of the incidence of hip displacement in cere-
with cerebral palsy12,13,34-37.
Using a cerebral palsy register with a high level of case
bral palsy have ranged from 2% to 75%, with the outcome of ascertainment, we identified a three-year birth cohort to gen-
the hip instability being significantly influenced by the age at erate a highly representative population sample of children
the time of the diagnosis and the intervention for this common with cerebral palsy. All etiologies and levels of severity were
problem12,15,21,31,32. In patients with severe cerebral palsy, hip dis- represented in this sample. We acknowledge that it would be
placement is often diagnosed late as a result of the silent nature necessary to follow all children until skeletal maturity to
of the displacement, communication difficulties, and the in- quantify the absolute incidence of hip displacement since a
creased attention paid to other important issues such as feeding few hips displace for the first time during the growth spurt as-
difficulties and seizure management. Identifying the subset of sociated with puberty or when scoliosis develops. However, we
patients with an increased risk of hip displacement is essential think that this is a relatively small number of hips; most hips
in planning surveillance programs and early intervention15,16. that are going to dislocate do so by the age of ten years32. Our
Many authors have reported incidences and incidence rates of choice of when to censor the study population was influenced
hip displacement in an attempt to quantify the risk and to guide by the fact that the GMFCS has not yet been validated in older
screening protocols. To date, however, almost all studies have populations. In addition, at our center, increasing numbers of
relied on retrospective analyses based on referred cohorts, children with mild cerebral palsy are lost to follow-up after the
which are not representative of the cerebral palsy population as age of ten years. The distribution of children throughout all
a whole. In addition, most of these studies have lacked a valid GMFCS levels (Figs. 2 and 3) confirms the wide range of func-
and reliable method to measure function, making it difficult to tion and disability in a typical population sample of children
relate the incidence of hip displacement to the varying degrees with cerebral palsy. Children with GMFCS level-I function are
of disease severity found in these children12,13,32. completely independent, do not use aids, usually have a mild
To our knowledge, the only previously reported popula- spastic hemiplegia, and do not have hip displacement. Their
tion-based study of hip disease in patients with cerebral palsy relatively normal muscle tone and high level of activity seem
was by Scrutton et al., who prospectively studied a large co- to be protective against hip disease. Only one child with spas-
hort of children, born with cerebral palsy, who ranged in age tic hemiplegia, which was Type IV according to the classifica-
from eighteen months to five years old33. The migration per- tion described by Winters et al.38, required reconstructive
centage measured in the children in that study had diverged surgery for a subluxated hip. In contrast, children with GM-
from normal by the age of eighteen months, and, by the age of FCS level-V function lack head control, have no sitting bal-
five years, 36% of the children needed some form of treat- ance, have no independent mobility, and usually have severe
ment. However, follow-up to the age of five years is insuffi- spastic dystonia in a quadriplegic pattern. Such children have
cient for a complete ascertainment of the incidence of hip a 90% incidence of hip displacement (Fig. 4). The combina-
disease. This is made evident by the low (52%) incidence of tion of severe bilateral spasticity and immobility may be re-
hip displacement in children with spastic quadriplegia re- sponsible for the very high incidence of hip displacement in
ported in their study as compared with incidence rates of 60% these children. The incidences of hip displacement associated
to 80% reported in previous studies6,12,14,32. Their study showed with GMFCS levels II, III, and IV are intermediate between
that the incidence of hip displacement is higher in children these two extremes. Thus, there was a steadily increasing risk
with hypertonic motor disorders and is related to both the se- of hip displacement with increasing functional severity in this
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cohort. A nearly straight-line relationship between the rate of The majority of previous studies support a migration
hip displacement and the GMFCS level was apparent (Fig. 4). percentage of >30% as a suitable definition of hip displace-
This suggests that the GMFCS provides a reliable representa- ment. Hips with such displacement are clearly abnormal, and
tion of motor function and further substantiates its use in the the displacement is liable to progress in children with severe
classification of the severity of cerebral palsy39,40. involvement27,30,33. We chose this threshold for two additional
Understanding the relationship between the GMFCS and reasons. No child had intervention to address the hip displace-
the traditional motor-type and topographical classifications is ment until the migration percentage exceeded 30%, and the
important to appreciate the utility of the GMFCS and to pro- majority (100) of the 114 who did reach that migration per-
vide a reference point for its use40. The descriptors for the mo- centage required at least one operative procedure to correct
tor types of cerebral palsy have not been universally agreed on; the hip displacement.
new definitions are under development, and the definitions The high incidence rates and comparative ease of diag-
may be difficult to apply in a reliable manner1,18-20,22,39,40. Dystonia nosis of hip disease in children with cerebral palsy make a
may develop for the first time in late childhood or adolescence compelling case for early detection. The incidence of hip dis-
in a child previously described as having a spastic motor placement within this representative population of children
type41,42. The key finding of our study was that all hypertonic with cerebral palsy was 35% compared with a 0.2% incidence
motor types (spastic, dystonic, and mixed) were associated of developmental dysplasia of the hip within the general pop-
with a similar incidence of hip displacement. The overall inci- ulation. Hip surveillance programs for children with cerebral
dence of hip displacement associated with a spastic motor type palsy have shown some promise in both England and Aus-
of cerebral palsy was 36% compared with 40% for dystonia and tralia15,16. We agree with Scrutton and Baird15, who suggested
33% for the mixed motor type. With the numbers available, that all children with bilateral cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia
these differences were not significant (Tables II and III). From or quadriplegia) should have a first hip radiograph by the age
the point of view of predicting hip displacement, knowing the of thirty months. The frequency of follow-up radiographs
childs GMFCS level is more important than defining whether can be guided by the GMFCS level. Because children with
the muscle tone is spastic, dystonic, or mixed. The incidence of GMFCS level-IV or V function have such a high incidence of
hip displacement in children with hypotonia was similar to hip displacement, we think that making a radiograph every
the incidence in children with hypertonia, but the clinical and twelve to twenty-four months until skeletal maturity would
radiographic features of the displacement were different. In be clinically and economically justifiable. More frequent ra-
children with hypotonia, contractures did not develop until a diographs are required for children who have a rapid in-
fixed hip dislocation occurred, but all of the children had se- crease in the migration percentage or who have a migration
vere coxa valga and some had acetabular dysplasia. Ataxia was percentage of >30% and those in whom scoliosis or pelvic
the only motor type not associated with hip displacement. obliquity develops. The incidence of hip displacement in
The study by Howard et al. was one of the first to demon- children with spastic hemiplegia is very low, and the dis-
strate the usefulness of the traditional motor type/topographical placement develops later than it does in children with bilat-
classification as a tool for predicting hip displacement in chil- eral cerebral palsy. We recommend a single hip radiograph,
dren with cerebral palsy12. The reason for the strong relationship made at the age of six to eight years, for children with spastic
between hip displacement and the classification of cerebral hemiplegia. Only children with proximal involvement (the
palsy as spastic hemiplegia, spastic diplegia, or spastic quadri- Type-IV gait pattern described by Winters et al.38) require ad-
plegia is that these classifications are surrogates for gross motor ditional radiographs.
function. However, topographical classification of cerebral palsy The strengths of this study were that it was population-
can be difficult, especially in terms of differentiation of unilat- based, with identification of cases through the use of a
eral involvement from bilateral involvement with severe statewide register of children with cerebral palsy, and it incor-
asymmetry1. In addition, the classification of cerebral palsy with porated a valid, reliable measure of gross motor function (the
bilateral involvement as diplegia or quadriplegia is somewhat GMFCS). The weaknesses of this study were the variable tim-
arbitrary and unsatisfactory1,39,40. Almost all children with spas- ing of clinical and radiographic assessment of hip disease
tic hemiplegia walk independently; most children with spastic within the cohort as well as the marked variability in age at the
diplegia walk, although many need assistance; and most chil- times of detection and intervention.
dren with spastic quadriplegia do not walk. This simple classifi- To our knowledge, this is the first population-based
cation is not as useful as the GMFCS, which allows classification study of children with cerebral palsy that evaluated the inci-
of children with diplegia and quadriplegia according to their dence of hip displacement according to disease severity as de-
functional level in a valid and reliable manner40. There are im- fined by the GMFCS. This study confirms the high incidence
portant differences in both the incidence and the severity of hip of hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy and the di-
displacement in children who have spastic quadriplegia at GM- rect relationship with functional level. These findings provide
FCS level IV as compared with children with GMFCS level V. surgeons with an appreciation of the relative risk of hip dis-
However, we suggest that a complete description of the cerebral placement for the individual child with cerebral palsy, which
palsy phenotype should include the motor type, topographical could be used as a guide to determine the resources required
distribution, and gross motor function19,20,26,39. for population screening and a targeted surgical program. 
VO L U M E 88-A N U M B E R 1 J A N U A R Y 2006

Brendan Soo, MBBS Monash University, Alfred Hospital, Commercial Road, Prahran, Victo-
Jason J. Howard, MD, FRCS(C) ria 3004, Australia
Roslyn N. Boyd, PhD, MSc(Physiotherapy)
Susan M. Reid, MClinEpi In support of their research for or preparation of this manuscript, one
Anna Lanigan, RN or more of the authors received a Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
Dinah Reddihough, MD, FRACP, FAFRM Theme Grant. None of the authors received payments or other benefits
H. Kerr Graham, MD, FRCS(Ed), FRACS or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits from a com-
Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery (B.S., J.J.H., R.N.B., mercial entity. No commercial entity paid or directed, or agreed to pay
and H.K.G.) and Child Development and Rehabilitation (S.M.R., or direct, any benefits to any research fund, foundation, educational in-
A.L., and D.R.), Royal Childrens Hospital, Flemington Road, stitution, or other charitable or nonprofit organization with which the
Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia. E-mail address for H.K. Graham: authors are affiliated or associated.

Rory Wolfe, PhD doi:10.2106/JBJS.E.00071

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