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Veronica Martinez

EDUC 330

Shayna Kagan


Teaching Philosophy

I believe that all students regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and ability

have a right to a quality education. I believe that students should be safe and comfortable within

their school and classroom. Students values, feelings, and points-of-view will be valued and

encouraged. I believe that students should be exposed to quality literature, and given the power

over their own learning.

I foresee my classroom as inviting and colorful, with resource posters, student work, and

seasonal dcor hung to promote a safe place of learning. I want to showcase student work to give

the students a sense of pride and ownership of the classroom they will spend seven hours of their

day. I would set up the desks in my classroom in groups, and the students would be grouped

heterogeneously by performance. I would like to use think-pair-shares and grand conversations

in my classroom as well.

I believe that students learn when they are shown how to do something and then being

allowed to experience the lesson themselves. I would act as a model and scaffold students with

step by step instruction. Visual, auditory aids, and hands-on approaches are examples that I

would use to promote learning within my classroom. I understand that there are students who

will learn better visually, listening, and kinesthetically. Students also learn at different paces, and

I want to give each students ample time to work at their pace. I also would like to promote art

and creativity within my lessons.

I also believe in routine, and I think that students, especially younger students, benefit

from set routines throughout the day. Trying to do the same activities at the same time of the day

also helps students gain understanding in time and time management. I think routine also helps

with a students feeling of safety.

Literacy would be promoted by a classroom library and giving the students opportunities

to explore the classroom library (and school library), and choosing books based on their interest.

I want to help them identify messages and meanings within texts, and identify when an authors

composition is persuasive, entertaining, informative or fact. I would like to introduce my

students to different genres of writing, and let them have the chance to create their own pieces

within each genre.

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